Andromeda Galaxy 3 Times Bigger than Thought

Andromeda Galaxy Five Time Bigger Than Thought

SEATTLE - The discovery of several large, metal-poor stars located far from the center of the Andromeda galaxy suggests our nearest galactic neighbor might be up to five times larger than previously thought.

The newfound stars are massive, bloated stars known as red giants. Although found far beyond the most visible portion of Andromeda—its swirling disk—the stars are still gravitationally bound to the galaxy and make up part of its extended "halo."

"We're typically used to thinking of Andromeda as this tiny speck of light, but the actual size of the halo…extends to a very large radius and it actually fills a substantial portion of the night sky," said study team member Jason Kalirai of the University of California, Santa Cruz.

The finding, presented here Sunday at the 209th meeting of the American Astronomical Society, suggests Andromeda is at least one million light-years across [image] and could help settle a discrepancy between Andromeda and the Milky Way that has long puzzled astronomers.


Also known as M31, Andromeda is located only about 2.5 million light-years from Earth, making it our nearest galactic neighbor.

Like our own Milky Way, Andromeda is a classic spiral galaxy, which typically consists of three main parts: a flattened disk, a bright central bulge of densely packed stars and an extended spherical halo where stars are more sparsely distributed.

Using the Mayall Telescope at Kitt Peak and the DEIMOS spectrograph on the the Keck II Telescope in Hawaii, the researchers found previously unseen red giant stars out to a distance of at least 500,000 light years from Andromeda's center.

The researchers picked out Andromeda's faint halo stars using a technique developed by Karoline Gilbert, a UCSC graduate student, which distinguishes the halo stars from the more numerous foreground stars in our Milky Way.

A dim foreground star and a bright star located much farther away—whose light can be diminished by interstellar gas—can be hard to tell apart because they appear to have similar luminosities as stars in our own galaxy. The researchers liken the effect to distinguishing between the light of a firefly 10 feet away and that of a powerful beacon in the distance.

"In this case, the fireflies are dwarf stars in our own galaxy and the beacons are the red giant stars in Andromeda," said study team member Puraga Guhathakurta, also from USCS.

Metal-poor halos

According to current galactic formation theories, the halo is the first part of a galaxy that forms. Stars in the halo are predicted to be metal poor because they formed during a time when the universe had much less heavy metal content than it does now. Heavy metals are created as stars evolve and then spewed out into interstellar space when ancient stars either explode as supernovas or shed their outer layers to become white dwarfs.

"The first stars are expected to be chemically deficient, and as these other components such as the disk of the galaxy form later, it is contaminated by the products of those first stars, so those stars are more metal rich," Kalirai said.

However, instead of being metal-poor, previous studies have found that Andromeda's halo stars were actually 10 times richer in metals than halo stars in our galaxy. This finding puzzled astronomers because both Andromeda and the Milky Way should have similar formation histories.

The new findings could solve this discrepancy because the red giant stars are anemic, as is expected from galaxy formation theories and what is known about the Milky Way.

"If you plot the metalicity as a function of radius, you see a very nice trend where the inner parts of the galaxy are metal rich, and the outer parts of the galaxy are dominated by stars that are metal-poor," Kalirai said.

"We now believe that previous groups have been mistakenly identifying the outer parts of the Andromeda bulge as its halo," Guhathakurta said.

Paul Hodge, an expert on the Andromeda galaxy from Washington University who was not involved in the study, said the new finding paints a very different picture of our galactic neighbor than was available only a few years ago.

"It's a new galaxy," Hodge said. "The outer parts of this galaxy are finally being revealed and its turning out to be much more interesting and beautiful than when could have imagined."


Oh, gee. Make that 500% now.

Fucking twits.
And in the same breath

Astronomers Create 3D Map of Dark Matter

SEATTLE - Astronomers have mapped the positions of vast, invisible isles of dark matter in the sky, within which normal "bright" matter galaxies are embedded like glittering gems. The three-dimensional map [image] spans not only space, but also time, and stretches back to when the universe was only about half its present age.

