Bobby Hogg
New Member
AllEars' said:In your eyes is murdering someone ok, as long as someone can claim you aren't right in the head?
Not at all. I just don't see how imprisoning sick people with common criminals or killing them offers a solution to the problem or prevents other sick people from doing the same in future.
Our justice system is a failure if all it can ever do is react to tragedy. By the time someone has been killed, it's too late for them. Revenge doesn't bring them back, doesn't wipe the crime or the pain away. Our aim should be to stop people from being hurt in the first place, to stop victims from being created.
I am all in favour of rough justice where it may work, but clearly in the case of the mentally ill it never, ever will. All it does is appeal to a base, vengeful mentality. It doesn't do anyone any good.