and he's OUT!!


New Member
my 2-yo usually has a nap after his he didn't fall asleep until 5-minutes ago, about 4:20 *giggles at the time*

my dilemma? do i let him sleep with the possibility of him waking up and being ready for the day at 3am?

or do i force him up in a couple of hours, deal with a cranky kid, and possibly waiting until midnight 'til he's ready to go down for the night?

*sigh* do i wanna deal with him tonight or tomorrow morning?

i know all you parents had to deal with this one at one time or another :D
I usually did the short nap, and dealt with the cranky. Much better than having to arise at such an early hour. :grinyes:
see, I was gonna say let him sleep and when he wakes up, come get Ka'ehu LOL .. she's so convenient that way LOL
I wake them if it's less than 4 hours before bedtime, I value my sleep and am a total bitch when I am shorted.
Tickling works well too :)

I generally wake them up after 1 hour...anything longer (unless they're sick) and they'll be worst off having their schedule turned topsy-turvy.