And so it begins ...


Well-Known Member
Olive Garden, Red Lobster, and LongHorn Steakhouse are starting to react to the "Affordable Care Act" just as it was predicted. They have begun decreasing their full time staff in favor of part time personnel.

Can't say we didn't tell ya so.



Darden Restaurants Cut Workers' Hours to Avoid Paying Health Care Coverage

By Michael Allen, Tue, October 09, 2012
Darden Restaurants has stopped offering full-time schedules to many hourly workers in a few of its Olive Garden, Red Lobster and LongHorn Steakhouse eateries.

Darden is reportedly taking the action to avoid the Affordable Care Act, which is scheduled to go into effect in 2014, reports Fox 35 (see video).

Under that law, also known as Obamacare, companies must provide affordable health insurance to employees working an average of at least 30 hours per week.

In an emailed statement to the Orlando Sentinel, Darden stated that cutting hours is "just one of the many things we are evaluating to help us address the cost implications health care reform will have on our business. There are still many unanswered questions regarding the health care regulations and we simply do not have enough information to make any decisions at this time."

Under the system that Darden is testing, certain employees are to be scheduled for no more than 28 hours each week.
hah if they don't get this thing repealed the destruction will be epic!
Imagine the millions that will incur the so called Tax
and the millions more that will get thrown into the government exchanges when their employers elect to pay the fine (tax?)
instead of continuing to cover their employees under their private health insurance programs.
Yes I can already anticipate the excuses Romney will use to explain away why the Osamacare can't be repealed.
companies have been using part timers forever because there was/is no reasonable social expectation of benefits. why do you think they got teenagers working at the local burger king? fuck me in the eye with a shoehorn if shit-grade restaurant owners should feel any obligation to provide health benefits for workers.
yeah lil business consultant man
do you dispute that if Osamacare remains in place
that you will be telling businesses to shed the cost of healthcare to the exchanges?
yeah I guess how to get more fat fucks into Wal-Mart is more important
I really couldn't care less
you've never once said just what the fuck it is that you do!
Golly you seem to know so much about me.

I sit on my ass at the airport apparently. The TSA has been fine BTW. The teamsters at the airport, not so much. Fucking blue collar savages.
The drones are in the zone.
They know the One is gone
and getting a jump on the boom baby!
Beginning home construction jumped last month to an 872,000 annual rate, the fastest since July 2008 and exceeding all forecasts in a Bloomberg survey of economists, Commerce Department figures showed today in Washington. An increase in building permits may mean the gains will be sustained.
you're such a sad little cheerleader sometimes.

it happened on obama's watch. he gets credit. just like he gets blamed for the economy he inherited. you can't have it both ways.

well, unless you're a dumb cheerleader.
reality shan't be denied
I suppose the new chant is going to be:
You didn't build, that Obama did?