Am i drunk or high?

Justintime said:

Good morning, or afternoon as the case may be and Happy New Year. My mind goes off in very strange directions when I'm pissed and for some reason that j/k left me screeching histerically last night!. :)
Pissed...A British term for inebriated. An American term for angry. Trying to make us think this early on New Years day, while fighting a hangover, is not fair play, Aunty Em. Go stand in the corner. :grumpy: :D
Gato_Solo said:
Pissed...A British term for inebriated. An American term for angry. Trying to make us think this early on New Years day, while fighting a hangover, is not fair play, Aunty Em. Go stand in the corner. :grumpy: :D

Tsk, tsk! Hangover.....wassat? Never usually suffer from those to the annoyance of about everybody I know. :D
Why is it most people start the first day of each year off with a hangover?
I don't know. Some sick desire to kill brain cells or something. That's all I can think of...
I think Luis is trying to say he doesn't get hangovers when he drinks...
BTW Justin, let's see this way: if you're seeing a pink elephant you're high. If you're talking with it you're drunk :D
No, no, no... if you can see flashing lights and pink H's coming out of trumpets and get the urge to jump out of the forth storey living-room window... that's high... (scared the fuck out of my poor ex... he was trying to figure out how to dissuade me...) ...drunk is lying in the middle of the road with your feet in the air doing a "dying fly" routine.