it's a relatively small number of redistribution advocates that pollute the political stream
The number in a position to actually do something about it is relatively high though.
it's a relatively small number of redistribution advocates that pollute the political stream
Truthfully, all Obama has to do -- literally the only thing -- is continually beat the "McCain is four more years of Bush" drum.
So you have absolutely nothing showing Obama's stances on the issues are "marxist black liberation theology".
Should we be judging Bush's stances on the issues by his connection with Jim Bakker and other nuts?
But they're still higher than the Democrats congress.
No, but we should be judging your stance that you seem obsessed with comparing a President who is near the end of his final term and has no possibility of running for the office again with a person who would like to sit in that office.![]()
But they're still higher than the Democrats congress.
The question was how does Obama saying "McCain is four more years of Bush" show media bias? What does your answer have to do with the question?
No, I never said that NoBama's stances on issues related to politics are seen through a veil of black liberation theology.
No, but we should be judging your stance that you seem obsessed with comparing a President who is near the end of his final term and has no possibility of running for the office again with a person who would like to sit in that office.![]()
The Obamas joined a church that they knew to be racist, and they remained in it despite its promotion of racism and hatred of the United States, of Israel, and promotion of terrorists.
Cerise said:They stayed with that church when their pastor Rev. Wright had gone with the prominent racist Louis Farrakhan to Libya to meet with Moammar Khadafy. Apparently the Obamas agreed with Wright’s support of Farrakhan.
They stayed when he told the congregation that the US deserved 9-11, that AIDS was created by the government, that Israel had developed an 'ethnic bomb' to kill blacks and arabs, when he called on God to damn America. Apparently the Obamas agreed with Wright’s words.
Obama has referred to his grandmother as a "typical white person."
Quoted a Wright sermon in his book saying "White folk's greed run a world in need."
He pulled out the race card recently with "We know what kind of campaign [the REpublicans are] going to run. They're going to try to make you afraid," Obama said at the fundraiser. "THey're going to try to make you afraid of me. He's young and inexperienced and he's got a funny name. And did I mention he's black? He's got a feisty wife."
I guess that's Obama's idea of being a "uniter."
No, but we should be judging your stance that you seem obsessed with comparing a President who is near the end of his final term and has no possibility of running for the office again with a person who would like to sit in that office.![]()
We're pretty likely to see some turnover in Congress as well.
In reality, everyone incumbent federal office holder needs to be voted out for the next several federal elections but it will never happen.
i'm sure you bitched about klinton after he was out of office. shit you prolly blamed him for your cat's bad breath.
Political expediency...