All Bad News??....


:crying4: Is it just me or has there been not a lot of good news lately around here.... I mean we have Justin, Me, Luis, the damn server problems, and all the other things I've missed skimming through the threads..

I think we all need a long vacation together on a deserted island.... maybe gilligans island :lloyd: all the coconuts you can eat among other things :D :winkkiss: :drink::la:
Seems to be that way with me and all my friends too. I went out and celebrated on Saturday night but ended up killing my foot.
PrincessLissa said:
Seems to be that way with me and all my friends too. I went out and celebrated on Saturday night but ended up killing my foot.
I usually have to mow the lawn in order to do that. You must have some pretty wild celebrations. :eek: :brow:
I was walking and my knee gave out. I ended up falling and becasue I had so many long island ice teas, Ijust kinda let myself fall.
Sounds like it was a lot more exciting than stepping in a hole in the ground while mowing and you're blinded by your own sweat and can't see. :tardbang:
drkavnger99 said:
I think we all need a long vacation together on a deserted island.... maybe gilligans island :lloyd: all the coconuts you can eat among other things :D :winkkiss: :drink::la:
Life's like that... it seems to go in phases... But improve on the food and I'll be there..... :lol:

.... if this thunderstorm don't get me first.....
Good news, huh? Well Rusty (my bf) got his picture learner's permit in the mail yesterday and over the weekend we had our first legal driving lesson. Taught him how to skid and what anti-lock brakes feel like. :D

After some hard work and a bit of time, my plumeria are growing leaves. My sunflowers broke ground yesterday too.

That's all the good news I can think of right now. Can I make stuff up too?
Went to a wedding this weekend, and my friends' transmission went out (on a '01 Cougar) while on a day trip in Arkansas. He's still stuck down there waiting on a new transmission to arrive. Early Sunday morning (while I was gone) the A/C locked up and shut down in our Faculty server room, just got it fixed yesterday.

Good news? I'm still here. :)