Ahhhh, crap


molṑn labé
Staff member
Time for a new argument.

Dec. 12, 2005 — Surprising levels of optimism prevail in Iraq with living conditions improved, security more a national worry than a local one, and expectations for the future high. But views of the country's situation overall are far less positive, and there are vast differences in views among Iraqi groups — a study in contrasts between increasingly disaffected Sunni areas and vastly more positive Shiite and Kurdish provinces.

An ABC News poll in Iraq, conducted with Time magazine and other media partners, includes some remarkable results: Despite the daily violence there, most living conditions are rated positively, seven in 10 Iraqis say their own lives are going well, and nearly two-thirds expect things to improve in the year ahead.


If you listen real hard, you can hear the libs heads exploding.
Nonsense. That would only happen if they actually cared. Politics isn't about caring. It's about convincing the sheep to stampeede in your direction, so that you can fleece them easier.
Professur said:
Nonsense. That would only happen if they actually cared. Politics isn't about caring. It's about convincing the sheep to stampeede in your direction, so that you can fleece them easier.
In other words, marketing. :lol:
chcr said:
In other words, marketing. :lol:

Exactly. Whenever a politician says he cares (either side) I keep my hand on my wallet. Whenever a product claims to care .... I look for their competitor. Whenever a person claims to care, ..... I start looking for the knife.
Other views, moreover, are more negative: Fewer than half, 46 percent, say the country is better off now than it was before the war. And half of Iraqis now say it was wrong for U.S.-led forces to invade in spring 2003, up from 39 percent in 2004.

The number of Iraqis who say things are going well in their country overall is just 44 percent, far fewer than the 71 percent who say their own lives are going well. Fifty-two percent instead say the country is doing badly.

There's other evidence of the United States' increasing unpopularity: Two-thirds now oppose the presence of U.S. and coalition forces in Iraq, 14 points higher than in February 2004. Nearly six in 10 disapprove of how the United States has operated in Iraq since the war, and most of them disapprove strongly. And nearly half of Iraqis would like to see U.S. forces leave soon.
Uh oh, the cons heads are exploding now.
58 percent of Iraqis now have air conditioning, up from 44 percent. It's getting to the point where soon, the Iraqis will think it's a pretty cool place to live.
Inkara1 said:
58 percent of Iraqis now have air conditioning,

But only 5% have reliable electricity,I wonder reliable the power grid would be if there weren't as many A/C units. :lol2:

Inkara1 said:
It's getting to the point where soon, the Iraqis will think it's a pretty cool place to live.

Almost forgot : :tomato:
flavio said:
Uh oh, the cons heads are exploding now.

Funny how the post Gonz put up has a link, and your's doesn't...
Until it does...*sniff, sniff* Smells like :bs: to me, and everyone else who reads it.

BTW...Read this before you post your usual backtrack and link-style post.
Gato_Solo said:
Funny how the post Gonz put up has a link, and your's doesn't...
Until it does...*sniff, sniff* Smells like :bs: to me, and everyone else who reads it.
What's really funny is that I'm quoting the same article as Gonz. :lol2:
flavio said:
What's really funny is that I'm quoting the same article as Gonz. :lol2:

Doesn't matter. :grinno: You didn't put that in, either, or you wouldn't be getting this.
Maybe you should slow it down before you post in your usual "don't bother reading the article" style.
I scanned it, true, but in-depth reading on the 'net ain't my style. Yours, either, if I remember correctly...