An Amber Alert of a different color

Winky said:
But the hag that did the killin' weren't even preggers?
How can you post-partum when ya din partum?

I don't think post partum depression is the right term...but I would bet they're gonna plead some sort of insanity related to her miscarriage...
Winky said:
Tubes tied 14 years ago...

How did she manage to convince people she was 6months pregnant in Oct??? Man, this is one SCREWED UP BROAD
Nixy said:
How did she manage to convince people she was 6months pregnant in Oct??? Man, this is one SCREWED UP BROAD

I think what she did was pre-meditated. She's not crazy...she's very smart. She planned for every contingency, and the one of those was getting caught.
Winky said:
"born" LMAO

Easily amused?

Gato: If what you say is true then it is first degree murder which carries the harshest penalties. Let us hope she is convicted of it
Well I suppose you are right because I paid tens of thousands of dollars prepared months in advance to have the best doctor in this city take a knife and cut my kid out of my Wife, I suppose what that animal did to Ms. Stennett qualifies as being born as well.
freako104 said:
in your wifes case it was done to save the childs life. in her case she is psycho.

In his case, it's often referred to as obstetrics. No life saving...just good old fashioned birthing done the newfangled way.
Winky said:
Tubes tied 14 years ago...

After speaking with my mom (who had her tubes tied 16 years ago) she said that depending on how it was done the chances of it coming undone were fairly high...if it was just tied it wasn't to effective and that was common practice then...where as now they tend to cut, tie and burn so it doesn't normally come undone...
Funny my Son and I were talking about his 'birth' in relation to whether or not he thought he could pull off a C-Section if the mothers life wasn't a concern.
He thought he could 'git-er-done'.

Then he asked "what if Mom couldn't have had a c-section to bring me into this world?"
My answer: "You both would have died..."

I was there with her when he was 'born'.
I dunno... weird stuff man, weird stuff...