Antiwar Reporting Helps U.S. Enemies

You spew the same crap as the sites I mentioned.

Gee. I see you can read ... finally.

Why does that take so much guts for you?

I was speaking of your lack thereof.

What an improvement that would be if the only time he lied was about Iraq being a threat with their WMDs.

"documents which formed the basis for [the White House's assertion] of recent uranium transactions between Iraq and Niger are in fact not authentic."
Mohammed El Baradei, Director, International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), March 2003

The White House has since apologized for making that claim.

Oops. I guess I was to early with that compliment about your reading ability. Otherwise you would have read my POST #20.

503. From our examination of the intelligence and other material on Iraqi attempts to buy uranium from Africa, we have concluded that:

a. It is accepted by all parties that Iraqi officials visited Niger in 1999.

b. The British Government had intelligence from several different sources indicating that this visit was for the purpose of acquiring uranium. Since uranium constitutes almost three-quarters of Niger’s exports, the intelligence was credible.

c. The evidence was not conclusive that Iraq actually purchased, as opposed to having sought, uranium and the British Government did not claim this.

d. The forged documents were not available to the British Government at the time its assessment was made, and so the fact of the forgery does not undermine it (the assessment).

By the by ... the British government STILL stands by that assessment.

The Butler Report
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It isn't whose is better; but whose can find authoritative government sites and whose can only seem to find everything else.
Gee. I see you can read ... finally.

I've known you spew the same crap as those sites for quite some time.

I was speaking of your lack thereof.

What lack are you referring to? Saying I read sites I don't isn't guts, it's lying.

Oops. I guess I was to early with that compliment

Read the timeline Jim. It will put things into perspective for you.

Speaking of eading you seemed to have missed this.

"President Bush and his vice president conceded yesterday in the clearest terms yet that Saddam Hussein had no weapons of mass destruction"

Where you calling them liars?
Rumsfeld: ‘I Have Never Painted A Rosy Picture’ About Iraq

Dec. 18, 2002: KING: What's the current situation in Afghanistan? RUMSFELD: It is encouraging. They have elected a government through the Loya Jirga process. The Taliban are gone. The al Qaeda are gone.

Feb. 7, 2003: “It is unknowable how long that conflict [the war in Iraq] will last. It could last six days, six weeks. I doubt six months.”

Feb. 20 2003: “‘Do you expect the invasion, if it comes, to be welcomed by the majority of the civilian population of Iraq?’ Jim Lehrer asked the defense secretary on PBS’ The News Hour. ‘There is no question but that they would be welcomed,’ Rumsfeld replied, referring to American forces.”

Mar. 30, 2003: “It happens not to be the area where weapons of mass destruction were dispersed. We know where they are. They're in the area around Tikrit and Baghdad and east, west, south and north somewhat.”

QUESTION: You said you knew where they were.

RUMSFELD: I did not. I said I knew where suspect sites were and –

QUESTION: You said you knew where they were Tikrit, Baghdad, northeast, south, west of there. Those are your words.
"President Bush and his vice president conceded yesterday in the clearest terms yet that Saddam Hussein had no weapons of mass destruction"

What should have been posted was "President Bush and his vice president conceded yesterday in the clearest terms yet that the British intel upon which they relied was incorrect and that Saddam Hussein had no weapons of mass destruction"

You choose to ignore the fact that the British intell was incorrect, not ours. You see, your little buddies Torricelli, Clinton, Reno, and Gorelick made sure that the CIA would be hamstrung and unable to gather proper intel thus placing us in the unenviable position of having to depend on foreign intel.

But let me take you through the history of how that happened.

You seem to dwell on the subject of how Bush lied to get us into Iraq. Has it ever -- EVER -- occurred to you as to just why our intel was so bad?

It’s a long story so I’ll give you the Clif’s Notes version with citations. You can do the legwork yourself, although I know you won't.

The players on our story are:

Jennifer Harbury (Leftist Commie and attorney)

Efrain Bamaca Velasquez ("Evarardo" Mayan leader of the Guatemalan resistance forces, or U.R.N.G.)

