yes gonz it's only the people with government titles that have the power and make things happen.
I hope you can get your money back from whatever history/government classes you took. They failed you.
Here, lemme 'splain it to ya...
The government can tax you. Don't pay it, go to jail (that whole "at the point of a barrel" thing you have trouble with)
Then, the government can take the money they've forced to to give up & they can apply it to security (armies/navies)
or to printing stamps (although, they've actually turned that over too, since it was losing so much money) or they can
build roads (which, ironically, have their own specific tax, which is seldomly used for roads). They pay federal employees
with the taxes & use some of it to go overseas (or up/down the road) and have diplomatic missions.
On the other hand, private businesses have ABSOLUTELY NO CONTROL OVER MY MONEY, if I chose not to
do business with them.
So, yes, the government stole our money & handed it over to a private firm (see socialism)