An admission that the GOP has acquired Fox

Records and interviews show how the Bush administration has used its control over access and information in an effort to transform the analysts into a kind of media Trojan horse — an instrument intended to shape terrorism coverage from inside the major TV and radio networks.

Analysts have been wooed in hundreds of private briefings with senior military leaders, including officials with significant influence over contracting and budget matters, records show. They have been taken on tours of Iraq and given access to classified intelligence. They have been briefed by officials from the White House, State Department and Justice Department, including Mr. Cheney, Alberto R. Gonzales and Stephen J. Hadley.

In turn, members of this group have echoed administration talking points, sometimes even when they suspected the information was false or inflated. Some analysts acknowledge they suppressed doubts because they feared jeopardizing their access.

A few expressed regret for participating in what they regarded as an effort to dupe the American public with propaganda dressed as independent military analysis.

“It was them saying, ‘We need to stick our hands up your back and move your mouth for you,’ ” Robert S. Bevelacqua, a retired Green Beret and former Fox News analyst, said.

"should acquire another news outlet."
The word "another" would mean an additional outlet not including Fox.

Do you know what the meaning of the word "another" is? Obviously not.

I see your problem. You think that because Murdoch owns Fox that it is equivalent to the GOP controlling Fox. It's interesting that you never believed their "Fair and Balanced" claim in the first place but some people have fallen for it.

Hence, in every poll taken the result finds FoxNews as the most fair and balanced network.

The numbers show FoxNews as the most watched news network.

The numbers show that the programs they have, and those who star in them, are the most popular in the nation.

Must not take much to get people to "fall" for that, huh?

"should acquire another news outlet."
The word "another" would mean an additional outlet not including Fox.

Do you know what the meaning of the word "another" is? Obviously not.

That post proved beyond any doubt whatsoever that you don't.

If you do not include Fox you cannot have "another".
and for good reason. he's intelligent and responsive, not a dumbshit like the twit they suffered throught the last eight years with.

Ending preposition -- tsk, tsk.

(Just trying to change the subject because this thread really, truly, sincerely sucks!)
Hence, in every poll taken the result finds FoxNews as the most fair and balanced network.

Wow that didn't take much to prove you wrong.

Polls and surveys

A poll conducted by Rasmussen Reports during September 2004 found that Fox News was second to CBS as the most politically biased network in the public view. 37% of respondents thought CBS, in the wake of the memogate scandal, was trying to help elect John Kerry, while 34% of respondents said they believed that Fox's goal was to "help elect Bush".[28]

A survey by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press showed "a striking rise in the politicization of cable TV news audiences . . . This pattern is most apparent with the fast-growing Fox News Channel."[29] Another Pew survey of news consumption found that Fox News has not suffered a decline in credibility with its audience, with one in four (25%) saying they believe all or most of what they see on Fox News Channel, virtually unchanged since Fox was first tested in 2000.[30]

According to the results of a 2006 study by the Project for Excellence in Journalism a survey of 547 journalists, found that FOX was most frequently cited by surveyed journalists as an outlet taking an ideological stance in its coverage, and most identified as advocating conservative political positions,[31] with 56% of national journalists citing Fox News as being especially conservative in its coverage of news. Additionally FOX was viewed as having the highest profile as a conservative news organization; it was cited unprompted by 69% of national journalists.[32]

[edit]" Studies and reports

In an academic content analysis of election news, Rasmussen Reports showed that coverage at ABC, CBS, and NBC was more favorable toward Kerry than Bush, while coverage at Fox News Channel were more favorable toward Bush.[33]

The Project on Excellence in Journalism report in 2006[31] showed that 68 percent of Fox cable stories contained personal opinions, as compared to MSNBC at 27 percent and CNN at 4 percent. The "content analysis" portion of their 2005 report also concluded that "Fox was measurably more one-sided than the other networks, and Fox journalists were more opinionated on the air."[

Sorry Jim you make things too easy.

That post proved beyond any doubt whatsoever that you don't.

If you do not include Fox you cannot have "another".

Fox was included. Can't you fucking read?

And the links to those would be ...

Damn Jim have you forgot the thread where you made a fool out of yourself copying and pasting from Goldberg, not giving him credit, and then having your quotations you got from Goldberg shown to be utter distortions?

Let me refresh you there...

After that embarrassment why would you even think of trusting him again?

