...and now he'll be famous

By your own declaration HERE

If there is or ever has been an evil opposite anti-me here, you are it.

And when I claimed the title HERE (12-06-07, 09:41am) your response was THIS (12-06-07, 09:59am). It took you until the middle of the night (12-07-07, 01:16am) to wake up to the fact that you have annointed me as your "evil opposite anti-me"?

Well, I claim the title proudly and note that it took me only two months to be so declared.

As to my being banned, "if ever" as you put it, don't hold your breath unless you look absolutely stunning in blue.

Hilarious delusions of granduer....

:rofl: :rofl2: :rofl3: :rofl4: :rofl: :rofl2: :rofl3: :rofl4: :rofl: :rofl2: :rofl3: :rofl4: :rofl: :rofl2: :rofl3: :rofl4: :rofl: :rofl2: :rofl3: :rofl4: :rofl: :rofl2: :rofl3: :rofl4: :rofl: :rofl2: :rofl3: :rofl4: :rofl: :rofl2: :rofl3: :rofl4: :rofl: :rofl2: :rofl3: :rofl4: :rofl: :rofl2: :rofl3: :rofl4: :rofl: :rofl2: :rofl3: :rofl4: :rofl: :rofl2: :rofl3: :rofl4: :rofl: :rofl2: :rofl3: :rofl4:

No matter how you want to be the one I did not name as the one with the terrorist mentality, well the fact is dude, you ain't got the gear.

The evil opposite anti-me does not a terrorist make. Not even close, no the person I was talking about scares me, and should scare us all. And really it doen't matter who it is, cuz it's just an opinion based on an incomplete set of facts. I hope you keep believing it was you 'peel, cuz it is hilarious every time you make an ass of yourself.
To further illustrate, because you are so self obsessed and thick 'peel, If you were the one with "terorist mentality", then you could not be the evil opposite anti-me. I am a peaceful person but I have known to go off at times and beat the fuck out of someone I think desrves it at the time. I hate it and I hate myself for going to that lenth with my animal nature, but it happens, and I have NEVER lost a physical fight I started, but except one kidnapping and one incident with a baseball bat, it's strictly fisticuffs, and mixed martial arts, as far as my violence profile as it were would be. I abhor violence and feel it has no place among polite human society, but I was raised with it and it hard wired into me. Most of the time and I mean in 99% of situations, I can keep it in check and never let it show.

The only way you could be the one with "terrorist mentality", and the evil opposite anti-me at the same time, is if I was like an "eco-terrorist". Like one of thos morons who goes to the old growth forrest and spikes a tree to kill a logger and save a tree. Or one of those PETA jackasses who does ridiculous dumb ass shit for some twisted idea, that animals should be totally left untouched by humankind. Those people disgust me, along with most hippies and liberals of that ilk. So anyway, keep believing, cuz I guess you got to have something that makes you feel good about yourself....
Ok, well I reconsidered, just cuz I was actually asked, and well hell let's give the people what they want right?

And the winner, was, is and always has been....

*drumroll please!*




Wait, wait, me me me!

I want to be the one with the terrorist mentality!



I keeeeeel you!!!!"

If I had a dime for every time she said that democrat = traitor I'd be havin' me a nice pocketfull of change. You wanted to be it Cerise, surprise, how apt your post proved to be. And yeah Cerise, people like Gonz, and 'peel, and SnP, make me laugh and shake my head. And RM, pisses me off because I like him as a person and wonder how he can be such an idiot politically, but you maam, scare the lving shit out of me, based on what admittedly incomplete set of facts I have about you, and thats just brutal honesty.

