All your base are belong to us


molṑn labé
Staff member

"There are no limitations in the striking power of our armed force. If U.S. imperialists ignite flames of war, we will strike all their bases first and turn them into a sea of fire," North Korean air force officer Huh Ryong told Pyongyang's Central Radio monitored by South Korea's Yonhap news agency.

Nothing like Kim to keep us amused.

Fact is them NK's are as full of excrement as
the clown that promised "the mutha of all battles".
No the armies of Barad-dûr were a credible threat.
The North Korean army is not.
Winky said:
No the armies of Barad-dûr were a credible threat.
The North Korean army is not.

Yes they are, Winky. You know what the battle plan is for a war in Korea? Stall until we can get the stuff out of Kadena (Okinawa). Been there, done that, got the Chin Mok T-shirt to prove it. My whole job there was to download aircraft carrying supplies and personnel. We had weapons, of course. A whole warehouse full of M-16 A2's...In a warehouse in Kadena. If the shooting started we were to download every aircraft on the base, launch the fighters, and bug out south to Kunsan. Once there, we were to assist Kunsan in downloading every aircraft on base, launching the fighters, and bug out south to Pusan. Once we got there, repeat the above scenario. Our rated base survival was 30 minutes at Osan, 47 minutes at Kunsan, and 93 minutes at Pusan. Maybe, you think, it's been a long time since I was at Osan AB, so I'll tell you that my brother, in the US Army, told the same kind of story when he was there just 4 years ago.
  • Major units of the NKA are listed as follows:
    8 conventional corps
    1 armored corps
    4 mechanized corps
    2 artillery corps
    1 capital defense command
    30 infantry divisions and
    4 infantry brigades
    15 armored brigades
    20 motorized/mechanized infantry brigades
    Special Purpose Forces Command​
Approx 730 Combat Aircraft​
Approx. 300 Combat Choppers​
etc etc... They ain't small fries.​'s a .pdf, about 600pages long and dates back to 1997 - USMC report on NK​
Gato I didn't say that SOUTH KOREA wouldn't get its ass kicked. But it is my firm belief our side would win, doncha think? Unless of course we choose not to fight! Really how long would the forces that Bish listed last under 24/7 Air Assault by the widdle organization that you are a part of????

In 91 naysayers cried that we'd fill up tens of thousands of body bags pushing Saddam out of Kuwait. (is it an urban legend that so many bodybags were ordered at that time that we've still not gone through them all?) The howls although not as strident were still there prior to 'shock and awe' and the body count on our side didn't equal the death toll of one US Holiday weekend traffic accidents.

Although I seriously believe there will never be an all out confrontation on the Korean peninsula, if there were we'd smack them down like we did in 1950 only with far less loss of American lives.

So whats the current plan Gato? To retreat to Japan or hole up in some kind of Pusan perimeter?
Winky said:
Gato I didn't say that SOUTH KOREA wouldn't get its ass kicked. But it is my firm belief our side would win, doncha think? Unless of course we choose not to fight! Really how long would the forces that Bish listed last under 24/7 Air Assault by the widdle organization that you are a part of????

We're there, too...and those folks are tunnel-rats. Don't you remember the invasion tunnels? As for the 24/7 air assault...It wouldn't happen. Our manpower is extremely thin, and we'd have even less allies there than we do in the Iraq campaign. We couldn't keep it up for long.

Winky said:
Although I seriously believe there will never be an all out confrontation on the Korean peninsula, if there were we'd smack them down like we did in 1950 only with far less loss of American lives.

So whats the current plan Gato? To retreat to Japan or hole up in some kind of Pusan perimeter?

The current plan is the same one that was in place when I was there...Delay until the troops from Kadena arrive. Hope you'll survive long enough to see them.
Winky said:
And then and then???

A march to the Yalu like before?

Depends upon the Chinese response. If the Chinese stay out, we would eventually roll them up, but it would take quite a bit of manpower, quite a bit of time, and quite a bit of money. If the Chinese get involved, all bets are off.
Okay-Dokey let's say the Chicoms are far more interested
in keeping their most favored nation trading status and selling to Wal-Mart and would sit this one out.

Yup we'd smack the NK's down for sure!

You are involved in the part of the USAF that moves things
you could move enough 'stuff' to Japan to give us 100% air superiority over the peninsula in no time right? Hey you'd have the help of what 3-4 Navy aircraft carrier battle groups as well right?

There’s no tunnels in South Korea, those poor NK units would be annihilated where they stood.
Winky said:
There’s no tunnels in South Korea, those poor NK units would be annihilated where they stood.
LOL. And there weren't NVA in Cambodia either....
Gato_Solo said:
and we'd have even less allies there than we do in the Iraq campaign. We couldn't keep it up for long.

Almost 4 million dead from our last bug-out & nobody learned a thing? Too bad.

As far as tunnel rats, we've learned a few things since then...GBU-28, in conventional & the *NEW & IMPROVED* low yield Thermonuclaer versions.
PT C'Mon try to follow along here...

North Korean armor and infantry would be totally at the mercy of
American Airpower the instant it crossed the DMZ.
Also there wouldn't be any sanctuary like the NVA had in Vietnam.
(that map makes it look like water not Laos or Cambodia don’t it?)
Also I kinda think there wouldn't be a Vietcong like issue among the South Korean population. Nope using Vietnam as a parallel isn't going to work with this one like it didn't quite apply to Iraq. NO WAIT the insurgency in Iraq IS closer to Vietnam than a conventional land war engagement on the Korean peninsula ain't it?

Gee we'd have command of the sea and the air, it would only be a matter of time before we dominated the landspace as well. By the way where is that Kim Dude these days?
Gozmo if the balloon went up do you think the Krazies in NK would launch one of their nukes into downtown Tokyo?
If so this thing 'could' be over in a matter of minutes if we went nuclear on their buttocks lol

Spark flash bang boom bam all done in an afternoon.