American border protection is bad

Well ,since Gonz isn't doing anything at the moment

From 1 April, groups of volunteers from across the US will spend up to a month camped out in the inhospitable Arizona desert.

But this is no ordinary hunting or camping trip.

Armed with night vision goggles, radios and light aircraft, their quarry are the hundreds of immigrants who each night seek illegally to cross the wire fence separating the US from Mexico.
A.B.Normal said:
Well ,since Gonz isn't doing anything at the moment

If I still lived in AZ, I'd volunteer. I refuse to drive to Nogales when there're plenty of illegals in Fort Wayne.
Anybody up for a war?

NACO, Ariz. -- Members of a violent Central America-based gang have been sent to Arizona to target Minuteman Project volunteers, who will begin a monthlong border vigil this weekend to find and report foreigner sneaking into the United States, project officials say.
James Gilchrist, a Vietnam veteran who helped organize the vigil to protest the federal government's failure to control illegal immigration, said he has been told that California and Texas leaders of Mara Salvatrucha, or MS-13, have issued orders to teach "a lesson" to the Minuteman volunteers.

Washington Times
If this really materializes, I don't think the problem can be ignored much longer
by the politicians.
Maybe they already have decided to sit up & take more notice

Sun Mar 27 2005 11:18:30 ET

U.S. Customs and Border Protection officials tell TIME’s Brian Bennett that they will announce a “significant increase in resources” this week to address the influx of illegal immigrants still crossing by land in Arizona.

More than 500,000 illegal aliens were caught last year in southern Arizona alone, accounting for 52% of all undocumented migrants detained in the U.S. in 2004, TIME reports.

Chris Simcox, a small-town newspaper owner in Sierra Vista, Ariz. less than 10 miles from the Mexican border, is fed up with what he sees as government inaction in the face of lawlessness and a threat to national security. As head of a two-year-old group called the Civil Homeland Defense Corps, he is spearheading a new Minuteman Project that will place volunteers at quarter-mile intervals to watch a busy 50-mile stretch of border for the entire month of April. The goal, he says, is not to confront migrants but to monitor and report their locations to the U.S. Border Patrol.

Mexican President Vicente Fox has called groups like Simcox’s “immigrant hunters,” and President Bush said last week, “I’m against vigilantes.” Jennifer Allen of the Border Action Network says she is preparing a human-rights complaint against the U.S. government for “failing to prosecute vigilante groups.” Local officials in Arizona start to worry about hundreds of Minuteman volunteers coming from out of state. Michael Nicely, head of the Border Patrol’s Tucson sector, says the Minuteman Project will “hamper border safety,” TIME reports.

So when is it gonna be open season
on our brown hermanos?

(no Gato, I din say Black Brotha's)
Ha Ha HA yeah Gonz they is prolly sending them
agents to contain the Minutemen!

I heard a radio interview with the leader of the Minutemen
and the interviewer kept harping on the issue of whether or not the guys in the group would be armed.
The leader kept saying over and over that the members had the option of abiding by the laws of the State of Arizona regarding the carry of weapons.

Damn them doods could have everything just short of mortars and air support!

Now all we need to have is a successful engagement between our guys and
the Mexican army ha ha ha

Mexican Military on Standby in Response to Minutemen

Mexico's President Vicente Fox is preparing to respond militarily to a group of U.S volunteers who plan to patrol the U.S.-Mexican border starting tomorrow, positioning more than a thousand troops nearby, according to an Arizona TV station.

"The Mexican military is on standby," reports NBC's Tucson affiliate KVOA. "One unit has about a thousand soldiers. They're located just across the border."

Over the last week spokesmen for the border patrol volunteers, who dub themselves Minutemen, have said they will not attempt to detain Mexican illegals, but rather report them to the Border Patrol and track them till they're apprehended.
Despite the assurances, Mexican officials met with the mayor of Douglas, Ariz., on Tuesday to discuss how they will handle potential violence, KVOA said.

Last week President Fox warned at a Mexico City press conference:

"We totally reject the idea of these migrant-hunting groups. We will use the law, international law and even U.S. law to make sure these types of groups, which are a minority, will not have any opportunity to progress."

Surely the Mexican military is not planning to show aggression towards the U.S.? They will regret firing a single shot across the border.

A better use of the presidente's military would be to keep his illegals on his side of the Rio Grandio.
Well damn now, This is getting interesting.

Let's take a look at the view from Mexico.

April 01, 2005

As the U.S. and Mexican governments continued their condemnation of the Minuteman Project that will begin operating on the Arizona-Sonora border today, concerns over possible violence are growing among the area's residents.

The U.S. Embassy in Mexico issued a statement Thursday saying the U.S. government "does not back" the vigilante group and that the only group responsible for watching the border is the Border Patrol.

However, the statement continued, the United States could not prohibit the Minuteman volunteers from organizing on the border, and the U.S. Border Patrol "appreciates efforts by local residents to report suspicious activities."

Also on Friday, Miguel Escobar Valdez, Mexican Consul in Douglas, Arizona, said the Mexican military was bracing for possible violence on the border.

"The Mexican army is on alert," Escobar said. "Also, law enforcement will be vigilant because the situation is very volatile. This is because, I have to say it, there are violent and radical elements on both sides of the border."

The Minuteman Project is made up of a group of U.S. volunteers angry over the continued entry of undocumented migrants into the United States. They have announced they will watch high traffic migration areas in the Sonoran desert starting in April, when many migrants try to cross due to the comparably mild weather. The group says it will simply report the movements of migrants to the border patrol, but some fear they will try to illegally detain them and that violence could result.

"These ranchers' campaign has only brought us ruin," said Cristina Loreto, owner of a small restaurant in Agua Prieto, Sonora. "Fear has driven away many people from this area because they are afraid of the racists. I am a witness to how these poor immigrants have suffered."

However, members of the Minuteman Project say they aren't racist, but simply want to enforce U.S. law.

"I have the right to defend the security of my family and my people and if people attack me and call me racist because of this, then they don't understand what is going on here on the border," said Henry Esparza, himself the grandson of Mexican immigrants from Chihuahua and a Minuteman volunteer.

"I have never shot anyone and would never shoot one of my people," Esparza said. "I am the grandson of Chihuahuan immigrants and I consider myself Mexican. But I cannot accept that criminals and terrorists are coming into my country. I think that Al Qaeda could take advantage of the border to infiltrate the country."

While there have been reports of Islamic terrorists using the U.S.-Mexico border to enter the United States, none have been confirmed.

El Universal
I bet the Islamics terrorists enter the US through Canada. It is far easier over there ;)
They all fly in via international airlines in first class.

The half million of your fellow countrymen that are in this city all walked?
I've been watching Sean Hannity down on the
border with the minute-men, and it seems to be having a better/greater
effect than anything that's been done by anybody.

I hope they extend it until the gov. makes some changes. :nerd: