alternative to obamacare


i'm generally not all that thrilled with john mackey (he's the dude that started whole foods market) but he does make some good points...

can't say i'm all that geeked about obamacare as i understand it. especially the DEATH PANELS!!! :retard:
those are some good points indeed

imo, the main reason the polititions arew making this harder is to line thier own pockets...more.

The tax payers cannot carry the load being pushed from the current admin.
Now see, that guy sounds like a nut, He's promoting the same shit that Gonz promotes.

The best reforms are those that gets government out of the way of the people. Not new laws, just repeal old ones & stop the tax man.

I'm still curious about one thing....any form of single payer - why will Medicare/Medicaid still be needed? Not only is the current legislation not good enough for our Congress, it's not good enough for our elderly?
The guy has a couple decent ideas but it hardly addresses most of the issues. Does nothing to address people with pre existing conditions not being able to get insurance or denying people coverage to save money.

The author is also acting like Investor's Business Daily is a legitimate source of info.

it's not good enough for our elderly?

What the hell makes you think the elderly won't be allowed to use it?
The legislation
IN GENERAL.—Subparagraph (A)
5 shall not apply to an individual once the
6 individual becomes eligible for coverage—
7 (I) under part A of the Medicare
8 program;
The guy has a couple decent ideas but it hardly addresses most of the issues. Does nothing to address people with pre existing conditions not being able to get insurance or denying people coverage to save money.

right, it's some decent ideas. Not a be all end all.

I don't understand why everything has to be 'comprehensive' and so quick.

Piecemeal, and diligence is needed imo.
i guess i'd like to see the level of thoroughness spike's demanding from the head of a specialty grocery chain reflected in the commentary on obamacare, but so far, we've got

a) blind acceptance, and
b) kneejerk "it's communism" rejections.

not that i've offered much of substance, but that's really not my role in this.

as i type this there's an ad on the TV for the local mayoral race, where they're bitching about the BAG TAX. holy big nothing.

yeah, it's all fucking hopeless. maybe we should just follow prof's lead and revert back to feudalism. and least back then, things were simple and you really knew where you stood.
not really. i have a moderate position here in this whole thing. no one here cares about moderate positions. it's you whining about commies or spike wanting us to become commies.
Eisenhower is my buddy. I can drive from my house to North Carolina without ever having to stop at a traffic light. It makes travelling so much easier. And he opened a can of whoop-ass on the nazis. Strategic Daylight Bombing, my man, that's what did it. Kinda hard to properly supply and equip a military when you got B-17s blowing up every factory, railyard, and oil refinery in Europe. You ever read a history of it? Shit's crazy. Those guys had some serious cojones, and in true American fashion, we see something go from being completely ineffective to having overwhelming superiority in only a few years ago. Everyone thought we were crazy when we strapped a shitload of .50 cals to our big bombers and tried to fly them over Europe during the daytime. RAF was already losing enough bombers due to flak at their night raids, and daytime raids allowed bf109s to intercept our bombers. But the pilots got better, the bomber wings became more numerous, and then the P-51 and the drop tank came along. Awwwww shit. Game over, biatches. By the time our troops set foot in Normandy, the Luftwaffe was two guys with a hang glider and a hot air balloon. Just goes to show that victory becomes far more attainable after successful destruction of the enemy's infrastructure. Defeating them in a single battle is useless - you must destroy their ability to wage war, then crush their will to fight.

In my opinion, you have no business fighting a war that you are not willing to win. To do so is to pointlessly waste the lives of American soldiers.