Yeah, it's still there, and its not going away anytime soon. The fact that we even have this debate in the first place demonstrates that it's still here and not going away. You can't ignore it I guess, but let's not try to make these issues stand out so much. I mean the fact that we have AA is kind of like saying that minorities aren't as qualified, and thus NEED some extra help. I think this only makes the matter worse in many cases. Indeed, it helps in some, on an individual level, but as a whole, on an aggregate level it does more damage. In the past, it may be been a 'good idea,' that too is debatable, but it doesn't seem to work the way it was intended, and you can hardly point to it's overwhelming success. It's kind of a failure if you think about it. You can't legislate change the change peoples views or personal beliefs. It's just not possible. And discrimination, of some kind or another will always exist. It always has. The problem with sterotypes is that in aggregate they tend to have merit. However, on an individual level of course they do not. This is why people discriminate based on one trait or another. It's a quick easy way to maximize your chances to choose the individuals you are looking for. It's not really that good at the individual level, but it works well for narrowing down candidates to a smaller pool. Essentially we are legislating that people use a less effective method of sorting people. Now, I'm not defending discrimination, or anything like that, I'm just pointing out why it tends to happen,and why it will always tend to happen. It's not about race, religion or sex, it's about every trait by which we can sort people. What school did you go to, what was your GPA, what was your previous background, work experience, what organizations do you belong to, etc etc. They are sorting on a number of traits and characteristics, and this sorting process is discriminating against EVERONE based on one trait or another. You can generalize certain things about a population based on various traits, and this is what we are trying to stop. We can't. Of course, when you do this you are hurting individuals, and at the individual level such traits may show no relation to the overall trend. However, firms and universites start sorting at the group level, and only finally end up at the individual level. If a company or university only considers 3.7gpa students and up, is that discrimination? What if they only consider students from top schools? Or what if they need to show community service (as so many graduate programs require)? You are discriminating in each of these case. You are discriminating based on socioeconomic status, because clearly the higher your income the more you can afford to volunteer, or the more opportunities there are to excel and get into 'the right schools' in the first place. Not too many poor or middle class families can afford to send their kids to the best prep schools. The major sorce of discrimination in society is of a socioeconomic nature, not of an ethnic nature. Minorities tend to be poorer, thus, tend to have less opportunities. There are other factors, but this is the major factor, and it affects all races equally. People seem ot over look this fact when discussing these issues. There are a lot of rich white people, and very few rich minorites, thus you are gonna find a lot more advantaged whites. It doesn't mean we are all advantaged, it just means there are a lot more whites who come from the right families, from the right background, get into the right schools, and get into the kinds of positions where they are in a position to promote people like themselves, other upper income whites with similar backgrounds to their own in most cases. Only time is gonna change this, not legislation. And maybe even time won't change it. The 'majority' already has a big lead on the minority, one that maybe even time won't overcome. I wish there was an easy answer, but there probably isn't. Every society in history has had this same structure. It seems to be a rather natural condition unfortunately. Maybe that alone strong justification for such programs, I'm not really sure. It doesn't seem to have had any major impact yet though. I'm rather indifferent on the matter. But as I've said before I only favor things in my own self interst, and this isn't such a program, so I would tend to not support it.