All you Americans...

I just saw a commercial saying that it's illegal to sell cigarettes to people under 18...and I'm pretty sure it's I don't think I get any channels outside North America...despite the fact that I have digital cable.

See my other thread and you'll prolly see where I'm going with this.
Here's a better question. How many places allow you to own a firearm, drive a car, get married, vote, and legally have sex, before you're legally allowed to drink or smoke?
I thought West VIriginia said the drinking age there is 18? otherwise its 21 and 18 to smoke anywhere
freako104 said:
I thought West VIriginia said the drinking age there is 18? otherwise its 21 and 18 to smoke anywhere
they may still but the story a few years back was that the federal government was applying pressure to the states that hadn't moved the drinking age. they were going to cut their highway funding or something similiar.
Settle down everybody. San Francisco is beta testing the illegal to smoke anywhere laws & then all can be safe :rolleyes:
