Agree or Disagree


molṑn labé
Staff member
with the premise or justification with this war, we all have to admit one thing.

This is the most humane war in mankinds history. Our soldiers aren't even killing the enemy soldiers. What would Socrates have thunk?
"I sure hope the men's room works at the next gas station..."

Just a guess but I think it would be along those lines....:D
me too, i shouldn't had that roadie.

actually, socrates served in the athenean military, i think he served in combat although i don't know for sure.

is gas cheap here? i'm sick of paying $1.65
You know I'm sure they aren't letting the iraqis fire at them and not returning the fire! But I think they are doing the most possible to minimize casualties on both sides for now! The true test will be when they go up against the republican army. They are more likely to put up a fight and so casualties will be much higher than they are now! *peepwall*