all your base are belong to us

hah gothy another good one
What the fuck is wrong with this country?
oh wait
I know
Melissa Victoria Harris-Perry
just happens to be another mulatto
srsly wtf is up with that?
When Rachel Maddow is your saving grace, you'll say anything to attract attention
don't worry gotholic they don't mean adult children. there won't be a raid on your mom's basement. they won't take away your action figures.

well congrats winky you took this from stupid to hitler muy pronto. and you got in some shit about a mulatto too.

now me i like this plan. death panel granny and steal the kids. why before anyone knows what happens the population will be fully under control and we will all suck soylent green shakes for breakfast.

bold, white christian hero types will be driven to the outer zone and revert to wearing loin cloths and plooking darkie chicks.

i can see you guys already like this idea.

Dumbed down enough so even the average GOP Republican tea buggerin' toothless inbred
racist homphobic trailer trash meth snortin' hilly mother (and cousin) fuckin' idiot can understand them.