nalani said:I've only been nalani cause that's all I know how to be. I agree with HomeLAN - they don't have the balls to be themselves. But that's not the worst part to me .. the worst part is that they choose to pull in to their sick and twisted world the feelings of good and decent people.
Like ku'u, I don't trust the newbies - and that's not fair to them, I know. But who can blame me?
Um lets see, druids were kind of crappy in the end game. They had a shit load of power to start with, but at level 60 they were wussies. Their heals were long casting, mana inefficient and didn't really do shit on a 6k hp tank. Their nukes got resisted and is long casting, and rare drops. They can't really buff, because their Protection spell doesn't stack with the Cleric Aego spell which gives more HP and AC. Snare is useless on raids. And Wizards translocate everyone after raids (a targetable port spell to port a single target away from the Wizard. I (a Wizard) cast Translocate Fay one someone and he will get a confirmation box on his screen asking him if he wants to port. Clicking yes ports him away, not the wizard).unclehobart said:They increased druid power? What in gods name for? They were sicko solo artists to begin with.
Kill the halflings!!!unclehobart said:Druids were built as solo artists though. They wernt meant to go into dungeons. The area affect on their spells would aggro the living hell out of everything in 30 feet causing a stampede. Everyone I knew just used one to soak up tons of easy cash to fork over to the real characters. Theyre just such an aloof bunch of loners that hate partying. I remember a line going out the door to kite the dwarves on the docks.
LastLegionary said:Friggin hell, Harry, not William. DUH. Someone smack me.