Dark matter is a mysterious hypothetical substance [image] that is thought not to interact with light photons and is thus invisible to current detection instruments.

Scientists first invoked the concept in the 1930s to explain why fast-spinning galaxies with relatively little mass don't break apart. The unusual solution: They contain a large amount of invisible matter whose heft and gravity hold the galaxies together. Scientists have since estimated that only about one-sixth of the matter in the universe is visible, and that the rest is dark matter.

Some of the strongest evidence for dark matter's existence was announced last year, and even that was highly debated.

Even though dark matter can't be seen directly, some scientists say its presence and distribution in the universe can be observed indirectly by the way its gravity distorts the light of distant galaxies streaming toward us.

"We look at galaxies which are behind the dark matter that we're interested in," explained study team member Richard Massey of Caltech. "The light from these distant galaxies doesn't travel in a straight line because space itself is distorted and bent, and the light follows that distortion."

Using a dark matter lens

Massey likens this indirect technique, called "gravitational lensing," to peering at a page of text with a magnifying glass.

"The first thing you notice is that the text is bigger, but also, if you look around the edges of the magnifying glass, the text is slightly distorted," he said. "You can investigate the properties of the magnifying glass by observing these distortions and actually find out what shape the glass lens is."

The researchers took an analogous approach to create their dark matter map. By analyzing the distortions in galaxy shapes, they inferred properties of the dark matter "lens" itself, including its mass and position in the sky.

The new map, created using data collected by the Hubble Space Telescope's Cosmic Evolution Survey (COSMOS), confirms what previous, smaller, maps have hinted at: Dark matter is distributed across the universe in thick clumps and fat filaments within which galaxies are anchored like set jewels.

The map relied on data collected from more than half a million galaxies and spans a swath of the night sky that is nearly nine times the diameter of the full Moon. The map is detailed online in the journal Nature and was presented here Sunday at the 209th meeting of the American Astronomical Society.

"We've seen the first glimpse of the cosmic web which acts as the basic framework for large scale structures," said study team member Richard Ellis of Caltech. "This has been a prediction of the numerical simulations for many, many years."

"The point of it is that it's huge," Massey told "Now we can really see a representative chunk of the universe. It's new in that we see the big picture."

A map of space and time

The map also shows how the structure of dark matter has evolved through time. The researchers split the galaxies they observed into three groups, or "shells," depending on how far away they were from us. They determined distance by the amount of "redshift" observed in the galaxies' light. As the universe expands and stars and galaxies continue to race away from us, the wavelength of light they emit stretches and becomes slightly redder.

Because distance and time are closely linked in cosmology, the higher an object's redshift, the younger and smaller the universe was when the light was first emitted.

In the survey, light from galaxies in the shell furthest from Earth corresponded to a time when the universe was only 6.5 billion years old, or roughly half its present estimated age. This ancient light had to travel farther—and through more dark matter—than light from galaxies in the nearest shell. By combining data from all three shells [image], the researchers created a three-dimensional map of the shape and position of dark matter in the sky.

The new map reveals that as time passed, from the early universe to the more recent universe, dark matter became clumpier and less filamentary. This agrees with some current theories which state that the universe transitioned from a state in which matter—regular and dark—was relatively smoothly distributed to its current state, in which matter is more concentrated in some places than others. It is in these areas of high matter concentration that stars, galaxies and galaxy clusters reside.

According to those same theories, dark matter began to coalesce into larger structures a little before normal matter did.

"It collapsed first into these filaments and clusters and provided the gravitational scaffolding into which normal matter—galaxies, planets, us—flowed," Massey said. "It's only because there's a lot of dark matter and it collapsed first that we can exist at all."

The new map is expected to help scientists answer one of the central problems in cosmology: What is dark matter?

"We eventually want to know what it is, but the first step is to figure out where it is," Massey said.

An alternative theory

Not everyone is convinced that the new map reveals the presence of dark matter. Some skeptics think there is a good reason dark matter is invisible: It doesn't exist.

