An Inconvenient Truth

A politician told me it in a movie, it has to be true.

Fun trivia - My boat uses as much fuel and creates as much pollution as _____ Toyota Prii.

Over/under is 5.
It took exactly 6 seconds to find extreme prejudice in teh fat mans movie. This won't be any better.

I watched a few minutes of the Discovery Science Channel show Gloabl Warming (blah blah blah) with host Peter Jennings (I think it was Jennings). The first scientist I saw go t asked something like "If global warming exists, what will happen" He said "WE DON"T KNOW". then went on with some made for TV movie crap about our faces falling off or something. Gotta CYA.
If there wasn't global warming
we'd all freeze to death.

Let's put out the Sun.

Of course that would destory the ozone layer
as the ultraviolet radiation creates O3

but then without the sun we'd not need protection from
ultraviolet radiation but we'd all freeze to death so...

Algore invented the internet!
Gonz said:
It took exactly 6 seconds to find extreme prejudice in teh fat mans movie. This won't be any better..

The thing about is that the percentage is based off of an average of many reviewers so the score has a far less chance of being biased for various reasons.

It sucks when your checking out a review by someone who obviously just doesn't like the genre it's in.
Gonz said:
I watched a few minutes of the Discovery Science Channel show Gloabl Warming (blah blah blah) with host Peter Jennings (I think it was Jennings). The first scientist I saw go t asked something like "If global warming exists, what will happen" He said "WE DON"T KNOW". then went on with some made for TV movie crap about our faces falling off or something. Gotta CYA.
Wasn't it Tom Brokaw? Anyway, they drew a lot of unwarranted conclusions and virtually ignored anyone they interviewed that didn't specifically agree wtih their version. It was pretty stupid.
Altron said:
However, I felt it was lacking in showing a solution to Global Warming. It was just 'This is what global warming is, this is why it's happening, we need to get rid of it or bad shit will happen'.

Actually saw Inconvenient Truth and Scanner Darkly tonight. I agree that it was mostly "'This is what global warming is, this is why it's happening, we need to get rid of it or bad shit will happen'". Very straight forward undeniable terms.

It did talk about the solutions at the end saying clearly that the tools exist to fix the situation but it's time to move. In fact if you watched the credits at all it solutions that individuals could do.
spike said:
we need to get rid of it or bad shit will happen'

Since it's a system cycle, how exactly do you propose mankind stop what is so clearly out of our ability.
The end is neer!!!!

Have you looked at any of the contradictory data or theories? Are you even aware that such exist? The earth as a planet has oscillated between warm and cold periods for millions of years. Evidently it's still doing it. By our perception it's a very long process. We are, in fact, still recovering from the last ice age. The world will continue to warm until it reaches whatever point it's going to reach and then it will start cooling down again. I am sure that our global civilization affects it in some insignificant ways, but prevent it? Wildly unlikely in my view. Global warming alarmists, just like creationists, have decided which conclusion they want to be true. They then publish every bit of data which supports their conclusions and ignore anything which does not. It's bad science. In fact, it isn't science at all. Global warming does exist. The cause and effect are in serious question and the idea that we affect it as much as the "end is neer" whiners say we do is laughable at best. A few hundred years of data are meaningless in any kind of geological model. Things geological just don't happen that quickly.
Yep, Tom Brokaw-I'm watching it again (I'm awake this time) & LMAO

There have been several mass extinction event in earths history. I wonder what kind of SUV the T-Rex drove?
Gonz said:
Yep, Tom Brokaw-I'm watching it again (I'm awake this time) & LMAO

There have been several mass extinction event in earths history. I wonder what kind of SUV the T-Rex drove?
:rolleyes: A blue one, silly.
Gonz said:
Since it's a system cycle, how exactly do you propose mankind stop what is so clearly out of our ability.

There is a system cycle and a yearly cycle where the level of CO2 fluctuates. However levels now are way higher than they've been in as far back as they can measure (about 650,000 years).

The things causing this are clearly in our ability to change.
spike said:
Actually saw Inconvenient Truth and Scanner Darkly tonight. I agree that it was mostly "'This is what global warming is, this is why it's happening, we need to get rid of it or bad shit will happen'". Very straight forward undeniable terms.

