Antivirus Live


molṑn labé
Staff member
Malware from hell.

It istalls a small file that looks like an anti-virus program then progresses to not allow you to do anything. Cnt-Alt-Del is infected. It shuts down IE. Can't get into MSConfig (it's infected). Everything you attempt to use is "infected".

Using Firefox allowed me get on the internet & figure out a fix butthe fixes were stopped. Ended up downloading a program to desktop & going in safe mode.

I've never seen something at least semi-legit, that was so malicious. The idea is to get you to buy their Antivirus Live program. Took over two hours to fix it.

Not even sure where I got it...
Why use IE at all?

Firefox + NoScript = greatness!

I also use Avira AntiVir Personal. I have not had a problem yet.
Why use IE at all?

2 reasons...
I use a certain form-filler that only works with it...but I'll be switching
that over soon to....I'm thinking about far.

the other thing is I have several clients, that I have to walk-through
some things sometimes, and I like to see what they see, as I go, so
I have to have a machine setup with it. 'For support. (in a nutshell)'

Otherwise I'd already be total Linux.
Damn that MS lobby.
I still haven't gotten weened off the 'frontpage' just yet either,
because KompoZer is slower rendering.