Robert Toricelli (United States Representative at the time)

William Clinton (President of the United States)

Janet Reno (Attorney General of the United States)

Jamie Gorelick (Deputy Attorney General of the United States)

As it turns out, Jennifer Harbury married a Leftist named “Evarardo” who was the leader of the resistance in Guatemala. Evarardo was captured by the Guatemalan military and eventually executed after he was tortured brutally. The people who were doing the torture were CIA assets who were being paid by the CIA.

Harbury went on a hunger strike in front of the presidential palace in Guatemala and subsequently went on a hunger strike in front of the White House.

Harbury testified before the “Subcommittee on Government Management, Information and Technology of the Committee on Government Reform and Oversight“ and described her ordeal in Guatemala. Robert Toricelli revealed a top secret classified memo to the press, something for which he should have been sent to prison.

Toricelli then authored, and Janet Reno approved, and William Clinton signed into law what has come to be known as the “Toricelli Principle”.

The Toricelli Principle disallows the U.S. government from hiring as assets anyone who has a criminal background taking fully into effect that only boy scouts and their cronies are of interest to the CIA. This was the first instance of the now famous “wall” -- not mentioning FISA because I don't want to muddy this discussion.

The hands of the CIA to gather intel were now severely tied.

Subsequent to this, Jamie Gorelick authored, the now infamous “wall” memo which tied the hands, feet, and mouths of the CIA and law enforcement and kicked them to the curb. It is the main reason that we have to glean our intel from foreign sources and the absolute reason that we could not search the computer of Zacharias Moussaui(sp?). The memo raised the wall originally erected by the "Toricelli Principle" to the point that the enemies of America were able to fly several aircraft full of screaming passengers into American landmarks.

There was much made of Gorelick's involvement in facilitating the 9-11 attacks by the issuance of her memo; but her obvious conflict of interest went unaddressed by the 9-11 commission even though it was rubbed in their faces by many witnesses and sources.

Now comes the part that will be hard to swallow. Bush acted on that foreign intel because we didn’t have any of our own to act upon because of that damned wall. Bush lied? No. He used bad intel because the likes of Harbury, Toricelli, Gorelick, Reno, and Clinton robbed this nation of its ability to gather good intel.

And that’s the way it is.

Continue to blame Bush and call him a liar but you now have the resources to find out the truth as to why our intel was so bad and the president unable to get to the truth.

Here are some other links. Gorelick official biography Gorelick biography ''Gorelick's Wall'', Opinion Journal (Wall Street Journal 4/15/04)

From the Opinion Journal editorial:

At issue is the pre-Patriot Act "wall" that prevented communication between intelligence agents and criminal investigators--a wall, Mr. Ashcroft said, that meant "the old national intelligence system in place on September 11 was destined to fail." The Attorney General explained:

"In the days before September 11, the wall specifically impeded the investigation into Zacarias Moussaoui, Khalid al-Midhar and Nawaf al-Hazmi. After the FBI arrested Moussaoui, agents became suspicious of his interest in commercial aircraft and sought approval for a criminal warrant to search his computer. The warrant was rejected because FBI officials feared breaching the wall.

"When the CIA finally told the FBI that al-Midhar and al-Hazmi were in the country in late August, agents in New York searched for the suspects. But because of the wall, FBI headquarters refused to allow criminal investigators who knew the most about the most recent al Qaeda attack to join the hunt for the suspected terrorists.

"At that time, a frustrated FBI investigator wrote headquarters, quote, 'Whatever has happened to this--someday someone will die--and wall or not--the public will not understand why we were not more effective and throwing every resource we had at certain 'problems.' "

That investigator was absolutely correct. "... the public will not understand why we were not more effective and throwing every resource we had at certain 'problems."

He was talking about you, Spike. You and everyone like you.

Your side of the equation caused the wall to be erected and that wall your side built caused 9/11 to be possible.

Get used to it.

And don't go giving me a bunch of shit about FISA unless you want your hat handed to you with your head still in it.
What should have been posted was "President Bush and his vice president conceded yesterday in the clearest terms yet that the British intel upon which they relied was incorrect and that Saddam Hussein had no weapons of mass destruction"

You're still avoiding the question. When Bush and Cheney admit that there were no WMDs are you calling them liars?

