TD said:then youre not a victim
That's as far as I'm reading. I'm sick of people wanting there to be victims. Be a victim if you want. I refuse to play that game.
TD said:then youre not a victim
No T-Doom, you need to re-read. You missed a number of points by several people.Thulsa Doom said:must have missed it. can he do it again?
So if "the people" vote Jim Crow laws back into existance then its ok?
So if I arbitrarily decide (along with the majority of "the people") that you personally should not be allowed to marry the willing legal adult you love then youre not a victim of my attempt to control your behavior? Behavior that does no harm to you or others? How bout if I decide I can declare null and void any marriage you may already have partaken in simply because I dont like who you married? Still not a victim? *waiting for technical loophole argument*
As for homosexual marriage being the cause of the end of civilization as we know it, as patently ridiculous as this old argument is, its also quite irrelevant. You simply cannot create laws that dont allow one group to do what another group can do simply because you associate that one group with immorality (as defined by religion to boot).
freako104 said:do you mean to say there arent victims Gonz? or those that say they are kind of Bullshit?
You seem to completely miss that a sexual behavior does not quailfy as a civil rights issue.
ResearchMonkey said:You seem to completely miss that a sexual behavior does not quailfy as a civil rights issue.
The men and children of NAMBLA must be victims too, they must keep up the fight and show in equality of it all.
People love to play the victim, portaying your self as victim does not mean that you are victim.
Gato_Solo said:For those who try to equate their lifestyle 'choice' with the struggle of minorities for equality, you really need to step back, take another look, and re-read my first 2 sentences to use as a guide.
A person of Negroid blood will always be a person of Negroid blood. A person of female genes will alwys be a person of female genes (even with the stupid surgeries). An act of homosexuality can next time be an act of heterosexuality.yes the avoidance tactic of blaming a people for their behavior and ignoring completely their fundamental nature.
Thulsa Doom said:So... is this your way of saying they are just being gay on a whim?
Gonz said:I believe that homosexuality is a genetic anomoly. It serves no purpose. They have a trait in which they prefer a same sex partner. They are also perfectly capable of making a choice. As am I. I have no interest in pursuing homosexual relations. I don't expect them to go out of their way to pursue heterosexual relations. I also am offended that they try to equate the two. If homosexuality had some evolutionary advantage I could be persuaded to rethink my position.
I've friended many of the homosexuals I've know throughout my life. I'd never support them in a homosexual marriage. I dont mind homosexuals. I despise moral equivalency.
Gato_Solo said:Yes...You've got it...finally. The light bulb has lit, ladies and gentlemen.
Not exactly a whim, but, there you go. People make 'bad' choices every day, but you don't hear them claiming that they deserve anything.I'll add a disclaimer to this, because you usually try to spin the answer to fit your own view...and also because those who are homosexual have been wavering back and forth on the 'nature vs choice' issue for quite some time as well...
Not all gay people 'choose' their homosexuality. Some actually are biologically wired that way (a very few, but there you are), and some have it forced upon them (psychological trauma after abuse as children), but the vast majority choose to live that way. We've had this discussion before, too...
please qualify yourself as to why you are qualified to speak to this.Thulsa Doom said:. . please correct me if you happen to be an evolutionary biologist with experience in this arena. . .
ResearchMonkey said:The issue is the definition of marrage. The gay people are demnding the difinition to include them.
They want to force their homosexual behaviors to be considered the same heterosexual behaviors, validation.
As far as the natual benefit of such a gene would be in a place like China where the sex’s ratio has ben preverted by infacided, then the preverted gene would come in quite handy.
Show the value homosexuality has in the grander law of nature.