According to these scientists, an alternative explanation for the universe’s mass discrepancy is that gravity does not operate equally in all parts of the universe, as is predicted by Newton and Einstein.

"The authors here converted their observed wiggles into matter density using Einsteinian formula," said HongSheng Zhao, a researcher at the University of St. Andrews in the UK, about the new map. "If we take a different formula, we would get somewhat different densities or clumps."

Zhao is an advocate of a theory of modified gravity called TeVeS, in which gravity is stronger in certain regions of space than others. In these gravity-boosted regions, gravitational lensing would work differently.

Until a dedicated mission is launched to measure the law of gravity in weak gravity environments, far away from the influence of the Sun and planets, such possibilities cannot be ruled out, Zhao said in an email interview.

"If the law does have a factor depending on the environment, then it could explain away much of dark matter," he said.

Massey concedes that deviations in the law of gravity across the universe is still a possibility, but says that there is now too much evidence to dismiss dark matter's existence.

"No matter what you do, there really has to be some dark matter to match up with all the gravitational lensing measurements," he said. "Of course, there could also be deviations from general relativity on top of that, but the evidence is now piling up that dark matter makes up at least some of this missing mass."


The right hand don't know what the left hand's doing, I guess.

Fucking twits. Closest major galaxy to us, they can't measure better than 500% wrong, and we've supposed to believe that 5/6th of the universe is some phantom dark matter..... Why not just bring back the ether. They believed that for long enough too.
All of the planets in our solar system are "dark matter." It's long been known that interstellar space isn't empty, why shouldn't it have more matter than we originally thought. Give and take of hypotheses and theories (even ones that don't make sense) is how knowledge is advanced. :shrug: Sometimes you really do have to figure out what the question is before you can look for an answer. If you look though, I'm sure you'll find plenty of "ever expanding universe" guys who agree with you about dark matter. Re the size of Andromeda, how big is the Milky Way (eight ounces ;) )? Are the Greater and Lesser Magellanic Clouds part of it or no? :shrug:
Speedy Discovery Fuels New Milky Way Mystery

SEATTLE - A new detailed study that tracked two of the Milky Way's galactic neighbors, the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds, shows they are hurtling through space nearly two times faster than previously thought.

The two clouds, which are actually miniature galaxies, have long been thought to be gravitational companions to our own much larger galaxy.

The finding, presented here at the 209th meeting of the American Astronomical Society, raises a number of surprising possibilities, any of which—if borne out—could rewrite astronomy textbooks.

One explanation is that the Milky Way is twice as massive as previously thought. If the star-packed clouds are gravitationally bound to our galaxy as commonly thought, then the Milky Way must be more massive to maintain its grip on such fast-moving objects.

Another possibility is that the clouds are not bound to our galaxy, but merely visiting passersby that will escape the Milky Way in a few billion years.

"The Magellanic Clouds may not be true companions of the Milky Way," said study team member Nitya Kallivayalil of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. "Perhaps they are travelers just passing through the neighborhood."

Yet another alternative is that the dark matter distribution of the Milky Way is not pancake-shaped or spherical as some theories have predicted, but that it is strewn in some other way that allows our galaxy to keep a firm gravitational grip on the clouds.

"It would require a halo that is much more elongated," Kallivayalil explained. "It would be kind of like a cucumber, so it has one long axis and two short axes."

The researchers obtained their velocity measurements by mapping the three-dimensional movement of the clouds in the sky.

"In astronomy, it's relatively easy to determine if something is moving towards you or away from you. That's called the radial velocity," Kallivayalil said.

More difficult, however, is measuring a celestial object's "proper motions," that is, its left-right and up-down movements.

To obtain these values, Kallivayalil and her team used NASA's Hubble Space Telescope to measure the clouds movements against distant quasars located so far that they appear stationary in space.

The researchers took two measurements, spaced two years apart, and found that the Large Magellanic Cloud is speeding through space at about 235 miles (378 km) per second relative to the Milky Way, while the Small Magellanic Cloud is moving at about 188 miles (302 km) per second—about twice as fast as previously thought.