I am sure you are a law abiding citizen, and I doubt you would ever commit violence, but please, seek help if in your heart, you really believe dems are traitors.
NEW YORK (MarketWatch) -- I want the media to stop the practice of identifying crazed fame-seekers, such as the gunman who killed eight people Wednesday in an Omaha mall before taking his own life. Don't release their names or photos.
By taking such a bold step, television, print and Web executives could help society and maybe even save lives. Media do-gooders often point to the positive ways in which they help people to live better lives. Now, those in charge can accomplish something truly noteworthy by doing nothing at all, and it wouldn't cost a dime.
Similar scripts
Like everyone else, I winced when I heard that yet another troubled young man had gunned down innocent bystanders. This time, it happened in Omaha, but the script didn't seem all that different from the tragedies at Virginia Tech and Columbine.
I'll leave it to sociologists and psychiatrists to try to make sense of it. But I believe that media executives can help to minimize the possibilities of future incidents if they ceased to provide such high-profile publicity to these deranged gunmen.
The "gunman" in the Omaha episode was actually a teenager who desperately wanted the kind of publicity that the 24/7 media establishment could give him. He reportedly left behind a note proclaiming, "Now I'll be famous."
How did he know he'd be immortalized? Simple. He knew he could count on his enablers: The media would inevitably spread his fame by identifying him in reports in Omaha, across the U.S. and throughout the world.
We in the communications world practically enabled the kid by giving him, posthumously, what he wanted all along. Shame on us.
What if?
It doesn't have to be this way, though. What if the media covered all the nuances of the story but ceased naming the vicious and disturbed murderers who kill for the kicks of getting their names on the evening news and on the front pages of newspapers, magazines and Web sites?
I know well the argument against what I am proposing: The person's name is obviously a big element of the story. The public has a right to know. It's news.
That said, my point of view is an extreme one. I realize that once journalists are asked to start concealing public information, it could be construed as a slippery slope. However, I believe in this instance, the greater good to the public outweighs its need to know a lunatic fame-seeker.
The round-the-clock world of cable news, talk radio and the Internet practically demands that the media find a new and productive way to deal with society's misfits. It would take a Herculean amount of restraint for news executives to break with tradition, I know. But they could still cover the stories with drama and flair.
Show some class and some guts, folks.

Don't know what marketwatch is, or what their politics are, but i agree with this particular sentiment

All assault style rifles are AK's you ninny. Didn't you get the email? ;)

Why doeasn't anyone ever use an M-16?

Somewhere I read it was an SKS, which is an AK. (I've got an SKS w/bipod, Nikon Monarch, and pistol grip)

Why you nevah hear of the M-16 is because those are civilian AR-15's with muchismo. I think Rhuprhet McPickle has an AR, and maybe Winky too.

pap-pap-pap vs tak-tak-tak
All assault style rifles are AK's you ninny. Didn't you get the email? ;)

Why doeasn't anyone ever use an M-16?

Pain in the ass to keep clean...

Anyway...for those here who may be leaning towards the Gun Control battlecry...this piece of trash was a convicted felon...meaning he wasn't allowed to have a gun. Funny how that worked out, innit? :mad:
Gee. That was actually easier than I thought it would be. I knew you would come unglued and start posting long diatribes and finally expose someone other than me as the one you meant.

Mark, you have this predictability in your mentality that is easy to predict and easy to trigger. You have some serious issues that you really need to work on. Check yourself out:

The smilie fit HERE. You were almost foaming at the mouth.

Thirteen minutes later, you just couldn't contain yourself and you posted that your "animal nature" sometimes makes you "beat the fuck out of someone I think desrves it at the time". So whatever time you decide someone needs the "fuck beat out of them" because your addled mind has determined that they "desrve(s) it at the time". I guess that time can come at any time your mind triggers the "he needs this" response.

You admitted that you hate yourself and your "animal nature" and admit that you are a violent person in whom violent tendencies are "hard wired". You admit that you choose your violence carefully when you state "I have NEVER lost a physical fight I started" so this indicates that you choose weak opponents to attack over whom you know you will prevail. Yet a woman makes you declare that she "scares me, and should scare us all". You further admit "you maam, scare the lving shit out of me".

You also make reference to a kidnapping and an attack with a baseball bat so who did the kidnapping and who wielded the baseball bat? You? Are you then also prone to use deadly weapons in your attacks when you "beat the fuck out of someone I think desrves it at the time"?

