All your children are belong to us


Well-Known Member
400,000 strangers will know about your kid

BRITAIN'S new database which will contain all the personal details of every kid in Britian will be open to nearly 400,000 people.

ContactPoint, which has cost the taxpayer £224 million, is a directory which contains the name, address, date of birth, GP and school of all under 18s - as well as the name and contact details of any professional working with a child.

Children's Minister Baroness Delyth Morgan said parents will not be allowed to have their child removed from the list and will just have to suffer if the disk containing the complete database turns up on a skip somewhere.

Baroness Morgan said that all the people that need to see the database include local authorities, Government agencies, the police, the NHS and some children's charities.

Of course statistically it means that you will be handing over your kids details to dozens of paedophiles, but we are sure that it will somehow protect us. µ

It's a tool... like SINs, medicare cards, drivers licenses etc...that contain minimal information in order to co-ordinate efforts.

Pedos don't need it to find kids or find out about them. A quick walk around a local school or standing around a bus-stop after school will give Pedos all the information they need...anonymously.

There is no anonymity to this service. Using it to find victims is like leaving a mailing address during a bank robbery.

I'm one of these people that has taken great pains to prevent my name from being all over the internet.

I dislike... I dislike a lot. :mad:
This ain't the internet tho'
It's just freaky! All that information, if stored on a computer, can be hacked. The computer that stores student information (including Social Security numbers) was hacked at the university my husband attended. We've been waiting to see if he becomes the victim of identity theft.

Two guys at work had their identities stolen. Took one of them 3 years to clear himself. One of the credit card companies tried desperately to sue one of them for the $50K balance from a card illegally opened under his name. He spent a lot of money in legal fees to clear himself.

All it takes is one breech.
You all need to listen to this lady. She knows of that which she speaks.

You fuck up one time and you're fucked over for years. The criminals don't care how much they hurt you or how much it costs you to clear up the mess they made. As long as they can get a fix to satisfy their drug habit they are satisfied with your suffering. You will be but one among many in their long string of crimes.

Identity theft -- the gift that keeps on giving.
I understand that, Jim. What I'm trying to argue against was Prof's article linking this with paedophiles.

This is the information age...the digital information age to be more specific. Your personal information is kept in a multitude of places...some secure, others wide open. Taking yourself off of the 'net' isn't as easy as it once used to be, unfortunately...and is becoming far more difficult as geographical barriers drop out of sight and a more global economy evolves.

I've had my debit card duped and used, ditto for my credit card. It sucks, but it didn't happen over the internet... it happened over the counter of my local convenience store in one case and an HMV in the other. I'm lucky that I was insured by my bank against such losses.
I understand that, Jim. What I'm trying to argue against was Prof's article linking this with paedophiles.

This is the information age...the digital information age to be more specific. Your personal information is kept in a multitude of places...some secure, others wide open. Taking yourself off of the 'net' isn't as easy as it once used to be, unfortunately...and is becoming far more difficult as geographical barriers drop out of sight and a more global economy evolves.

I've had my debit card duped and used, ditto for my credit card. It sucks, but it didn't happen over the internet... it happened over the counter of my local convenience store in one case and an HMV in the other. I'm lucky that I was insured by my bank against such losses.
That's why I never give my Social Security number to the doctor's office (though they beg and threaten). I don't trust their encryption, nor do I trust their security. Had one doctor's office tell me they wouldn't see me without giving them a SSN. I told them I was Canadian and here illegally! :rofl:

(What is an HMV?)

I admit that your kids are more prone to pedophiles at the local park or playing on their street.
HMV is a music store.

Not a lot of places can demand your SIN (SSN)...banks and financial institutions are one, GVT offices are another..and employers. I trust the latter least.
I admit that your kids are more prone to pedophiles at the local park or playing on their street.
At school too. My son came home with a basic 'keep your kid safe' pamphlet following a visit at the school from some cops. Seems that two kids got grabbed at a local school the day before but got away a few blocks later. Jumped out of a moving car (took some serious balls to do that).
At school too. My son came home with a basic 'keep your kid safe' pamphlet following a visit at the school from some cops. Seems that two kids got grabbed at a local school the day before but got away a few blocks later. Jumped out of a moving car (took some serious balls to do that).
:eek: :eek: :eek: OMG! :eek: :eek: :eek:
/Valkyrie's paranoid just got deeper. :eek:
HMV is a music store.

Not a lot of places can demand your SIN (SSN)...banks and financial institutions are one, GVT offices are another..and employers. I trust the latter least.
They can ask and push and coerce all they want, and if the person they ask is stupid enough, the SSN will be handed right it over. Happens all the time. There is no law against asking for a person's SSN, only a law against stealing it or falsifying documents with it.
All your children are belong to us

One way or another....

On January 29, the U.S. Senate passed the reauthorization of the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP), originally enacted in 1997 as an addition to Medicaid. It would have expired on March 31, potentially leaving over 7 million children without health insurance.

The bill passed 66 votes to 32, with several Republicans joining Democrats to pass the bill. The Republican leadership wanted to expand SCHIP spending by $5 billion over five years, an annual increase of 20 percent. In contrast, congressional Democrats succeeded in increasing SCHIP by $32 to $39 billion over five years, according to estimates by the Congressional Budget Office, almost tripling the program by 2013.

Democrats seek to move the government toward national health insurance that is not a low-income program but would be like national defense—available to everyone, and paid for by the taxpayers, as in Europe and Canada. This is a fundamental philosophical difference.

Since the House of Representatives passed a similar bill on January 14, the two bills will be reconciled in conference. The bills are funded by increasing tobacco taxes (assuming the smokers don’t quit in response to the higher tax). The legislation will then go to President Obama, who indicated that he will sign it, unlike President Bush, who vetoed a similar SCHIP increase as excessive.

Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus declared, “When President Obama signs this bill, the real victory will belong not to politicians, but to kids. The winners today are the kids who need health care.”

The losers, however, might be the taxpayers. The bills are costly because they would raise income eligibility well into the middle class. Last year, SCHIP covered about 7 million low-income children and Medicaid covered an additional 23 million. The proposed bills would add another 6.5 million children to the SCHIP and Medicaid—and, according to Census Bureau data, 42 million children would be eligible.


Even if the adults won't accept government provided healthcare, the kids will grow up with it as part of their life, ending the argument in a generation.

"No great Nation can fall from without untill it has fallen from within."

God bless those smokers. We need more of them.