Americans, is this true?

I admit that my first post was extremely and unnecessarily rough and provocative, as I've been very stressed and agressive lately (final year project and exams at college), and I'm getting sick of hearing that conspiracy stuff on the net.

I understand clearly your(and MitchSchaft) reaction.
MitchShaft was true in one point: I don't know any people in my direct entourage that were involved directly or indirectly in the incidents, so I can't make an idea on how about they feel and couldn't understand your and Mitch's point with that attitude in mind... Guess Mitch thought by excusing myself I just wanted to cheaply wipe out what I said in my first post and I understand that.

But now, I think I'm back on track to be sociable again (the damn school project is soon finished) :D
Originally posted by sbcanada
greenfreak, MitchSchaft, get a room! :p

I'm down with that!

I don't know any people in my direct entourage that were involved directly or indirectly in the incidents

Some people have the ability to feel human suffering regardless of whether they were involved or not. That's not something you learn in college.
Originally posted by MitchSchaft

Some people have the ability to feel human suffering regardless of whether they were involved or not. That's not something you learn in college.

I knew that. But completely feeling it requires you to live it, and that's what I just said: I can feel human suffering, but I can't understand it as intensely as if I lived it like greenfreak or others who were directly concerned. Sure there's humans that are sensible to anything, whether they live it or not, and I would be shocked it a catastrophy would happen to me or someone I like, but since nothing that big happened to me yet, I can only think about 25% of the sorrow I would have if it would happen, the event happening would unleash the rest.

Got my point?
We're talking about an incident that happened not even a year ago. I understand what you're saying, but when you say you might be able to feel 25%, that's being a little generous on your behalf. That fact that you could even imagine saying something of that magnitude this early on in the game says that you may only feel 2.5%. That's my 2 cents.
Originally posted by MitchSchaft
We're talking about an incident that happened not even a year ago. I understand what you're saying, but when you say you might be able to feel 25%, that's being a little generous on your behalf. That fact that you could even imagine saying something of that magnitude this early on in the game says that you may only feel 2.5%. That's my 2 cents.

Yep, I agree that I might went too far, but it was mostly just to show that you only feel a small part of living it, when you're imagining or seeing it. But I think the proportions, while not going to 25%, might vary from person to person though depending of their sensitivity, and in the case of something unprevisible like the WTC, I wouldn't think many people were very worried on September 10th and before, like you said, maybe 2.5%.
Mitch: :spank: :cool:

I think I somewhat understand what equinox3d is talking about... In the same way that an earthquake in some unknown place an ocean away from us will not cause as much grief or feeling as something that happens in our backyard. Of course, this situation is much different than that because of the intent and the number of casualties and the continuing threat. I've seen an outpouring of emotion from countries around the world which I did not expect and thus appreciated it a whole lot more than I thought. It's a small relief to know how others in other countries grieve with us. It does mean alot to me-but I don't expect it.

I think what equinox3d is saying is that he does feel sympathy for our situation but not as much as if it was closer to home for him. Let's hope he never has to feel that. But let's face it-our allies are putting a hell of alot on the line for us and putting their own country in danger to help us. It doesn't go unnoticed or unappreciated, not by a long shot.
Ah, ah, ah. Rule #379, paragraph 6a clearly states that no spankings are permitted without the presence of the house boy....