Age differences


New Member
Curious as to what people think of these. I know as one gets older it seems moe acceptable to have a large age difference.

Example, 15 and 19. That's 4 years, but if the younger is mature-- I see nothing wrong with it o.o. But i think other people do?

but 22 and 26 seems perfectly fine to most people.

There is a big huge humongous difference between 15 and 19. Really. There's a big difference between 15 and 17. It's experience/perspective thing that noone can understand till they've gone through it. Maturity as you probably define it - poise? responsibility? has not much to do with it at all. It's just time that you (or the person you're asking about?) haven't had yet.

Unless these are two extremely unusual people, I'd have to STRONGLY recommend against it.
Oh. And I have to add, that in my estimation, there is something very wrong with a 19 year old either sex interested in a 15 year old.

And yes, I was 17 when I hooked up with my then 21 year old ex-husband, and yes, there was something very wrong with him.
Experience and empirical evidence suggests that when 15 year olds think they are mature....they most likely aren't.

I wouldn't listen to anything a 15 year old says about itself....they know jack at that age.
Kittie said:
Example, 15 and 19.

but 22 and 26 seems perfectly fine to most people.
The difference between 15 and 19 is a lot more than the difference between 22 and 26, and the difference between 15 and 22 is a lot more than the difference between 19 and 26.

Christina's 19 and I'm almost 24, but if we had gotten together when I was 19 and she was 14, then... well, that wouldn't have been a good thing, even though she'd still be Christina and I'd still be Aaron.
A "very mature" 15 year old (or 16, or 17 or 18 or) is still a 15 year old.

22/26 is on the cusp. If you want general comaptibility, wait until both parties are in the over 28 stage to have a seperation of more than about 4-5 years.

And nowhere is 15 or more years a good idea. Imagine Larry Kings wife. She has to change his diapers right after she changes the baby's diaper.
i, for the most part, dated older guys in my teenage years. i wouldn't recommend it unless you are aware that alot of older guys date younger girls because they are easy to manipulate and easier to get in the sack. having been not so easy to manipulate and always easy to get in the sack, it worked out well for me. i wasn't interested in the general day to day concerns of the average teenage boy.
both of my husbands were only a year older than i and i think i can honestly say that the age difference had nothing to do with the success and then the failure of both those relationships...what it all comes down to is compatibility and mutual respect. after several bittersweet breakups i can tell you that love is where you find it, not where you want it to be.
I just turned 25, my fiance will be 22 shortly. When we started dating I was 22 and she was 19. At no point has an age difference been an issue. HOWEVER I did know her when she was 14 or 15 and I was 18 and there is absolutly no way I would have considered dating her back then.
I think the way the law reads here is that minors doin' the nasty here are supposed to be no more than two years apart in age. If a 19 year old boy tries to get with a 15 year old goil, a Daddy should be chasing him down and explaining the 'facts' of life to him heh heh

All of my Kid's female 'companions' so far have all been older than him ;) His current GF was born on his birthday one year sooner. They've figured that she is one year and 23 hours older than him.
His GF works at workout place in the Richy-Rich part of town. My Kid goes there to see her and workout. He's all like: "Damn there's a bunch of totally HOT 40 something trophy wives there." He kids his 18 year old GF that if it doesn't work out between them, he can always go there and pick his next GF from amongst the smokin' hot 40 somethings.

Yeah, money makes ya look better!
Erm, when I was 16 I got together with a guy 9 years older than me. We were equals as far as maturity goes. Then I grew up.

He still hasn't. Seriously.
Starya said:
Erm, when I was 16 I got together with a guy 9 years older than me. We were equals as far as maturity goes.

A 25 year old child :rofl4:
Luis G said:
A 25 year old child :rofl4:
His own son doesn't consider him an adult, and feels he has to protect him because of that. So that would be a 37 year old child, actually.