Animal Planet


Well-Known Member
Did anyone see Animal planet the other day. It was about the ASPCA. They got a call about the smell coming from this guys house. Upon investigating, it took them two days to remove 249 cats from the house. One guy opened a kitchen drawer and there was a dead cat in it. The house was utterly filthy. The kitchen looked like someone had slung mud all was cat shit....dripping everywhere. There were more cats they couldn't get to in the attic. :sick3:
you don't love cats by letting them live in their own filth or by keeping dead ones in drawers.


I hope they press some very serious animal abuse charges against this sicko.
It was really quite sad. At one point one of the agents shined a flashlight down into the basement and saw little glowing eyes all over the place. Everytime they opened a door or cabinet, cats scattered everywhere.

Rose - Most of the case the showcased were because they did press charges on these people.
Unfortunatly, this guy's likely to get a minimal fine at best., much like breeders who keep dogs and cats in miniscule cages, in filthy conditions, in order to save case. Puppy-mills, I believe the term is. The fines are minimal and the animals...get this...are often returned to their proper owner...the guy who put them in the fuckin' cages to begin with.
Actually it was 247. ;)

I'm an avid Animal Planet watcher, that was the first show of the Detroit ASPCA that I saw. I can take just about any gore without a problem but watching that, and the feces everywhere, it make me a little naseous. It was just on again the other night and I chose not to watch it.

The NY episodes are pretty cool because the agents here have full police powers so they can arrest on the spot if necessary. I like watching the two chick partners (Lucas and Sandano).

I still haven't seen the shows from other areas though, I think there's one in Texas and another in Florida, right?
ewwww....that is the most horrid thing I've ever heard. if that guy really loved cats he'd have them neutered and spayed and would keep his house clean
one is in Miami. The guy is sick. he didnt care about the cats. poor kitties I hope they get a good home soon. and he had one in the kitchen drawer? I wonder if it was dead before it was in the drawer.
My guess is the kitty walked into the drawer while it was open, then it was closed while the poor thing was in it and it couldn't get out.
Saw that one as well. Watching this program has opened up an entirely new disease to me that i knew nothing about. These people that obsessively collect animals. How could you stand living in that? Cat shit knee high and on the windows. The air was a fog...can you say Toxoplasmosis? Oh wait, he didn't live in the house, he lived in the garage because the cats chased him out of the house. A Sad sad individual.
greenfreak said:
Actually it was 247. ;)

I'm an avid Animal Planet watcher, that was the first show of the Detroit ASPCA that I saw. I can take just about any gore without a problem but watching that, and the feces everywhere, it make me a little naseous. It was just on again the other night and I chose not to watch it.

The NY episodes are pretty cool because the agents here have full police powers so they can arrest on the spot if necessary. I like watching the two chick partners (Lewis and Cendano).

I still haven't seen the shows from other areas though, I think there's one in Texas and another in Florida, right?

247 + 2 DOA = 249 :p

I don't recall where they were, somewhere up north seems right, but I do remember them saying several times that they had full police powers.
i knew someone whose parents had over a hundred cats...cats everywhere...they saw a stray? they brought it home...but their house was not in that condition...the basement was the cats....the walls were lined with litter boxes on one side and food bowls on the other...i imagine it was hell keeping up with the mess but they had a ton of money and i suppose prolly had people to do that....and i get frustrated with all our animals.....i can't imagine changing all those litter boxes....
tonks said:
i knew someone whose parents had over a hundred cats...cats everywhere...they saw a stray? they brought it home...but their house was not in that condition...the basement was the cats....the walls were lined with litter boxes on one side and food bowls on the other...i imagine it was hell keeping up with the mess but they had a ton of money and i suppose prolly had people to do that....and i get frustrated with all our animals.....i can't imagine changing all those litter boxes....

I cannot say enough about the automatic kitty crapper. Though, with that many cats, I think it'd have to be dealt with daily whether the litterbox is conventional or automatic.
Yeah, they said that guy had some condition they called "hoarding". Freakin crazy. Alex, the Detroit guys have full police powers? Because they never carry weapons or a gun or anything, they didn't look like they were equipped for that. I thought I saw them getting backup from the local precinct each time they had a situation like that.

This is the link to the show but I don't see anything about them being police officers although the show is called "Animal Cops", not "Animal Precinct" like the NY show:
I don't know for sure GF, I's just messin with you :swing: I do remember them saying "full police powers" several times and I'm pretty sure they arrested a couple people on the spot. I'm not sure if all the segments were from the same place or not.
Anybody with 24(7 or 9) cats is beyond being prosecuted. They need white jacket treatment. One can not be sane & live under those conditions.

My wife watches AP frequently & what the AC officers have to put up with is horrendous & what some of those animals suffer through is worse. While I have complete sympathy for the need, I do find this part very scary
"full police powers"