Revolutionary work

The study also reveals that the clouds are moving faster than expected relative to each other. This could help explain why they have not merged with each other yet, as some theories predict they should have.

It is also possible that the clouds are not gravitationally bound to each other either, and that they might actually part with each other in the future. The relative velocities of the clouds to each other is about 62 miles (100 km) per second, fast enough for one of them to break away from the other's gravity.

"I think it's very interesting that there've been so many papers written about the Magellanic Clouds assuming that they've been bound to each other and the Milky Way. It seems with these new velocities, we've had to really rethink this picture," Kallivayalil said.

Daniel Zucker, an astronomer at the University of Cambridge in the UK who was not involved in the study, said that work by the team is "revolutionary," and important for both the "understanding the motions of the Magellanic Clouds ... and their use as probes of our own Milky Way."


Why don't they just admit ... they don't fucking know. O, yeah, right. That would cost them their jobs.
Why don't they just admit ... they don't fucking know. O, yeah, right. That would cost them their jobs.

They're scientists. They already know that they don't fucking know. They mistakenly assume that everyone else knows the same.
New 'Hobbit' Galaxies Discovered Around Milky Way

A recent sky survey has turned up eight new members in our Local Group of galaxies, including a new class of ultra-faint "hobbit" galaxies and what might be the smallest galaxy ever discovered.

The Local Group is a collection of about 40 galaxies, of which the Milky Way and Andromeda are the dominant members. The rest of the galaxies are mostly small satellites known as “dwarf galaxies” that are gravitationally bound to these two galaxies. The Large and Small Magellanic Clouds are two of the Milky Way’s better known dwarf galaxies.

The new galaxies [image] were detected over the past two years as part of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS-II) and presented last week at the 209th meeting of the American Astronomical Society in Seattle.

Seven of the new galaxies are gravitationally bound to the Milky Way, while the eighth appears to float freely in space, beyond our galaxy’s grasp.

Hobbit galaxies

The new Local Group members are even smaller and fainter than other known dwarf galaxies, with luminosities ranging from only a thousand to at most a few hundred thousand times that of our Sun.

“They seem to be much fainter than anyone suspected galaxies could be before,” said study team member Daniel Zucker of Cambridge University. “So rather than dwarf galaxies, we should perhaps call them ‘hobbit galaxies.’”

The dimness could be the result of stellar age, as seven of the new galaxies contain mostly old stars. Of these seven, two are located in the constellation Canes Venatici, one in Bootes, one in Leo, one in Coma Berenices, one in Ursa Major and one in Hercules.

The eighth and most recently spotted galaxy is in many ways the most interesting. Dubbed Leo T, it is located about 1.4 million light-years away from Earth, so far away that it floats freely in space, unperturbed by the Milky Way.

Unlike the other hobbit galaxies, Leo T includes both old and young stars. It also contains large amounts of neutral hydrogen gas—a prime ingredient of star formation—suggesting it is still an active stellar nursery.

Because of its great distance, Leo T [image] is also the dimmest of the new hobbits. “This is basically the smallest, faintest star-forming galaxy known, by orders of magnitude,” Zucker said.

Current galaxy formation theories predict our Milky Way should be surrounded by a swarm of smaller satellite galaxies. But until the new survey, only twelve had been identified. Astronomers have dubbed this issue the “missing satellite problem.”

The new galaxies could go a long way toward solving this problem and might represent just the tip of a cosmic iceberg, the researchers say.

“The Sloan Digital Sky Survey covers only a fifth of the night sky, so there must be many more dwarfs out there,” said study team member Wyn Evans, also of Cambridge University.

I wonder how much dark matter they contain.


Quick reply hung again.
Smallest galaxy ever discovered?

I wonder.. at what point is it a galaxy, and at what point is it just a lump of interstellar crap floating aimlessly in the cosmos?
Don't start that, fer Gawd's sake. They're still dealing with the repercussions from demoting Pluto.
What is cucumber shaped and comes out the other end?

Makes me wonder if god is taking a dump.

It would surely explain black holes.