All you Atlanta folks...

No problemo. The gig is tomorrow night. I don't expect to hit the stage until 1230-1am. After tear down, the drive back to the rehersal space, the unload, and the trip home; I don't expect my head to hit the pillow until 430 or so... and seeing that I have to get up at 545 and do the babysit thing ... ugh. I would be absofriggintoasted all day and useless for visits.
You guys have some wacky criminals up there. :tardbang:


Police: Man Tried to Rob Bank Being Built

Fri Nov 5, 4:26 PM ET

Strange News - AP

KENNESAW, Ga. - There is little money to be gained from attempting to rob a bank that is still under construction, police say a Marietta man learned on Wednesday.

Michael Donald Marshall, 39, entered the Bank of America and demanded $500 from the tellers while threatening that he had a gun, according to the Kennesaw Police Department.

The employees then told him the bank wasn't open for business and there was no money. Kennesaw Police arrived as Marshall exited the building empty-handed, officers said.

The suspect is charged with armed robbery. During their investigation, police also learned that Marshall had an outstanding warrant for shoplifting in Cobb, Kennesaw Police spokesman officer Scott Luther said.
No problemo. The gig is tomorrow night. I don't expect to hit the stage until 1230-1am. After tear down, the drive back to the rehersal space, the unload, and the trip home; I don't expect my head to hit the pillow until 430 or so... and seeing that I have to get up at 545 and do the babysit thing ... ugh. I would be absofriggintoasted all day and useless for visits.
Those were the days.
Yeah, I remember staying up all night, going to work, wondering around in a semi-zombie state all day and then totally crashing out when you finally get home...

Those, indeed, were the days...