All Hail the Minutemen Project

catocom said:
For me at this point, all other arguments aside, it's simple a matter of National Security.
The border should have been secured long before 9/11. It most assuredly needs to be now.
We simple need to know who is in this country.
Luis G said:
I know it isn't easy to get the documentation needed to enter the US legally. Even a tourist visa is hard to get, imagine a working visa. I believe what Fox and Bush have in mind is just to make it easier for them to cross legally, nothing is stopping them anyway.
I dunno what Bush is thinking ATM. I heard he and Fox had a fallout.
I've often wondered if Swiper the Fox from Dora the explorer was some kind of metaphoric joke. Luis?
tonksy said:
I've often wondered if Swiper the Fox from Dora the explorer was some kind of metaphoric joke. Luis?
And he's always hiding behind a Bush :rofl3:

Swpier no swiping. Swpier no swiping. :rofl3:
Trau said:
I noted that Wal-Mart made use of illegal immigrants.

The fact that their contractor hired illegals hardly doesn't meant that Wal-mart had a hand in it.

Another prime industry is construction. There are lots of companies that hire illegals. That doesn't mean that the homeowner should be liable.
Let's see. My paternal grandparents were from Mexico. They lived in Arizona when it was a territory. The USA came to them. My dad & his sister, as pre-teens, lived with their parents aboard a rail car, traveling the southwest as their dad worked for the railroad.

He quit & they then moved to Florence Arizona & my grandmother became an LPN (not a bad job for 1927).

My dad grew up as an American. They were proud of the USA. In fact, he retired after 21 years in the US Army as a CSgtMaj. He then got another job. Then another, Then another. He retired from the state of Arizona.

Not one of them ever referred to themselves as Mexican-American. They were all Americans.

Growing up in a bi-lingual capable house I learned "no habla espanol". They spoke english. They never asked the gov't for a handout.

I've lived around Mexicans my whole life. It wasn't until the 80s that they moved away from labor & toward welfare, as a group. Near Tijuana, pregnant women wait at the border for labor pains & then rush into San Diego, use our health facilities & give birth to an American. Costing us money & guaranteeing themselves a place on the federal tit. This, I understand, is common practice all along the US/Mexico border but I've not witnessed anything elsewhere.

Living in Los Angeles, I lived across the street & next door to buildings full of illegals. 5-10 to an apartment. Most of 'em worked. They shared expenses. The also refused to assimilate. They wanted our money & demanded our country cater to their needs. Fuck 'em. I have no sympathy. Become an American or go home. Build a better Mexico. One that does not assist drugruners on the border using the Mexican military. One where the first thought after polica is corruption.

I have no problem with unskilled laborers working the US, in jobs that most Americans will not do. It helps them. It helps us. However, when the NUMBER ONE IMPORT of Mexico is the US Dollar, there's something amiss. When the immigrant refuses to learn the language of the land, they should be shipped home. When the immigrant can't pay for medical care & uses the Emergency Room for the common cold...ship them home. When the immigrant wants welfare & sues for it, even though they are not a citizen...ship them home.

When the immigrant is illegal & breaks the law, they had damn well better not demand water stations & shaded areas in the Arizona desert. If you came unprepared, tough shit. My family lived in a boxcar before there was air conditioning.

Improve your homeland before changing somebody elses.
I find it very amusing that they dont believe luis. They act as if he is making up all this.

trau sounds like jen may need to visit the homeland again and maybe refreash her knowledge before coming to spout off rhetoric being spoonfed to her. and you may want to take the trip with her to become more enlightened.
Gonz said:
The fact that their contractor hired illegals hardly doesn't meant that Wal-mart had a hand in it.

Another prime industry is construction. There are lots of companies that hire illegals. That doesn't mean that the homeowner should be liable.

I don't know why you keep defending Wal-Mart. I haven't accused them of anything. I have only noted that they made us of illegal immigrants.
Because Wal-Mart had nothing to do with their being used. That would be the contractor. If Wal-Mart hired the illegals, that would be anotehr matter altogether.
Gonz said:
Because Wal-Mart had nothing to do with their being used. That would be the contractor. If Wal-Mart hired the illegals, that would be anotehr matter altogether.

