AIM for linux


Well-Known Member
I'm trying to get aim setup for linux, and I need someone to
send me a message/invite or some thing.

to "catocom"
HomeLAN said:
I can do it from home, not from here.
well HL, if nobody else IMs me, get me a try at 6, if you don't mind, or
when ever you get home.
I need to see if this thing is on.
It's the 31st...time for the new billing cycle almost....
is there a particular reason you're using the real aim as opposed to gaim? i took a look at the screen shots and gaim looks to be a much more polished product, not to mention it's open source. i've been using gaim for a long time without any real problems.
tommyj27 said:
is there a particular reason you're using the real aim as opposed to gaim? i took a look at the screen shots and gaim looks to be a much more polished product, not to mention it's open source. i've been using gaim for a long time without any real problems.
I was waiting on someone to im me, and he said he used aim, and I never
user gaim, and, and, ... yes I'm still a n00b. :lloyd: