American Gun Owners to be Fingerprinted and Registered: Feinstein Announces Nightmare Plan

Traditions? What like Marriage, Family & Freedom?

You wanna use the example of the Jews?
Reviled and persecuted throughout history
and never failing to rise to the top whenever
and wherever they went? Good Job!

Now why don't cha get back to your wannabe Kim Kardashain lifestyle
and leave us long haired country boys alone!


These are the same people who didn't speak out until now. Like NY was a hotbed of easy access (legal)
guns. They've allowed it to go on so far. Too little, too late.
I called all of Feinstein's offices the other day and told them flat out that I will, under no circumstances, obey her law, register my firearms, or do any background checks. In addition, I told them that I will sell my couch, my refrigerator, or my firearm to whomever I please. It is my property, not hers.

The question that needs to be publicly asked of Mrs. Feinstein is this:

"If your laws are passed, and there are those who refuse to comply, it will come to pass that the authorities will attempt to arrest these dissenters. In some instances, those dissenters will resist and the authorities will use deadly force against them, killing some. How many Americans are you willing to kill to take their firearms away from them?"
the idea that your doctor is going to question you about gun ownership is so 1984
I love it!
they will go door to door, take your guns, and euthanize granny. your doctor is an agent of the UN. we are all branch davidians now. the prophecy said so.

better burn your possessions and begin the march to the sea. where the mothership will land to take you home.