Wal-Mart used illegals, whether conciously or not. This not disputed. I don't understand what you are trying to argue. I never mentioned anything about the legal fault of Wal-Mart.
Luis G said:
Masters degree, everything studied in public schools except secondary school. Financial situation? favorable, but for the most part it depends on me and the almost 10 hours per day I work.

You have an education and a favorable financial situation. I am sure you don't really struggle to find food and you have a job. Plus, you speak English. That makes you %100 more valuable than others, especially those with little or no education. Most of the people coming over here are not in your situation. There should be jobs available for their level of education and skills so they won't have to go searching for them elsewhere. It is the government's responsibility. Why do you think people here BITCH 24/7 about the economy and lack of jobs?

Yes, in fact we all did. Even my sister that's studying got a job and it wasn't much of an effort to find it, it might not be well paid but it suffices her needs for now.

I assume you are all well educated and well off? If your whole family is well off you certainly have more chances than the people coming over. What is your job? Can one of the people coming over be in it or is it something that requires an education? What does your sister do? Does she speak English as well? Does she support herself or does she get money from mommy and daddy? She certainly doesn't have a family to feed on that, does she?

Let's see, a red light lasts for about 90 seconds, assuming a person gets MXN$5 every red light (something entirely reasonable), then you do the math. And I have seen a couple of drunks (old) do that and then spend all their money in alcohol.

Let's see, have you ACTUALLY seen someone make $40? I, on the other hand, have seen them NOT make enough even for a bit of food.

Have you ever offered a job to people that come to your door and ask for money?, I have. When you tell them you'll pay them say $50 if they sweep and mop the floor, they just turn around and leave. Has anyone come to your door and asked for money to buy a taco?, try to offer them the taco instead and listen carefully when they say I want the money not the taco.

No one has ever come to my house asking for work, but I have had people ask me for money for food and not once have they refused the food instead of the money. Sure there are people like that, your point? There are people like that everywhere. There is nothing specific about that to this discussion.

Do you know that many people that go there are not quite as "uneducated" as you think? Many have bachelor degrees, but then again, they are too good to work for an ammount they consider less than what they deserve. They would rather spend all day at home scratching their butts and bitching about how hard life is and blamming the goverment for not giving them jobs.

Indeed I am aware many have a BA or even more. There is, however, a lack of jobs for them. It is not necessarily the amount. Do you not understand the situation Mexico is in? There are not enough jobs or money to create new ones. It IS the government's job to provide for the people. Hello? Do you have any understanding of the workings of government? Apparently not. How many people do you know with BAs or above who "spend all day at home scratching their butts and bitching about how hard life is and blamming the goverment for not giving them jobs?" I know people and have studied those who represent the opposite of that. You really need to get out of Michoacan, don't you? In any case, they have the RIGHT to complain about there not being enough jobs suitable for their level of education. There is no reason why they should have to waste their skills and education sweeping floors.

And if you want to talk about people bitching about jobs but not taking those available, even if they don't pay enough, talk about white people here who say, "STOP TAKING JOBS AWAY FROM HARD WORKING AMERICANS", aka wiping shit and picking fruit, but who do not pick fruit or wipe shit off of floors. Fucking disgusting hypocrites.

Plus, people who come here whether with an education or without one, end up doing CRAPPY ASS JOBS that do not pay enough. And you call them lazy complainers who think they are too good? Bullshit. They work harder than you probably ever will, certainly more than 10 hours a day.

Do you even have the slightest idea in which state Morelia is located? Repeat after me, MICHOACAN, aka number one exporter of immigrants to the US.

Yes, and? That does not mean MANY do not come and are not coming increasingly from the poorer states. Michoacan is not the center of the universe. Plus, I didn't claim all came from those places.

Then they shouldn't have studied in the first place. Many people study just because it is a good thing that insures your future, people with that mentality are the ones that are always getting their grades in extraordinary or regularization exams. Because of that very mentality, they think they will have it easy once they get a degree. I know one thing, IT ISN'T EASY.

Hahaha. So now people have to give up their education, and further increase the amount of unskilled people, because the government is not doing its job? That is, quite frankly, the most stupid thing I have ever heard. The government is REPONSIBLE for creating jobs of all types, even for the educated people. It isn't on them to adapt to the ineptitude of the government and give up an education, but rather the job of the government to create jobs so that they may be free to pursue an education, better themselves and their country, and have a job. They have a right to that. And the majority do not think it is easy, any person with half a brain knows it is not but rather that it takes hard work. They are not afraid of hard work nor are they trying to avoid it; they WANT work even if it is difficult. They want to be able to excell in their fields and have jobs. Hello? You truly lack an understanding of your own people and government in general. That is both sad and frightening.

Having met the people and heard the reasons that made many people flee, I think I have quite an understanding of the situation (hint: I'm in Michoacan). Sympathy?, people that break the law do not have my sympathy

Michoacan this, Michoacan that. Please try to get out of Michoacan at least once. You have an understanding of the people whom you have talked to in Michoacan. Michoacan, thank God, is not the center of the universe, so your examples are not representative of the reality. I am sorry you apparently live in a place full of lazy complainers.

I understand many are desperate to feed their families and give them what they need. They have my sympathy because crossing the border illegally doesn't compare to other crimes. It is a crime borne of great necessity. You are not familiar with that are you?
samcurry said:
I find it very amusing that they dont believe luis. They act as if he is making up all this.

trau sounds like jen may need to visit the homeland again and maybe refreash her knowledge before coming to spout off rhetoric being spoonfed to her. and you may want to take the trip with her to become more enlightened.

Visit? I know it like the back of my hand. Who says I don't go there often and travel around studying Mexico? Do you know until when I lived there or what my experiences were? Do you even know me or what I do? Do you know whom I know there or whether I have family and in which part? I am Mexican and I know my country. Your little friend knows Michoacan. Big difference. How is he more believable so that you can say, "how can they not believe him!?!" I think I know why, it is because he is defending your twisted views. And no one spoonfeeds me anything. I see it with my own eyes. Have you been there? It seems it is YOU who are being spoonfed shit. I realize, however, that you will probably remain in your ignorant state for the rest of your life. That is frightening.
No Jen i dont, but i do know you are a very bitter girl who think that the govt owes you everything wether you work for it yourself or not. That is not what this country was built on. you have 2 legs? 2 arms? half a brain? then you can find some type of work. BUT for you to sit all pompus and high and mighty in your little world, claiming that all these illegals have the RIGHT to come here illegally just because thay cant hack it in their own country is disgusting.
But i do have the perfect idea. Why dont we just let the first 100 go ahead and come on over. We'll put them up at your place, let them all sponge off you till your broke and cant afford the things you like and see how you like it.
samcurry said:
No Jen i dont, but i do know you are a very bitter girl who think that the govt owes you everything wether you work for it yourself or not. That is not what this country was built on. you have 2 legs? 2 arms? half a brain? then you can find some type of work. BUT for you to sit all pompus and high and mighty in your little world, claiming that all these illegals have the RIGHT to come here illegally just because thay cant hack it in their own country is disgusting.
But i do have the perfect idea. Why dont we just let the first 100 go ahead and come on over. We'll put them up at your place, let them all sponge off you till your broke and cant afford the things you like and see how you like it.

1. I am a woman, not a girl. And I am not bitter, I am completely disgusted by ignorant people like you.

2. I do not think the government owes you everything even if you don't work for it. You apparently have not read anything I have said. Not surprising, though, since people like you do not listen. You just talk and talk and talk and think you are right no matter what the reality is.

3. I never said they have the right to come here illegally. I do, however, think it is the government's job to provide them with jobs at home and when it does not, I understand why they come here. And since most do not sit on their asses like many of the blacks and white trash on welfare, it doesn't bother me. They do find work here, even if it is demeaning. Back home there are no jobs for them thanks to the government. A government your lovely country has helped fuck up over time by taking advantage of it. Have you been to Mexico? Do you know about the lack of jobs? Or do you regurgitate the crap ignorant people like you tell you?

