Another nail in the coffin of AWG


Well-Known Member
Seems that even ststisticians see the flaws in the "Hockey stick" bullshit.


Global warming graph attacked by study

By Fiona Harvey, Environment Correspondent

Published: April 14 2010 19:51 | Last updated: April 14 2010 19:51

A key piece of evidence in climate change science was slammed as “exaggerated” on Wednesday by the UK’s leading statistician, in a vindication of claims that global warming sceptics have been making for years.

Professor David Hand, president of the Royal Statistical Society, said that a graph shaped like an ice hockey stick that has been used to represent the recent rise in global temperatures had been compiled using “inappropriate” methods.

“It used a particular statistical technique that exaggerated the effect [of recent warming],” he said.

The criticism came as part of a report published on Wednesday that found the scientists behind the “Climategate” e-mail scandal had behaved “honestly and fairly” and showed “no evidence of any deliberate scientific malpractice”.


Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2010.
Climate change is good!

The truth of the global warming hoax
is only available to those with working brains?