It did talk about the solutions at the end saying clearly that the tools exist to fix the situation but it's time to move. In fact if you watched the credits at all it solutions that individuals could do.

Solutions? It was "Buy a Prius and vote for Gore!"
spike said:
The things causing this are clearly in our ability to change.

Talk about inflated ego. Scientists can't even agree that global warming exists, mush less what the cause is. A few volcanoes emit more pollutants than humans will in our entire existence. Nature has a system to clean the system. No species is irreplaceable so a few less polar bears or a a few less humans is nothing. I recall the horrors of polloution in Los Angeles. As a kid we couldn't see down the road. Today, with umpteen million more vehicles, it's 1/10 the problem. LA is a bowl. The earth isn't. Don't give humanity so much undeserved credit.
chcr said:
The end is neer!!!!

Have you looked at any of the contradictory data or theories? Are you even aware that such exist? The earth as a planet has oscillated between warm and cold periods for millions of years. Evidently it's still doing it. By our perception it's a very long process. We are, in fact, still recovering from the last ice age. The world will continue to warm until it reaches whatever point it's going to reach and then it will start cooling down again. I am sure that our global civilization affects it in some insignificant ways, but prevent it? Wildly unlikely in my view. Global warming alarmists, just like creationists, have decided which conclusion they want to be true. They then publish every bit of data which supports their conclusions and ignore anything which does not. It's bad science. In fact, it isn't science at all. Global warming does exist. The cause and effect are in serious question and the idea that we affect it as much as the "end is neer" whiners say we do is laughable at best. A few hundred years of data are meaningless in any kind of geological model. Things geological just don't happen that quickly.

That's why the scientists use 650,000 years of data. It's not just "alarmists" but pretty much all of the scientific community that agrees this is a serious issue. Surveys of scientists have been conducted on the topic and the there's a pretty overwhelming consensus.

I think some people here have "have decided which conclusion they want to be true" otherwise you wouldn't need the insults. If you actually have support for your arguement use it but namecalling and generalizations aren't supporting your position.
Altron said:
Solutions? It was "Buy a Prius and vote for Gore!"

Now your just being dishonest. Neither one of those things were mentions.

There were like 6 major solutions on the last chart and about 20 other things for individuals while the credits rolled.
Gonz said:
Talk about inflated ego. Scientists can't even agree that global warming exists, mush less what the cause is. A few volcanoes emit more pollutants than humans will in our entire existence. Nature has a system to clean the system. No species is irreplaceable so a few less polar bears or a a few less humans is nothing. I recall the horrors of polloution in Los Angeles. As a kid we couldn't see down the road. Today, with umpteen million more vehicles, it's 1/10 the problem. LA is a bowl. The earth isn't. Don't give humanity so much undeserved credit.

Scientists do overwhelmingly agree I'm sure you can find a couple that don't but the overwhelming consensus is clear. I don't need to give humans the credit when the data does.

It's not just a few less polar bears or people. It implicates massive changes. If the glaciers continue to melt like much of NYC could be underwater for example.
I drive a Honda Accord, an old Trek mountain bike, and occasionally an old Vision skateboard. What do you drive?
spike said:
That's why the scientists use 650,000 years of data. It's not just "alarmists" but pretty much all of the scientific community that agrees this is a serious issue. Surveys of scientists have been conducted on the topic and the there's a pretty overwhelming consensus.

I think some people here have "have decided which conclusion they want to be true" otherwise you wouldn't need the insults. If you actually have support for your arguement use it but namecalling and generalizations aren't supporting your position.

Actually, any honest scientist will tell you that they're not even sure about the 650,000 figures either. There's no way to be certain that those data haven't been corrupted over time, or that the dating is even close. They're testing local samples ... but the atmosphere's layered. What were the amounts at altitudes that matter? They've no idea. We're in the middle of a magnetic pole flip. How does that effect the atmosphere? Noone knows. Continental drift is effecting the Atlantic conveyor. The atlantic is widening, and the Pacific shrinking. Noone's factoring in that anywhere. How about those undetected undersea volcanos? Huge piles of frozen methane on the ocean floor that gets disturbed every time there's an undersea earthquake, volcano, or landslide.

When all the sciences get together and model in all the factors. until then ... it's just more dark matter. Created wholecloth to cover something they don't have the knowledge to explain ... and are too embarrassed to admit it.