Too cute for words
Okay, my onboard sound on my "surf the web and get actual work done occasionally" (this one) makes a high pitched whistling noise. pitch and volume vary as you type or use the mouse. Mainboard: Asus A7N8X, onboard sound: nVidia MCP2. It runs through a Pioneer SX-40 (the Mitsubishi power amp having finally bitten the dust) and some Harmon Karden studio monitors. If you play a program that uses audio (winamp,tvtime, etc...) and turn the volume down or mute the app, there is no noise. If you mute the sound using the mixer (Linux or Windows) the noise remains. Changing the volume of any slider does not seem to affect this noise in any way. I have replaced cables. I have disconnected and reconnected everything inside and outside of the computer. I can find no interference source (I wouln't have expected to any way but hey, you look). Any ideas????