You choose to ignore the fact that the British intell was incorrect, not ours.

I made no statement about that at all. Could you stick to the actual conversation please?

If you look at the timeline you can clearly see that Bush and Condi continued to use the uranium claim to convince the public about the war long after they knew the claim was "highly dubious".

You see, your little buddies Torricelli, Clinton, Reno, and Gorelick made sure that the CIA would be hamstrung and unable to gather proper intel thus placing us in the unenviable position of having to depend on foreign intel.

At this point I realize that you would like to go off on a tangent or change the subject.

Continue to blame Bush and call him a liar

Oh I will. It's pretty damn clear that Bush, Condi, Cheney, Rumsfeld, and others repeatedly lied about all sorts of things.

And don't go giving me a bunch of shit about FISA unless you want your hat handed to you with your head still in it.

Another change of subject and getting a little violent. Sorry Jim, I'm sure it's very frustrating to have to defend these guys.
You're still avoiding the question. When Bush and Cheney admit that there were no WMDs are you calling them liars?

NO! NO! NO! NO! and NO!

You may very well consider what Bush said to be a lie. A lie is a statement made which the declarant knows to be false. There is NO evidence that suggest Bush knew that what he said was false. Conflicting reports is not evidence of a lie. If Bush had said Iraq did not have any WMDs would that have been a lie? At the time there was intelligence suggesting otherwise.

We have now found out from one of Saddam's closest advisors that he thought the U.S. would simply do what they had done under Clinton and lob a few missles his way. He never thought that Bush would actually invade or that his bragadoccio and lying about his having WMDs would bring that invasion.

I made no statement about that at all. Could you stick to the actual conversation please?

I have placed the facts about the British intel before you several times and you have chosen to ignore it.

If you look at the timeline you can clearly see that Bush and Condi continued to use the uranium claim to convince the public about the war long after they knew the claim was "highly dubious".

The president gave the speech wherein the "sixteen words" were used on January 28, 2003

Rumsfeld repeated that claim on January 29, 2003.

On March 7, 2003, Mohamed ElBaradei states that ""the reports of recent uranium transaction between Iraq and Niger are in fact not authentic" and "unfounded." There was no "transaction". All that was said was "The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa."

Cheney states he thinks ElBaradei is wrong on March 16, 2003.

On June 8, 2003, on ABCNEWS' This Week, Rice says that at the time the State of the Union address was being prepared, "there were also other sources that said that … the Iraqis were seeking yellowcake, uranium oxide from Africa. And that was taken out of a British report. Clearly, that particular report, we learned subsequently, subsequently, was not credible."

So where is this timeline that we can "clearly see ... long after they knew ... Bush and Condi continued to use the uranium claim"?

Everything I have posted above is from YOUR timeline.

At this point I realize that you would like to go off on a tangent or change the subject.

No, I am right on subject. You are simply scared to death at what I have posted which shows you are wrong about Bush lying to get us into Iraq.

Right now, there are 5 members and 250 guests viewing this website. Those 250 are the lurkers who are sitting back, not posting to the threads, who are watching you get your ass kicked. They are watching you twist in the wind while you try to wriggle your way out of irrefutable proof that you are wrong.

Another change of subject and getting a little violent. Sorry Jim, I'm sure it's very frustrating to have to defend these guys.

I figured you would stay away from that one because it would further prove that you are wrong; and that it was you and your ilk which made 9/11 possible. Smart move on your part. Getting your ass kicked (intellectually, lest I be accused of "violence") in public is never a comfortable thing.

You have implied that Iraq did have WMDs, yet Bush and Cheney have admitted they didn't. Rumsfeld said he knew where they were and then tried to deny that he ever said that.

You may very well consider what Bush said to be a lie. A lie is a statement made which the declarant knows to be false.

You mean like making statements that the CIA had already called "highly dubious" as if they were fact. Or when Rumsfeld said "I did not. I said I knew where suspect sites were".

