another buttrape altogether

i'm finding it very difficult to watch the game with all these sick people around... :retard:
I have to root for the DOlts, it's the law. However, I secretly am rooting for the Chargers beacause they are in the AFC West. No Raiders, then at least make it a 2x a year team.
21-21 with 4:25 left to play. guess we should be prepared for a rush of chest pain patients.
4:25 leaves enough time for three more turnovers they way they are both playing. Frankly, neither deserve to go on after this turkey.
Wanna talk about inability to win the big one? Peyton is a rookie compared to Marty. My nephew will be calling any minute now to excitedly tell us he's going to Indy next week. (seaon ticket holder)
The Colts are done. New England owns Indy in the playoffs. I still don't think the Vinatieri factor is enough to overcome the Peyton Manning Choke Factor.
I am now left with the unsavory choice between New England (y'all know better) and Peyton to make a Super Bowl. I pray for a tie.

Lets see:

Of the 8 quarterbacks in this last weekends action:

6 TD v 10 INT
4 fumbles and 18 sacks.

an average of 66.6875 QB rating.

Brees and Garcia were the only ones to seemingly keep their heads in the game and run decent and consisitent plays. The rest were harried, hurried, and plagued with sloppiness and hurried by dangerous defenses.

Almost a yawner of a weekend
Unfortunately, at the end of the season (aka playoffs) it all goes back to single games. The defense may have gotten them the high record and a shot at a title... but you need a little juice in the tank to get that title.

A defense can be kick-ass and rule the world... but if the offense and special teams keeps fumbling inside their own 30, then 'death by field goals' begins.
And then there's the Bears, who ride on one of the most inconsistent QBs you'll ever see. No matter how much the coaches deny it, our success rides on him right now. The defense is still damn good, but if Bad Rex shows up, I don't think they can save him again, there's only so many times you can get away with it in a season. Helluva game I heard (haven't seen it in its entirety yet), but I saw the OT, such a relief when it split the uprights, I think half of us would've vomited if he'd have missed it (me included). We do always have an X-factor with one of the best overall special teams units I've ever seen.