"President Bush and his vice president conceded yesterday in the clearest terms yet that Saddam Hussein had no weapons of mass destruction"
What should have been posted was "President Bush and his vice president conceded yesterday in the clearest terms yet
that the British intel upon which they relied was incorrect and that Saddam Hussein had no weapons of mass destruction"
You choose to ignore the fact that the British intell was incorrect, not ours. You see, your little buddies Torricelli, Clinton, Reno, and Gorelick made sure that the CIA would be hamstrung and unable to gather proper intel thus placing us in the unenviable position of having to depend on foreign intel.
But let me take you through the history of how that happened.
You seem to dwell on the subject of how Bush lied to get us into Iraq. Has it ever -- EVER -- occurred to you as to just why our intel was so bad?
It’s a long story so I’ll give you the Clif’s Notes version with citations. You can do the legwork yourself, although I know you won't.
The players on our story are:
Jennifer Harbury (Leftist Commie and attorney)
Efrain Bamaca Velasquez ("Evarardo" Mayan leader of the Guatemalan resistance forces, or U.R.N.G.)
Robert Toricelli (United States Representative at the time)
William Clinton (President of the United States)
Janet Reno (Attorney General of the United States)
Jamie Gorelick (Deputy Attorney General of the United States)
As it turns out, Jennifer Harbury married a Leftist named “Evarardo” who was the leader of the resistance in Guatemala. Evarardo was captured by the Guatemalan military and eventually executed after he was tortured brutally. The people who were doing the torture were CIA assets who were being paid by the CIA.
Harbury went on a hunger strike in front of the presidential palace in Guatemala and subsequently went on a hunger strike in front of the White House.
Harbury testified before the “Subcommittee on Government Management, Information and Technology of the Committee on Government Reform and Oversight“ and described her ordeal in Guatemala. Robert Toricelli revealed a top secret classified memo to the press, something for which he should have been sent to prison.
Toricelli then authored, and Janet Reno approved, and William Clinton signed into law what has come to be known as the “Toricelli Principle”.
The Toricelli Principle disallows the U.S. government from hiring as assets anyone who has a criminal background taking fully into effect that only boy scouts and their cronies are of interest to the CIA. This was the first instance of the now famous “wall” -- not mentioning FISA because I don't want to muddy this discussion.
The hands of the CIA to gather intel were now severely tied.
Subsequent to this, Jamie Gorelick
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jamie_Gorelick authored, the now infamous “wall” memo
http://www.nationalreview.com/document/document_1995_gorelick_memo.pdf which tied the hands, feet, and mouths of the CIA and law enforcement and kicked them to the curb. It is the main reason that we have to glean our intel from foreign sources and the absolute reason that we could not search the computer of Zacharias Moussaui(sp?). The memo raised the wall originally erected by the "Toricelli Principle" to the point that the enemies of America were able to fly several aircraft full of screaming passengers into American landmarks.
There was much made of Gorelick's involvement in facilitating the 9-11 attacks by the issuance of her memo; but her obvious conflict of interest went unaddressed by the 9-11 commission even though it was rubbed in their faces by many witnesses and sources.
Now comes the part that will be hard to swallow. Bush acted on that foreign intel because we didn’t have any of our own to act upon because of that damned wall. Bush lied? No. He used bad intel because the likes of Harbury, Toricelli, Gorelick, Reno, and Clinton robbed this nation of its ability to gather good intel.
And that’s the way it is.
Continue to blame Bush and call him a liar but you now have the resources to find out the truth as to why our intel was so bad and the president unable to get to the truth.
Here are some other links.
http://www.9-11commission.gov/about/bio_gorelick.htm Gorelick official biography
http://www.wilmerhale.com/jamie_gorelick/ Gorelick biography
http://www.opinionjournal.com/editor...l?id=110004956 ''Gorelick's Wall'', Opinion Journal (Wall Street Journal 4/15/04)
From the Opinion Journal editorial:
At issue is the pre-Patriot Act "wall" that prevented communication between intelligence agents and criminal investigators--a wall, Mr. Ashcroft said, that meant "the old national intelligence system in place on September 11 was destined to fail." The Attorney General explained:
"In the days before September 11, the wall specifically impeded the investigation into Zacarias Moussaoui, Khalid al-Midhar and Nawaf al-Hazmi. After the FBI arrested Moussaoui, agents became suspicious of his interest in commercial aircraft and sought approval for a criminal warrant to search his computer. The warrant was rejected because FBI officials feared breaching the wall.
"When the CIA finally told the FBI that al-Midhar and al-Hazmi were in the country in late August, agents in New York searched for the suspects. But because of the wall, FBI headquarters refused to allow criminal investigators who knew the most about the most recent al Qaeda attack to join the hunt for the suspected terrorists.
"At that time, a frustrated FBI investigator wrote headquarters, quote, 'Whatever has happened to this--someday someone will die--and wall or not--the public will not understand why we were not more effective and throwing every resource we had at certain 'problems.' "
That investigator was absolutely correct. "... the public will not understand why we were not more effective and throwing every resource we had at certain 'problems."
He was talking about you, Spike. You and everyone like you.
Your side of the equation caused the wall to be erected and that wall your side built caused 9/11 to be possible.
Get used to it.
And don't go giving me a bunch of shit about FISA unless you want your hat handed to you with your head still in it.