Al Gore: Bush 'Broke the Law'

'Unspecified crimes'

What the hell does that mean?

Good thing stupidity ain't a crime, otherwise Gore would be in jail.
SouthernN'Proud said:
It means Al wants some press.

Wasn't his lame-ass liberal propaganda movie enough?

"Ten thousand years ago, there was an ice age. Today, the globe has warmed up so much that we're now as hot as we were before the ice age!"
yeah being an incompetent boob of a president isn't a crime... but maybe it should be. in 5-10 years when the economic fallout of bush's blunders and "puss-out" decisions become more painfully obvious, maybe he should be charged with "gross negligence." i'd support that.
Yep in ten years Bush's terms will be seen
as the best presidency since Reagan's glorious reign!
Altron said:
Wasn't his lame-ass liberal propaganda movie enough?

"Ten thousand years ago, there was an ice age. Today, the globe has warmed up so much that we're now as hot as we were before the ice age!"

No, because approximately 12 people saw it.