and here we have another genius.

i regret that my taxes are funding your ass. it would be great if you finished those things in life on your own dime. after all, YOU put yourself into your current position through very poor choices. i apologize for my lack of sympathy. er, no i don't.
it is my own dime
I paid in
You shoulda been yelling long long ago when I was paying in.
i'm still paying in. if it weren't for your shenanigans, you'd still be paying in too. but now yer bleedin' all us working folks out. it's not your dime any more. your case is a net loser for the rest of us. you will be paid out more than you put in.

sorry but i don't really think social security disability is appropriate for somebody that fucked up like you did. you made your choices, now we're saddled with paying for your ass.

what next? SSD for burglars that slip on a banana peel while 'on a job?'

we can't reward criminality and/or criminal stupidity with a free ride.
You should be resentful at the gov. not me.
THey stole the money that is supposed to be sitting there right now.

Don't get mad at me 'cause I'm getting mine back, and you can't.

If I didn't have scruples, I'd be drawing food stamps, and several other options.
You should be thanking me for doing Something.
You have no idea what I'm legally eligible to draw.

Besides, you may get your wish soon enough....
Nobody may be drawing anything soon, but you'll still be paying even more.
Thank Obama.
riiiight. it's all the other guy's fault. the government stealing money. obama doing... whatever. they are the ones that turned you into a fuckup, and forced you to drive while plastered. it's their fault that you have become baggage to society. i'm not "mad" at you. i just think it's a shame that, regardless of how SS monies got there, you are sucking cash out of the system due to your own shitty choices. a big shame. personally i don't know how you live with the guilt. maybe that's where the forgiveness of jebus comes in. oh the many ways to rationalize inertia and entropy.
yep, I'm sucking MY cash from the system that I paid in.

I'm guessing you love all the illegals that never paid in that are sucking don't ya.
If you turned 67 tomorrow, and didn't start drawing a 65, you know you'd get yours.
so now i'm a hypocrite, based on your assertion that i love it when illegals suck money out of the system. right. how ya figure that one? because i'm not RAGING again immigrants like some other folks around here? yeah, i don't have a problem with them coming here TO WORK. what makes you think i want them drawing handouts like you? i don't like leeches. period. so we need to be consistent here.

immigrants that don't work and draw benefits = bad.
us citizens that don't work and draw benefits = bad, though i might have a little sympathy for people that just were unlucky and got fucked up, rather than acting like assholes and fucking themselves up.

you're not sucking YOUR cash. you expect me to believe that the small fraction of a blue collar wage that you paid into SS is still the fund(s) you are drawing from? after at least a decade? and/or it will continue to be YOUR funds that are drawn out until you croak? horseshit.

you can rationalize your situation however you want. but i know what i see.

that wound is self inflicted, soldier. back to the front!!!

so now I'm a hypocrite, based on your assertion that i love it when illegals suck money out of the system. right. how ya figure that one? because i'm not RAGING again immigrants like some other folks around here? yeah, i don't have a problem with them coming here TO WORK. what makes you think i want them drawing handouts like you? i don't like leeches. period. so we need to be consistent here.

immigrants that don't work and draw benefits = bad.
us citizens that don't work and draw benefits = bad, though i might have a little sympathy for people that just were unlucky and got fucked up, rather than acting like assholes and fucking themselves up.
no no no
the hypocrite part had nothing to do with the illegal part.
You are so easily confused.

you're not sucking YOUR cash. you expect me to believe that the small fraction of a blue collar wage that you paid into SS is still the fund(s) you are drawing from? after at least a decade? and/or it will continue to be YOUR funds that are drawn out until you croak? horseshit.

you can rationalize your situation however you want. but i know what i see.

I really don't give a rat's ass what you 'think'.
oct 2012 I'll be at the halfway for fyi.
You don't know blue collar is all I ever did, or even how much I made at that.
But go ahead and think what you want. Don't hurt your hand punching holes in the wall there.
well, then, perhaps your eloquent self could explain my hypocrisy CLEARLY.

but you won't... because that might require effort.

well hey do us all a favor and expire before you get through your massive stockpile of SS funds!
sure...on the first part.
If your reading comprehension was just a little better......

I know if you were to turn 67 tomorrow, and you hadn't started drawing
at 65, you'd get yours.

On the second dieing early part...
like I said, you won't have to worry about that because I probably won't be
drawing soon, and you'll be paying more.
again Thank Obama.
sure...on the first part.
If your reading comprehension was just a little better......

I know if you were to turn 67 tomorrow, and you hadn't started drawing
at 65, you'd get yours.

um yeah dude i'm pretty sure when i retire i will be eligible to draw social security. ummmm so me drawing SS post-retirement would make me a hypocrite for making note of your bullshit self-inflicted abuse of the system?

but you are right. my reading comprehension is limited to standard coherent american english. your spew is waaaaay beyond that.

one thing is for sure. i'm not going to ruin my own capacity to be productive by recklessness, stupidity, and total disregard for the rights and safety of others. golly, i'm not sure that even jesus can redeem that kinda transgression!

Minks you must know that you will never see a dime of social security.
You know this right?
and you'll still be paying in the same. Just probably under a different name.
Thank Obama.
yes winky i know how dismal the outlook is.

thank obama? you gotta be fucking kidding cato. the SS system has been fucked for a very long time. but, again, blame anybody else... sad.
so how do you see SSI getting fixed

Means testing anyone that isn't flat broke then denying them benefits
while still taxing them on their income from their private retirement accounts?

Ryan wants to 'opt out' everyone under 55 from medi-care
imagine being told you'll never see a dime of SSI but the FICA taxes
keep getting extorted from you?

My Kid thinks his generation isn't going to put up with the idea
of paying to keep someone else's grandma eating dog food and getting medical care
while all they can afford themselves is dog food and Obamacare.
Can't say I can blame them.

Current rate FICA 7.65% times two with the employer contribution
which will have to increase substantially
throw in unemployment insurance
Federal, Local & State income taxes and yeah
an effective 88% taxation rate doesn't sound implausible

Now that sounds downright Amerikan don't it?!?

the SS system has been fucked for a very long time.

yeah, like since conception

I was mainly saying thank Obama for the tax increase(s) that we all will soon experience.

edit: oh, and btw you can also gravel at Nancy, and Harry's feet while you're down there.
yeah, like since conception

I was mainly saying thank Obama for the tax increase(s) that we all will soon experience.

edit: oh, and btw you can also gravel at Nancy, and Harry's feet while you're down there.

there will be no gravel (sic). why don't YOU go grovel to someone? you gotta be good at it by now.
lol (at my piss poor typing)
Nah, I don't grovel good since I quit drinking.
I groveled gravel then on several occasions.