An interesting thought...


Well-Known Member
Don't ask me what in sam hell made me think of this but...

If you took a large chunk of meat and left it out in the open while applying constant electricity to it would organisms keep away/ be prevented from growing on it?

Maybe just until all the H2O within the meat evaporated so that the meat could no longer hold a current?

I think the meat would burn to a chunk of carbon before you could conclude your experiment, but it is interesting. :wstupid:
How much current/voltage are we talking about here? I imagine that if you hook up the 12V rail from your PSU it'll do precisely 3/8ths of fuck all.
nah, when I was in college I took and extension cord and cut the ends off, stuffed into both ends of a hot dog and pluged it in. I don't know how long my "hot dog light" worked for, but it sure stunk afterwards. This would be a very good way to keep organisms from infesting it. Too bad as Gato said it would turn to carbon pretty quickly :D Give it a try though, its fun!!!
A picture won't do though. You must have video :D What type of meat you planning on using. The "hot dog light" that I made glowed a nice white to yellow color. Its more fun if you have a swtich to an outlet in the wall. Or maybe you can rig up a switch of your own if not. Its great when people come in and turn on the light. It gives that whole Frankenstein's laboratory kind of vibe, smell and all :D It's great when you are expecting guests!!!
What would be more fun is if you discretely wired up somebody's steak with about 4 billion volts and then watch them tuck in using mum's best silver cutlery. :)

You'll have to order one when you get to the states. Hey, that's coming up pretty soon isn't it? Just watch out for wires :D