4. The majority of people who come here WORK and support themselves and their families back home. They do find something to do. No one is sponging off of anyone. Well, maybe just people like you who enjoy to receive the taxes and labor they provide but despise them and claim they are taking valuable jobs and resourses. But of course, you are one of the ignorant ones who continues to believe you are paying for everything for immigrants. Again, it is frightening to see such ignorance. This country's economy would be so hurt without these people you despise so much. Of course, you won't admit that either because it would completely make your arguments look like the shit they are. It is comforting, however, to know not everyone is like you. I am glad you are not representative of America.

5. It is not the Minutemen's job to be at the border. It is the government's. And if the government is useless, then you people need to find another way to deal with this issue, just like you tell immigrants to find another way to deal with their government's ineptitude.
Jenn said:
Visit? I know it like the back of my hand. Who says I don't go there often and travel around studying Mexico? Do you know until when I lived there or what my experiences were? Do you even know me or what I do? Do you know whom I know there or whether I have family and in which part? I am Mexican and I know my country. Your little friend knows Michoacan. Big difference. How is he more believable so that you can say, "how can they not believe him!?!" I think I know why, it is because he is defending your twisted views. And no one spoonfeeds me anything. I see it with my own eyes. Have you been there? It seems it is YOU who are being spoonfed shit. I realize, however, that you will probably remain in your ignorant state for the rest of your life. That is frightening.
Dont you mean you knew your country? I thought you were a US citizen now?
And trust me Luis doesnt always agree with my or the US thoughts. He has a brain and makes decisions based on his surroundings.
If the ONLY reason you came to this forum was to BASH other members for their opinion, i feel sorry for you. You come across more intellegent than that in your post. Why not do something constructive for your fellow countrymen. Educate them, help them DO something. Sitting here telling us how bad they have it does them no service.
And please do watch the direct attacks against other members. You can attack their ideas all day long, but you lose crediability at that the point you blast them personally.

I don't live is an ignorant state. I just dont feel sorry for people who dont try to do something for themselves. I had to make it on my own, no help from parents or relatives. I didnt leave my country to do it either. I expect no less of anyone else.
gee you called me ignorant or refered to me as being ignorant atleast 6 times in one post, your really getting your point across.
Jenn said:
You have an education and a favorable financial situation. I am sure you don't really struggle to find food and you have a job. Plus, you speak English. That makes you %100 more valuable than others, especially those with little or no education. Most of the people coming over here are not in your situation. There should be jobs available for their level of education and skills so they won't have to go searching for them elsewhere. It is the government's responsibility. Why do you think people here BITCH 24/7 about the economy and lack of jobs?

I got free education, the very same education ANY mexican can take. For the masters degree I even got paid, and I will most likely go to another country to get a PhD and have my expenses paid by the goverment (conacyt schoolarship).

I assume you are all well educated and well off? If your whole family is well off you certainly have more chances than the people coming over. What is your job? Can one of the people coming over be in it or is it something that requires an education? What does your sister do? Does she speak English as well? Does she support herself or does she get money from mommy and daddy? She certainly doesn't have a family to feed on that, does she?

No, she doesn't have a family to support and she doesn't speak english. She's getting a bachelor degree in psychology and her current job is at a flower store. A job that certainly doesn't need qualifications.

Let's see, have you ACTUALLY seen someone make $40? I, on the other hand, have seen them NOT make enough even for a bit of food.

There are published studies about it. But I do have seen how the ones asking for charity come to a store near my house to change all their coins for bills.

No one has ever come to my house asking for work, but I have had people ask me for money for food and not once have they refused the food instead of the money. Sure there are people like that, your point? There are people like that everywhere. There is nothing specific about that to this discussion.

So you haven't lived in the poorer states? hmmm....

