there's no choice to be made there. what makes you think there is?
asking you how that stuff impacts my life and then noting that the list peel posted is composed largely of annoyances... seems perfectly consistent to me - i just find all the shit you guys complain about to be pretty petty.
let me guess - you and peel would have figured out that lead-based paint was bad for kids on your own, and kept family members away from that shit?
i wish i was an all-knowing, all-seeing, expert on all. why, i don't need a physician. i've got some gauze and a scalpel.
it's funny but when one becomes a real expert in something in particular, one also realizes how little they know about other fields of expertise. i'm glad that i can hire an electrician. otherwise, i'd be a crispy critter.
so hey man i've got a ton of chinese drywall i can sell you for your next home project.
seems like the only time you guys like any kind of law is when it's about immigrants. otherwise it's some kinda oppression thing. well, of course, it's also the oppression thing when it's about immigrants. yeah, must be tough.