It took only another nine minutes for you to come completely unglued and blurt out a big "So there!" and reveal the one you meant in the first place; and it all took only 38 hours and 23 minutes from your original post; and only 22 hours and 56 minutes from your post to me declaring me the "evil opposite anti-me"; and 4 hours and 22 minutes for you to completely break down after I claimed the title this morning.

God, man, you are just sooooo easy! Remind me never to entrust any state secrets to you; and God help you if the one who interrogates you is a woman.

Thank you, thankyou very much. :wave:

Merry Christmas to you, too!!!!!

Man! It took awhile, but thanks for the payoff. It's been a project of mine!!!! :kiss:

Cha-ching! ;)

Congratulations, Cerise.

I guess I have been removed to Sous Terrorist so I will have to try harder.

Now I know how THIS GAL feels.

I WILL depose you and your little dog too! ;)
.... but please, seek help if in your heart, you really believe dems are traitors.

Marcus Tullius Cicero 42B.C said:
“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.”

Retreat, surrender, negotiate:


"...this war is lost, the surge is not accomplishing anything"


"A war without end that is a total failure."


" Logan Act: Any citizen of the United States, wherever he may be, who, without authority of the United States, directly or indirectly commences or carries on any correspondence or intercourse with any foreign government or any officer or agent thereof, with intent to influence the measures or conduct of any foreign government or of any officer or agent thereof, in relation to any disputes or controversies with the United States, or to defeat the measures of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both."


"But of late there have been signs that the commander of U.S. forces might be preparing something more generally positive. Clyburn said that would be "a real big problem for us.'"


"Let me be clear. The violence in Anbar has gone down despite the surge, not because of the surge. The inability of American soldiers to protect these tribes from al-Qaeda said to these tribes, "We have to fight al-Qaeda ourselves."


"Referring to the Bush Administration policies as arrogant and insolent," Mehr said, "the wife of the former U.S. president further added that Bush is not willing to admit his mistakes in Iraq, the grave mistakes that have endangered the lives of both the Iraqi people and the U.S. servicemen alike.....the U.S. is trapped in the quagmire of Iraq....Bush's mistakes have also threatened peace and stability in the region."


"Cold blooded murderers."


Moveon.org sez: "Cooking the books for the White House"


"Cut off limbs, blown up bodies, randomly shot at civilians, razed villages in a fashion reminiscent of Gengis Khan, shot cattle and dogs for fun, poisoned food stocks, and generally ravaged the countryside of South Vietnam."
Now that's quite a group, isn't it?

How can the Leftists still rally around a person like Kerry who has admitted to having committed war crimes and still sleep well at night? The rest? They are simply treasonous bastards who are giving aid and comfort to America's enemies.
You know that's one of the differences 'peel. If Kerry were a conservative that committed war crimes, he'd never admit he'd made a mistake, and probably not even believe it himself.
You know that's one of the differences 'peel. If Kerry were a conservative that committed war crimes, he'd never admit he'd made a mistake, and probably not even believe it himself.

....while the left would scream 'bloody-murder", demanding Senate Impeachment, 4 years of investigation of investigations and making it into a battle cry, with Kerry(D) as a front man.
You know that's one of the differences 'peel. If Kerry were a conservative that committed war crimes, he'd never admit he'd made a mistake, and probably not even believe it himself.

Oh, Mark! That is just C-L-A-S-S-I-C!!!!

"At least our guy admitted that he was a war criminal."

ok, as i understand it, it WAS an ak47, not an sks. there are stills of surveilance footage that have been released and show it, and they found the mags from it.

and 3rding/4thing/5thing/whatevering the "why don't they start with themselves?" sentiment.
ok, as i understand it, it WAS an ak47, not an sks. there are stills of surveilance footage that have been released and show it, and they found the mags from it.

There is not enough detail in the photos of the firearm to determine if it is an AK clone or an SKS. It does not appear to have the bayonet that would be on an SKS, though, but those are readily removeable. It also appears to have the open sight and not the shrouded sight that is standard on the SKS.