And their Off!!!!!

I can wait until the weekend...'course I'm not the one with a copy of Star Wars Battlefront II burning a hole in the kitchen counter :D
Seriously, There is early release for school tomorrow and we have to go to Blue Ridge on thursday so our week is really too busy to worry about gaming. This weekend will be fine :D
Any messages to pass on through to Bill and Susan? I most likely wont make it past the paralegal gatekeepers. I hear just taking a peek at Bill costs $275/hr.
My brother-in-law is a pretty damn good lawyer. Unc's using him to help with something. Not much of an inside joke.

And don't shake your fist at me, young lady.
HomeLAN said:
My brother-in-law is a pretty damn good lawyer. Unc's using him to help with something. Not much of an inside joke.

And don't shake your fist at me, young lady.

Ah but without the info that Bill is your Bro-in-law and he's a damn good lawyer then what y'all was saying made no sense :p

*shakes fist for fun*
I figured Bill and Susan were married...thus Susan was also in some way family of HomeLAN's...whether she was his sis, his wife's sis or if Bill was his wife's Brother I wasn't sure...but I had it mostly figured out :p
Susan doesn't change much. She still keeps her shit pretty firmly strapped together. I respect that. Is your appt late afternoon? If so, you have a 20% chance or so of actually catching the kids there.
Well, they did the computer stuff. Didn't turn out the way everybody thought it would. Firstly, the ghosting didn't work for reasons that make my eyes gloss over to think about...something about the Bios so the girls ended up with the new tower and I am running my old one (which is totally fine).
A word to the wise, if you are going to lovingly create a beautiful customized computer monitor for your children might I suggest not using on that has sat idle in a smoke infested basement for 2 years? But at the very least you should test it to see that it works first....yeah...we turned it on and found that the picture was very yellow-y. So the girls are now using my original monitor from my first computer (as soon in pic).

So now everyone has their own computers back online (the girls share) and all is well. Although I have monitor envy from looking into Rob's for the past couple of days and he's bitching about having the weak drive. C'est la vie!
tonksy said:
Well, they did the computer stuff. Didn't turn out the way everybody thought it would. Firstly, the ghosting didn't work for reasons that make my eyes gloss over to think about...something about the Bios so the girls ended up with the new tower and I am running my old one (which is totally fine).
A word to the wise, if you are going to lovingly create a beautiful customized computer monitor for your children might I suggest not using on that has sat idle in a smoke infested basement for 2 years? But at the very least you should test it to see that it works first....yeah...we turned it on and found that the picture was very yellow-y. So the girls are now using my original monitor from my first computer (as soon in pic).

So now everyone has their own computers back online (the girls share) and all is well. Although I have monitor envy from looking into Rob's for the past couple of days and he's bitching about having the weak drive. C'est la vie!

Still have a smoke filled basement eh?