another buttrape altogether


New Member
Colts beat the Ravens 15-6 in divisional playoff action. Sloppy offensive play from both sides and NO touchdowns. A game comprised of nothing more than field goals... yuck! How rude! They were a winning road team.. also bucking another trend.

Peyton 'demon boy' Manning gets past the divisional hurdle and shakes that monkey slightly off his back as a nonproducer in the postseason. The team actually won more on defense than anything he personally did... just like last week.

Twas a bitter game too. For those not old enough to remember, the Colts originated in Baltimore and did a midnight run to Indianapolis in the 80's. The fans have never really forgiven the move and some still follow it as if they were still a Baltimore team. 12 years of darkness pass and the Cleveland Browns move to Baltimore... causing a bitter rift on that side as well.
this just in: Reggie Bush's ribs have just been found! Hopefully he will be able to learn how to walk again.

(First play the game was a screen pass to Reggie and he got absolutely jacked up and almost had to be carried off the field)
That hit would have made the Jacked up segment for sure if there was still Monday Night Football.
Now that was a way more exciting game than the early one.

Hell of an effort by McAllister, especially when they moved that pile 5 extra yards for a TD.
I'm betting on that hit on Bush as the biggest hit of 2007. I don't know what you expected from the Baltimore game but that's why the Colts got Venitari. It went pretty much like I expected although I had hoped for more from McNair. Of couse, he can only run the plays they call for him.
I was just trying to find video of that hit on Bush. Nothing on YouTube or the sports sites yet.
NO touchdowns. A game comprised of nothing more than field goals.

Peyton 'demon boy' Manning gets past the divisional hurdle and shakes that monkey slightly off his back as a nonproducer in the postseason.


They can't beat either team next week. The choke continues. LONG LIVE THE CHOKE!
Well, he may be able to win by a lousy 3 points, but Westbrook fucking FLEW over the pile for a TD. That and his 62 yard touchdown run, WESTBROOK FUCKING RULES!

Mike Charney is a complete fucking asshole. IIRC, he was at the Giants/Cowboys game, where he called like 150 yards in penalties against the Giants and 25 against the cowgirls. He just kept calling them against the eagles. Seriously, that assfuck got the Saints more first downs than McAllister and Bush combined. That 4th quarter penalty against Dhani Jones fucking lost the game. IIRC, on 4th and 5, Garcia threw this brilliant 15-20 yard pass to Stallworth, and then he ran it for another 10 yards, which was completely fucking awesome and would have been able to get us a TD to win, or at least a FG to take it into OT. Instead, we get pushed back to 4th and 15. There's no way to repeat an amazing play like that. It was the Eagles' last chance to turn the game around, and the fucking asshole ref blew it.
After a couple mistakes and a boring first quarter it looks like the Chargers are hitting their stride now. 14-3.
Chargers? feh.. the Chargers aren't in this. This game is L. 'baby jesus' T. vs the world... THE WORLD! The world was spotted 10 points and is still losing. LT must've taken his Chuck Norris tonic this morning.