...and now he'll be famous


molṑn labé
Staff member
OMAHA, Neb. (AP) - Less than an hour before he killed eight victims and himself in a mall shooting spree, the gunman called a woman who had taken him in to tell her about a suicide note.

"He had said how much he loved his family and all his friends and how he was sorry he was a burden to everybody and his whole life he was a piece of (expletive) and now he'll be famous," she said, describing the note. "I was fearful that he was going to try to commit suicide but I had no idea that he would involve so many other families."

piece of shit.

Shall his name never be mentioned.
"I was fearful that he was going to try to commit suicide but I had no idea that he would involve so many other families."

That's why we call it homicide, Rosie.

World's a better place without him. Too bad he didn't leave eight other people alone.
Omaha struggled with but finally agreed to allow concealed carry in the city,
but the Westroads Mall deemed itself a 'gun-free zone.' When the mall denies a person the right to protect themself it's an open invitation to losers like this guy looking for a target-rich environment.
A few of us in the office today were talking about this over lunch. Some of us had heard more details than others, read more about it in the news, what have you. One of my co-workers started to call his name when I suddenly started going LALALALALA. She looked at me puzzled, and I said I didn't even want his name repeated because he did this to be "famous". OTC mirrors real life I guess.

Our discussion extended into other similar tragedies, and someone ventured that this "new generation" (God we're old...) will be like all others, in that a certain number of people will commit suicide. But, she asked, do you think they'll get to the point of doing it this way, and even having some other loser videotape it for youtube and stuff?

Scary thought...
This from The Second Amendment Foundation:



BELLEVUE, WA – Eight more innocent Americans have been sacrificed on the altar of political correctness at Omaha’s Westroads Mall this week, and the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said today that the real outrage of this crime is that it happened in a “gun free zone” where law-abiding private citizens are disarmed by mall rules and state statute.

“In the wake of this horrible crime,” said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb, “gun control extremists are already demanding more useless gun control legislation. A prohibition on firearms at Westroads Mall did not stop <perp name deleted -- j> , but it did give him a risk-free environment in which to unleash his rampage.”

Gottlieb, co-author of the recently released America Fights Back: Armed Self-defense In A Violent Age, said the common link between virtually every mass shooting in recent history in this country is that they all happened in so-called “gun-free zones” such as shopping malls and college campuses. He and co-author Dave Workman detail the colossal failure of this “Gun Free Folly” in their new book.

“What happened at the Westroads Mall can happen anywhere that political hysteria results in victim disarmament,” Gottlieb stated. “Blaming firearms for this crime is like blaming cars for drunk driving. The argument doesn’t wash. Published reports all suggest that <perp name deleted -- j> was troubled and had emotional problems, and he reportedly had a felony drug conviction on his record which prohibited him from owning firearms. This proves that restrictive gun laws do not prevent determined perpetrators from getting their hands on guns, but they do prevent law-abiding citizens from having the tools to defend themselves.

“Remember that a similar shooting at Salt Lake City’s Trolley Square earlier this year was interrupted by an armed, off-duty police officer from another city,” Gottlieb said. “In essence, that man was an armed private citizen. In Tacoma, Washington two years ago, an armed citizen confronted a gunman at the Tacoma Mall and although he was seriously wounded, his intervention brought the shooting to a halt.

“Gun owners, the gun industry, nor our constitutionally-protected individual right to keep and bear arms are at fault for the Westroads outrage,” he said, “and the gun control lobby knows it. Restrictive laws that disarm honest citizens and provide risk-free environments for criminals and lunatics are at fault, and so are the people responsible for passing such laws and enforcing such prohibitions.

The calls for more gun control have already begun. The local news had a "question of the day" which asked for e-mail responses if there was a need for further gun control. The result was balanced.

The police performed their duties flawlessly getting there in time to clean up the bodies and write the reports as they usually do.
I travel around the Buckeye quite a bit. It's scary how many employers have that sign outside their doors. It's an invitation to mayhem.
The local news just made a comment about the firearm this clown used and how the AK-47 has a range of 330 yards and can fire 600 rounds per minute. That would be the full auto version IDIOT!!
The local news just made a comment about the firearm this clown used and how the AK-47 has a range of 330 yards and can fire 600 rounds per minute. That would be the full auto version IDIOT!!

The range is a bit on the high side, too. The round will travel that far, but accuracy is problematic. The issue being the size of the round. I've seen 7.62mm rounds from an AK hit the dirt at around 200 yards from a stable platform.
I guess this clown's toll is now nine if you count death by proxy.


Denver TV Cameraman Killed En Route To Cover Omaha Shootings
Soundman Also Injured In Crash

POSTED: 3:57 pm MST December 6, 2007
UPDATED: 4:34 pm MST December 6, 2007

DENVER -- Ralph Binder, a Denver-based television cameraman who often worked for ABC News, was killed in a traffic accident Thursday on his way to Omaha, Neb., to cover the shopping mall shootings, the network said.

He was 58.

Binder and a soundman were on Interstate 80 near Grand Island, Neb., and their vehicle had swerved to avoid another car that had gone out of control, ABC News President David Westin said.

The soundman, Dan Johnson, was treated and released at a hospital, Westin said.

Binder had worked for ABC News in Washington and later moved to Denver, where he frequently did freelance work for the network.

"He was a first-class cameraman, but much more, he was a wonderful man," Westin said.

Binder is survived by his wife, Joy Wolf, and two sons, ages 12 and 9.

Copyright 2007 by The Associated Press. All rights reserved.
The range is a bit on the high side, too. The round will travel that far, but accuracy is problematic. The issue being the size of the round. I've seen 7.62mm rounds from an AK hit the dirt at around 200 yards from a stable platform.

All these newspeople know about firearms is the "spray and pray" and "bullet hose" jargon. Reality escapes them.
Anyone who now says that these guys are not in this for copycat notoriety is full of shit. We have said for years that the press helps create these clowns and for years they have denied any culpability. They give these guys posthumous air time they could never get in life and the ones out there watching say "Gee, I could be famous!" They don't care if they are famous in life as long as they are infamous forever.

This is why they should all adopt a policy of not stating the name of the perpetrator on the air. Simply have their talking heads refer to the perp as "The perpetrator", "The shooter", or whatever; but let their name never be stated publicly again. Why should their name be splattered all over the place while the names of their victims go unmentioned?
Jimpeel, is so egotistical, he actually thought I was talking about him?!? Nw that's a laugh, as if he was even relevant enough to get in sniffing distance of that title. Get over yourself dude......Noneof us ever thought you were 1/100th as important as you seem to think....(I'd lay money on that....)

You're a legend in your own mind and thats about the extent of it.

At least it inspred you to make an avatar that fits many fanatic "patriots" who really hate this contry because they are deluded enough to think their opinion is right, and everyone else is a traitor. Now that is truly being unamerican in the name of patriotism. You know who you are, and I suggest you seek professional help.

But seriously when I saw that new avatar 'peel I laughed so damn hard tears came to my eyes that you credit yourself with that much hutzpah. I imagine you as the kind of guy who'd walk into a bank with a gun to stick it up in the name of funding a militia or something and some fairly athletic soccer mom takes you down and it makes the news as a feel good story, but you go ahead and believe what you will.....

But thats not what you are I am sure, just how I picture you from what I have seen around here, and as for "terrorist mentality"? Well as I said you ain't even close, just a typical generic conservative, with perhaps a higher IQ than most, but all the same other than that, just garden variety.

:rofl: :rofl2: :rofl3: :rofl4:
Jimpeel, is so egotistical, he actually thought I was talking about him?!? Nw that's a laugh, as if he was even relevant enough to get in sniffing distance of that title. Get over yourself dude......Noneof us ever thought you were 1/100th as important as you seem to think....(I'd lay money on that....)

You're a legend in your own mind and thats about the extent of it.

At least it inspred you to make an avatar that fits many fanatic "patriots" who really hate this contry because they are deluded enough to think their opinion is right, and everyone else is a traitor. Now that is truly being unamerican in the name of patriotism. You know who you are, and I suggest you seek professional help.

But seriously when I saw that new avatar 'peel I laughed so damn hard tears came to my eyes that you credit yourself with that much hutzpah. I imagine you as the kind of guy who'd walk into a bank with a gun to stick it up in the name of funding a militia or something and some fairly athletic soccer mom takes you down and it makes the news as a feel good story, but you go ahead and believe what you will.....

But thats not what you are I am sure, just how I picture you from what I have seen around here, and as for "terrorist mentality"? Well as I said you ain't even close, just a typical generic conservative, with perhaps a higher IQ than most, but all the same other than that, just garden variety.

:rofl: :rofl2: :rofl3: :rofl4:

By your own declaration HERE

If there is or ever has been an evil opposite anti-me here, you are it.

And when I claimed the title HERE (12-06-07, 09:41am) your response was THIS (12-06-07, 09:59am). It took you until the middle of the night (12-07-07, 01:16am) to wake up to the fact that you have annointed me as your "evil opposite anti-me"?

Well, I claim the title proudly and note that it took me only two months to be so declared.

As to my being banned, "if ever" as you put it, don't hold your breath unless you look absolutely stunning in blue.