An "Imperfect bill"


Well-Known Member
WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama has signed a $410 billion spending package that will keep the federal government operating through September.
The bill includes thousands of earmarks, which are targeted spending items inserted by individual lawmakers.
Obama has criticized the overuse of earmarks, and he called the bill imperfect. But he said it is necessary to keep federal agencies from closing down.
Obama signed the bill in private, an indication of his discomfort with it.
looking more obvious, that it's just more hot air. He doesn't have much control,
except to indebt us. Some more.
i got your imperfect bill

i'd gladly make another donation to the site owner *hint* for both of you trolls to be sent to kiddie corner forever.
Getting a little whiny about me responding to H20's attempted insult?

I wonder if I could find a recent example of you typing something insulting/trolling? Do you think that will be difficult for me?
looking more obvious, that it's just more hot air. He doesn't have much control,
except to indebt us. Some more.
The article's expanded somewhat since yesterday...including this gem.

But a statement issued by the committee's chairman, David Obey, D-Wis., hinted at irritation with the public's focus. "With all of the hyperventilating over the 1 percent of the omnibus appropriations bill that is made up of earmarks," he said, "Washington has mostly glossed over the important results it has achieved with the other 99 percent of the bill."
The president called the bill imperfect and recommended further earmark changes "to ensure that the budget process inspires trust and confidence instead of cynicism."

For a time, President Bill Clinton enjoyed line-item veto power, which allowed him to strike specific projects, including earmarks, from massive spending bills. But the Supreme Court ruled it unconstitutional in 1998. Since then, presidents have had to accept or veto entire spending bills, often packed with thousands of items, some of them earmarks.
All of um up there oughta be ashamed, but they are acting the opposite.
Stupid, incompetent, boobs, 90% of um, in all the gov. up there, and
many locals.:mad: