Another child

PC has reached Montana also, sadly. The locals had no problems. The media made such a scene that idiots came out of the woodwork to test their new high performance Corvettes....and frequently lost. They now have a speed limit.
Thulsa Doom said:
I wouldnt. Id say to an adult that if consentual sex is worth any possible risk then go for it. But be prepared to pay the price if things dont work out and it blows up in your face in a legal way. Because age of consent IS necessary in an imperfect world where we must draw arbitrary lines to limit the potential for risk. 55 mph anybody?

Now if coercian is involved in obtaining sex no matter WHAT the age... then I find that abhorent. But if two people want to have sex with each other really and truly then I for one am not going to tell them no you are not allowed. And if god forbid an adult and a minor are in love with each other and have sex (not in this case as far as I can tell) then I celebrate it.

Okay...coercian was not involved, but how do you expect a child to make an adult decision? Mind you, I wouldn't've turned her down, either, but, at that age, hormones do the talking...not intelligence. If you emotionally incapable of making an adult decision, and I emphasize adult, then the other person, who presumably is capable, then you have a problem. That's why statuatory rape laws were written, and that's why it's wrong...I'm also pretty sure you mentioned, in another thread, how certain individuals should've been severely punished for statuatory rape...when the 'victim' was female...I'll have to find it, but if it does not exist, I apologize in advance for mis-quoting you.