american theocracy


anybody (else) read this book yet?

written by a former republican strategist. talks about looming debt/finance issues, motivations and plans re:iraq, historical examples of major powers in decline, and evangelical and "end times" messaging from bush and co.

i found it interesting... not exactly reflective of what i'd call "grade A" scholarship but then he's got no research/academic credentials... but it was decent and carried an important message - that being our pathetic levels of debt (national and personal) ... not that the debt thing is any news to me.

plenty of reviews online...
Creative mentals blocks keep many here from acknowledging massive debt, anything other than this weeks stated reason for the Iraq war, or the insane nature of Bush's religious utterances.

Just so you know.

Haven't read it, don't really know if I will. It looks pretty dry and one dimensional. OTOH, I read everything, so I don't know... It addresses issues that I've been aware of for quite some time. I've brought up the whole "end times" deal here more than once. :shrug: No one seems to accept the possibility. Re "powers in decline," all you have to do is read history to understand what's happening and why.
Should be a good read. I'm finishing a book from Crighton called 'The State of fear"... which is a thinly veiled monologue about both the falasy of Global Warming AND the GVTs attempts to control the population through the use of fear. First mentioned, the USSR, then communism, then Nuclear winter etc etc...the latest, of course, being terrorism.

Cause the population to be afraid and they'll give up their rights and self-control to the Government.

**The back of the book is reference after reference to scientific studies re: how Global Warming is over-rated.