And so it ends...

The best laid schemes o' mice and men
Gang aft a-gley
And leave us naught but grief and pain for promised joy.

Robert Burns.
If that kid is going through menopause it's prolly better that you got rid of him.:grinyes:

Seriously Squigs, you shouldn't be considering this a failure on your part. He's old enough to take the responsibility for his own actions...and by making this your failure you're taking that responsibility away from him.

Remember this thread? Well...He called yesterday...First we've spoken since he left....He just wanted to tell me that he loved me....thats all. Says he understands now...and wanted me to know that hes ok and he loves me...

You've no idea how it feels...

Wow... :crying4:
Squiggy said:

Remember this thread? Well...He called yesterday...First we've spoken since he left....He just wanted to tell me that he loved me....thats all. Says he understands now...and wanted me to know that hes ok and he loves me...

You've no idea how it feels...

Wow... :crying4:

I wasn't here when the thread started.....but I'm glad for ya squiggs :)

I was a typical idiot teenager (ran from home at 17...promising myself never to return). It took me a good few years to realise that my Dad didn't just have to be my Dad....he could also become a really good friend :) One o' the best things I've ever figured out in life.

I am really happy to hear that Squiggs!!! Sounds like you really rock as a Dad!!!
:D It was only time before he'd come around and see the light, Squiggy. :D You're a great guy and I'm glad to hear thigns are on the right path.
He said hes been playing out and has work lined up...The call was short and sweet. Not many details but a world of communication...:D
That's so great Squiggs! Nice to hear from him and not have him ask you for anything too right? :D

Sounds like he's growing up and realizing where you're coming from. That's so cool. :)
Squiggy said:
Thanks everyone...I'm feeling so good today I may just have to go shopping...:D

Congrats, Squig, but isn't shopping something women do when they start to feel better? :grinyes: