another murdered christmas tree for my house


New Member
well, gato, it's that time ... i can't wait! i'll be able to go and get a christmas tree soon!! i saw a sign in the mall the other day - 5 more saturdays 'til christmas! i guess i better start shopping soon :D
ooooooooooooh! I am going to get to be in Newfoundland for Christmas! Instead of going to a treefarm to cut our tree (we ALWAYS have a real tree) we get to go into the woods! YAY!
we have a small artificial one that we put on one of the end tables. i'd have to rent a storage shed and rearrange the entire living room for a real tree.
Last year, Rusty and I vowed that we would get a real mini Christmas tree for the apartment... We bought ornaments on sale after last year so all we need are lights and maybe a star for the top. I can put it on top of my plant stand right in our living room window, it's going to be great! :D

In our family, Christmas Eve was bigger than Christmas Day... My Dad would take one of us and go pick out the tree and bring it home and all day we would drag out all the decorations and prepare the tree. We always put on too much tinsel! My Mom would be in the kitchen making lasagne and Dad would make egg nog and that night we would eat tollhouse cookies and open one present while the Christmas music in the background. *sigh* I miss being a kid. We haven't done it like that in years.
I'll be pulling the big old green piece of plastic from the basement here this weekend. It's much better for us, don't have to worry about watering, just hose it off every couple of years to keep the dust down.
kuulani said:
well, gato, it's that time ... i can't wait! i'll be able to go and get a christmas tree soon!! i saw a sign in the mall the other day - 5 more saturdays 'til christmas! i guess i better start shopping soon :D

That's a bit early. Traditionally the tree isn't put up in our house until christmas eve (old german custom) and comes down on January 6th.
hey ku'u ... we still gonna do the "Tree in the Courtyard" thing? Or maybe we should just decorate the courtyard?

*sigh* ... wasn't it just Christmastime not too long ago? :O

I'm more in the Christmas mood this year than I've been in awhile!! Woo-hoo for me :D

We get a small tree too for our house ... we haven't collected enough ornaments yet for a big tree :D
kuulani said:
well, gato, it's that time ... i can't wait! i'll be able to go and get a christmas tree soon!! i saw a sign in the mall the other day - 5 more saturdays 'til christmas! i guess i better start shopping soon :D

we have one at my store. glad i did my shopping already :) still shopping for some friends. not sure what well do about the tree since we have our thanksgiving stuff up. and i know its early but merry chrsitmas to all :)
Aunty Em said:
Luis G said:
I don't care about Christmas. :D

What, you mean you never get any presents or eat and drink yourself stupid? ?( ;)

Presents are nice, the dinners are nice too. But i don't care about buying christmas stuff for the house.
I just put up the tree, with all the trinkets we've accumulated over the years, blutack the cards to the back of my sliding doors, get some holly in from the garden and put fake snow and lights in my window. I don't go mad with decorations like a lot of people do - I just hate taking it all down.
kuulani said:
I'm more in the Christmas mood this year than I've been in awhile!! Woo-hoo for me :D

I am willing to bet $$ it has something to do with baby girl and you getting to play Santa!!! :D
Aunty Em said:
I just put up the tree, with all the trinkets we've accumulated over the years, blutack the cards to the back of my sliding doors, get some holly in from the garden and put fake snow and lights in my window. I don't go mad with decorations like a lot of people do - I just hate taking it all down.

that might seem like a lot of decorations for some people! :D
that's more than I did last year ... all we did was put up a tree with decorations :D