I couldn't really care less about the shit fuckers but in my utopian world they'd have no special rights
and there sure as hell isn't anything as deviant such as fag marriage. As for the beaners yeah I'd deport them fuckers
right along with all the other illegal aliens and put a stop to this open borders bullshit, and we already lockup
the Negros on a two to one basis so that wouldn't change. I won't even comment on the pedo crap but I'll be sure to get a pic up at the
end of this rant. Yeah I'd blast all the government departments out of existence that never should have been created
and get a gawd dammed Constitutional amendment passed that we gotta have a balanced budget The I'd renege on the 17 trillion dollar
debt, get that shit wiped out in some kinda default proceeding. Lastly I'd fix it so that the US dollar was no longer the world's reserve currency and see to it that it was worth more than all the other currencies by instituting laissez faire capitalism then I'd declare myself
the supreme leader for life and make liberalism and socialism capital offenses.... then disband the government and let anarchy reign supreme !