Here's some more Goldberg embarrassments.
Fuck Jim. "If I had to recommend one single thing that the Republicans should be doing to help articulate the message, it is to acquire another television network so that there is not just FOX"

It means an additional network. Another network. They have Fox (acquired) and want more (not yet acquired). Do not include Fox in the networks that need to be acquired as it is already acquired. Do I need to draw you a picture?
Fuck Jim. "If I had to recommend one single thing that the Republicans should be doing to help articulate the message, it is to acquire another television network so that there is not just FOX"

It means an additional network. Another network. They have Fox (acquired) and want more (not yet acquired). Do not include Fox in the networks that need to be acquired as it is already acquired. Do I need to draw you a picture?

Nope. Your words were sufficient. You said "not including Fox" so Fox was not included.
Ye, do not include Fox in the networks that need to be acquired. It has already been acquired according to him.

No comment about being entirely wrong about your poll claim? ;)
Ye, do not include Fox in the networks that need to be acquired. It has already been acquired according to him.

No comment about being entirely wrong about your poll claim? ;)

You give us a wiki page filled with left wing groups like "Pew Research Center for the People & the Press", "Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting ", "Media Matters for America", "Accuracy in Media ", and "Project for Excellence in Journalism" and that's your "proof" that I'm wrong? Here is the part you missed. Had you but followed the link at [28] you would have found this:


Voters See All Networks with Bias
Sunday, September 19, 2004

Television news networks would like to see themselves as a team of impartial journalists working on behalf of their audience. However, a Rasmussen Reports survey found that voters see an entirely different picture. Generally speaking, they believe ABC News, CBS News, NBC News, CNN, and the Fox News Channel are biased to help one campaign or the other.

Between 33% and 39% of Americans believe that each of the five major broadcast news outlets is unbiased. On balance, four of the five are believed to be helping the Kerry campaign. One, Fox News, is believed to be helping the Bush campaign.

CBS is seen as the most biased--37% believe that network news team is trying to help the Kerry campaign. Only 33% believe it presents the news in an unbiased manner. This may be a reaction to the recent flap over memos aired by CBS--38% believe that Dan Rather used his broadcasts to help the Kerry campaign.

Bias is clearly in the eye of the beholder and there is a very strong partisan tint to all the data. Fifty-four percent (54%) of all Kerry voters believe that Fox News is trying to help elect Bush. At least 50% of Kerry voters believe that each of the other four news sources are unbiased.

At the other end of the spectrum, 60% of Bush voters believe Fox News is unbiased. Seventy percent (70%) of Bush voters believe that CBS is trying to help Kerry. Between 48% and 55% believe the same is true about CNN, ABC, and NBC.

Twenty-one percent (21%) of Kerry voters believe CNN is biased to help Bush. That may shock conservatives who used to routinely dismiss CNN as the "Clinton News Network."

At the same time, those who dismiss Fox as propaganda may be shocked that the other networks are viewed by voters in essentially the same light.

Similar perceptions of bias were found for major newspapers. Additionally, a survey conducted last year found that only 46% of Americans viewed the New York Times as a reliable source of information.

A simple search at Rasmussen Reports would have revealed this as well.

Americans See Liberal Media Bias on TV News

There is one major exception to the belief that media outlets have a liberal bias—Fox News. Thirty-one percent (31%) of Americans say it has a bias that favors conservatives while 15% say it has a liberal bias.

When it comes to delivering news without bias, 37% believe NPR accomplishes that goal. Thirty-six percent (36%) say the same for Fox and 32% believe it’s true of CNN. As noted earlier, just 25% believe the major broadcast networks deliver news in an unbiased manner. Results for other media outlets will be released over the next week.


Not surprisingly, there are huge partisan and ideological differences in the data. For example, among self-identified liberals, all of the media outlets are believed to have some net bias in favor of conservatives. However, 50% of liberals say that NPR is unbiased. Forty-three percent (43%) say the same about CNN. As for the major television networks, 49% of liberals believe they have a conservative bias. Just 10% of liberals see a liberal bias at ABC, CBS, and NBC.

Conservatives throughout the nation see things entirely differently. Sixty-two percent (62%) see a liberal bias at the major broadcast networks and 55% say the same about CNN. Forty-five percent (45%) of conservatives see Fox as unbiased and the rest are evenly divided. Eighteen percent (18%) of conservatives see Fox News as having a liberal bias while 21% say the opposite.


On a partisan basis, Democrats see the major television networks and Fox as biased in favor of conservatives.


Republicans see a strong liberal bias on all the outlets except Fox. Forty-nine percent (49%) of the GOP faithful see Fox as fair and balanced.


Those not affiliated with either major party tend to see a liberal bias everywhere except Fox.
Hey Jim, I'm not sure where you're trying to go with this exactly but your statement was "Hence, in every poll taken the result finds FoxNews as the most fair and balanced network.".

Clearly you were incredibly wrong. ;)