Indeed I am aware many have a BA or even more. There is, however, a lack of jobs for them. It is not necessarily the amount. Do you not understand the situation Mexico is in? There are not enough jobs or money to create new ones. It IS the government's job to provide for the people. Hello? Do you have any understanding of the workings of government? Apparently not. How many people do you know with BAs or above who "spend all day at home scratching their butts and bitching about how hard life is and blamming the goverment for not giving them jobs?" I know people and have studied those who represent the opposite of that. You really need to get out of Michoacan, don't you? In any case, they have the RIGHT to complain about there not being enough jobs suitable for their level of education. There is no reason why they should have to waste their skills and education sweeping floors.

Yet, they are willing to waste their exceptional skills and intelligence by sweeping and mopping floors in the US.

And if you want to talk about people bitching about jobs but not taking those available, even if they don't pay enough, talk about white people here who say, "STOP TAKING JOBS AWAY FROM HARD WORKING AMERICANS", aka wiping shit and picking fruit, but who do not pick fruit or wipe shit off of floors. Fucking disgusting hypocrites.

What people say over there is of no importance to me.

Plus, people who come here whether with an education or without one, end up doing CRAPPY ASS JOBS that do not pay enough. And you call them lazy complainers who think they are too good? Bullshit. They work harder than you probably ever will, certainly more than 10 hours a day.

They could work that hard over here too.

Yes, and? That does not mean MANY do not come and are not coming increasingly from the poorer states. Michoacan is not the center of the universe. Plus, I didn't claim all came from those places.

I think you are the one that needs to travel more around Mexico. Michoacan IS one of the poorest states.

Hahaha. So now people have to give up their education, and further increase the amount of unskilled people, because the government is not doing its job? That is, quite frankly, the most stupid thing I have ever heard. The government is REPONSIBLE for creating jobs of all types, even for the educated people. It isn't on them to adapt to the ineptitude of the government and give up an education, but rather the job of the government to create jobs so that they may be free to pursue an education, better themselves and their country, and have a job. They have a right to that. And the majority do not think it is easy, any person with half a brain knows it is not but rather that it takes hard work. They are not afraid of hard work nor are they trying to avoid it; they WANT work even if it is difficult. They want to be able to excell in their fields and have jobs. Hello? You truly lack an understanding of your own people and government in general. That is both sad and frightening.

Yet another one claiming that the goverment is responsible for everything, yiddy yadda..........waahhhh goverment I need money, give it to me, it is your obligation. I want a job, give me one...wahhhh

That is one pathetic attitude and is predominant among an extremely high number of mexicans. And no, people are not willing to work. The more they get paid and the less they do the better for them.

The expression el que no tranza no avanza certainly proves my point. If the average joe lives by it, what can you expect of the goverment? Remember, every nation have the goverment it deserves.

Michoacan this, Michoacan that. Please try to get out of Michoacan at least once. You have an understanding of the people whom you have talked to in Michoacan. Michoacan, thank God, is not the center of the universe, so your examples are not representative of the reality. I am sorry you apparently live in a place full of lazy complainers.

Why don't you tell us where do you come from? Enlighten us with your knowledge of Mexico.

I understand many are desperate to feed their families and give them what they need. They have my sympathy because crossing the border illegally doesn't compare to other crimes. It is a crime borne of great necessity. You are not familiar with that are you?

Why are you over there in the first place?
What is your level of education?
Did you pay for it or did you receive it in a public school?
Are you working there in anything related to the education you got?

and the 1 million dollar question...
Are you legally over there to begin with?
Trau said:
Wal-Mart used illegals, whether conciously or not. This not disputed. I don't understand what you are trying to argue. I never mentioned anything about the legal fault of Wal-Mart.

So then you agree that a homeowner, getting some work done on their property, should be held liable for the contractors decision on whom to, or not to, hire?
ekahs retsam said:
oh this just came to me!!

why not have a "fight for citizenship campaign" where we take them and send them to Iraq!!! If they take orders and follow directions they become US citizens. These skill will come in handy in their chosen professions !!

Great idea...send them to me, with my broken Spanish, to do a job that requires quick responses to quick orders.

Me: "Fuera!"
Soldiers: "Que hablando el estupido Sargento?"
Me: "No importa. El enemigo es atras ahora...: :rolleyes: