Age limit


Kissy Goddess
I am wondering if there is going to be a raise in the age limit for posting?

Not that it would stop some from signing up anyways, but it just seems like there's been an influx of VERY young people..?

disclaimer: I am not pointing my finger at one specific person, not complaining, not criticizing just commenting. All explicit insults will result in ... a whipping.
I believe we have another person just signed on....

hey sammy... careful or I'll make myself your Kissy Goddess...
Erh, maybe we should raise the age to 16, or, require those under 16 to get parental consent? I don't really know. Altron doesn't bother me... He seems smart enough and by 13 I think I was mature enough for this website.

I don't really know. :confuse2: :confuse2: :confuse2:
I think that it would be a good idea to raise it up too, even if people can lie and say they are 16 or 18 or whatever, doesn't that remove any liability from us, or you, or whatever?
It's being discussed at the moment. Everyone may feel free to take this opportunity to (calmly) post your opinions about this, I assure you they will all be taken into consideration.

Personally I do not believe in making an age limit, as it is possible for some 30 plus'ers to act like 15 year olds and contrarily, 15 year olds to have more knowledge and intelligence than most 30 plus'ers. The only reason there is an age "limit" of 13 right now is to remove OTC from any liability arising from potential COPPA-compliance issues (e.g. some parent sees their 10 year old kid signed up for this site and soon after turned into a ogling :brow:, headbanging :headbang:, shouting freak and wants to sue us, but this protects us from that since we disclaim all liability and all warranties of preventing children under 13 from joining).
fury said:
Personally I do not believe in making an age limit, as it is possible for some 30 plus'ers to act like 15 year olds and contrarily, 15 year olds to have more knowledge and intelligence than most 30 plus'ers.

Very true.:headbang: However, there are leaps and bounds in maturity from year to year once you hit about 12 - 13 and by the time you're hitting on 16, more often than not, you are mature enough to participate in the threads that are... well.. that I wouldn't feel comfortable having a 13 - 14 yr old reading, even if they displayed some mature qualities.

fury said:
Everyone may feel free to take this opportunity to (calmly) post your opinions about this

In the words of a very intelligent man, Please read that carefully at least six times before you respond. - Ardsgaine.
I would prefer to see a higher age for people to be allowed to post. I don't particularly like that some of this stuff gets read by 13 year olds, but that is a problem that needs to be handled at home with parental supervision. A 13 year old posting, on the other hand, makes us all participants in some pretty questionable behavior given the adult theme that prevails here. I don't know what the attraction is/was that caused this sudden influx of adolescence. And some of them have not bothered me in the least because they don't try to plant themselves in conversations that shouldn't include them. But I still contend that this is the wrong place for them to be. If you could use movie ratings as a guide, and imagine this a movie, I can't imagine it being rated less than M-Mature audience-No one under (insert your thought here) blah, blah blah......Just my 2¢
Do you want me to change my age to 16 now, or will I have to think of a new name if you get the age limit in place?

And who else is 13?
If I thought for a moment that your participation here had your parents approval, I'd have no problem at all....But I don't believe that to be the case considering how many times you've stated that "you would be in big trouble if they found out".
I don't think my parents would approve of this stuff I post all the time either... Probably "wasting time" or something. But then, I doubt they would approve of even 25% of things I do (they are not fond of practical jokes, disturbing shit, etc.). lol.
There is a big difference between 13 & 20...Hell, I'm 51. And if my parents were alive, they wouldn't 'approve' of what I post here either.
We all like to think we know what our kids are doing. The fact is, we don't. Not all the time. They have access to computers at school and the library...they have access to computers at home when mom and dad are doing stuff moms and dads are supposed to be doing. Making dinner, doing laundry, mowing the lawn, etc, etc, etc...
And some of these kids are more computer savvy than their parents. At a glance, this site doesn't look like the type of place you'd need to keep you kid away naked pics, rarely even scantily clad type threads. But, can any of you honsetly say, you'd want your 8th grader learning various techniques for giving blow jobs, or even knowing about "water works"?? or any of the unconventional sexual preferences or practices that get discussed here, on occasion?
Do you think it's ok to convery the message it's cool to get drunk, or stoned on a regular basis to a 13 or 14 y/o?
And before you say "MY kids wouldn't be allowed to... and so, if they only had the proper it's not my problem what other peoples kids do" Keep in mind, some of the lack of supervision may be due to the fact that a single mom(or dad) working 8, 10, 12 hours a day, might not have the time or the energy to keep an eye on their kids every move....or even if the mom and/or dad are just plain shitty parents....does that make it ok to contribute to the problem?
There IS content on this site that is inappropriate for kids.
I think that the age limit should be raised, but as Altron has already shown:

Altron said:
or will I have to think of a new name if you get the age limit in place?

that won't stop those that are under 16 from posting. I guess the IP's could be banned if existing under-16 members try to re-register under a different name but there's no way to tell how old people are. So we would be right back where we started. But there's no way to prevent that, right?

I once had to answer three questions to gain access to a website that was for 18+ people, and the questions were catered to the age group. If I didn't answer all of them correctly (within a specific amount of time), I wouldn't be allowed access. After a grace period, you could go back and try again but you get different questions. Sounds like a lot to go through, but it's just a thought.

Susie Q said:
But, can any of you honestly say, you'd want your 8th grader learning various techniques for giving blow jobs, or even knowing about "water works"?? or any of the unconventional sexual preferences or practices that get discussed here, on occasion? Do you think it's ok to convery the message it's cool to get drunk, or stoned on a regular basis to a 13 or 14 y/o?

That's what bothers me the most--having a negative influence on people who are obviously impressionable. As if you don't have enough problems at that age figuring out who you are, want to be, and don't want to be, now add all that, and it worries me. A lot.
Do you stop all unregistered access so that people under the agreed on age limit can't view the content either?

As often proven putting limits and making something forbidden often encourages those that it is forbidden to, to try and gain access to what is forbidden. You might just encourage more young people to sign up to see what this forum is all about. And the ones who register just to get into an over 16 forum are more than likely going to be of the attitude and mentality that you/we don't really want around.
It's not our call to make. If someones parents are not paying attention to what their child is doing in their household (I'm looking at the times the posts are coming in), then they aren't really a parent. Responsibility and parenthood are key to the proper upbringing of a child. I don't take a 13 year old to a strip club, legal or not, so why would I assume that everyplace else is safe? :shrug: If you, as a parent, don't know your childs web-surfing habits, then you need to find out. ;)