There is NO evidence that suggest Bush knew that what he said was false.

Except what the CIA had already been saying you mean.

I have placed the facts about the British intel before you several times and you have chosen to ignore it.

No, you've made claims about their intel being wrong instead of ours. It's not pertinent. The fact is Bush used the intel far after he knew it was dubious.

Everything I have posted above is from YOUR timeline.

If you really read it you would see the "highly dubious" remark in October 2002. Yet long afterwards it was portrayed as fact.

No, I am right on subject.

No making excuses for our lack of intelligence is a complete tangent.

You are simply scared to death at what I have posted which shows you are wrong about Bush lying to get us into Iraq.

No, this is actually very easy for me Jim. There are so many lies to work with that I could do this all day.

They are watching you twist in the wind while you try to wriggle your way out of irrefutable proof that you are wrong.

Really, I would imagine ignoring repeated questions and going off on tangents would indicate wiggling on your part. Keep your delusions if it makes you feel better though.

I figured you would stay away from that one because it would further prove that you are wrong

If your having so much trouble with this that you need to change the subject you can start another thread. The desperation will still be obvious though.
If it's pretty damn clear that Bush, Condi, Cheney, Rumsfeld, and others repeatedly lied about the reasons that have placed this country in Iraq why hasn't at least one of them come forward to tell the world about it? :shrug:

Is Booosh paying them vast sums of money to keep their yap shut?

Is Booosh holding their loved ones captive in some kind of floating prison barge with a knife to their throat and threatening to give the order to kill them if the truth about Iraq is revealed?

Does Booosh have photos of them in a compromising situation or some other kind of information that if released to the public will jeopardize their political and social reputation?

The libs have been dancing to the "Boosh lied" drumbeat for the past 5 years, but have never had the guts to venture beyond those words to offer, in their opinion, a logical reason as to why they feel he lied---and to provide examples as to how that reason has come to fruition.

Was the Iraq war based on revenge because Saddam had a plot to kill Dubya's daddy? If that was the case, why didn't Booosh simply dispatch a team of expert snipers to settle the score?

Was this war a U.S. grab for control of Iraqi oil? Not in the "securing the world's oil supplies for the sake of the global economy" manner, like Greenspan spoke of last year
but for the purpose of "lining Booosh's pockets with cash" type of control?

Or is it that you libs just know he lied? :eek6:
You have implied that Iraq did have WMDs, yet Bush and Cheney have admitted they didn't. Rumsfeld said he knew where they were and then tried to deny that he ever said that.

No implication. I thought it was quite clear when I posted HERE the article from June 29, 2006 which displayed the banner Munitions Found in Iraq Meet WMD Criteria, Official Says .

Guess you missed that.

You mean like making statements that the CIA had already called "highly dubious" as if they were fact. Or when Rumsfeld said "I did not. I said I knew where suspect sites were".

That works if your calendar month order is March, January, February, April.

Go back and read POST #20 and start with the quoted paragraph which begins "The investigation was centred on documents provided ..." and then look at the datestamp on that quote March 7, 2003, FIVE WEEKS AFTER the president's speech.

Except what the CIA had already been saying you mean.

See above.

No, you've made claims about their intel being wrong instead of ours. It's not pertinent. The fact is Bush used the intel far after he knew it was dubious.

Only if March 2003 comes before January 2003.

If you really read it you would see the "highly dubious" remark in October 2002. Yet long afterwards it was portrayed as fact.


October 2002

The National Intelligence Estimate is produced. It says "a foreign government service reported that as of early 2001, Niger planned to send several tons of pure uranium (probably yellowcake) to Iraq," according to a July 11, 2003, statement from Tenet. It also states: "We do not know the status of this arrangement." Much later in the text, State Department researchers call the allegations "highly dubious."

AGAIN, go back to POST #20 and read the two quoted paragraphs from the Report from the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence which start with "499" and "500" and you will see that my source, which is not a news source but a Senate investigation, says you are wrong.

There was no "plan to send" anything to Iraq; and it states so quite clearly. Why you can't get that after having it thrust in your face numerous times shows your retiscence to admit you are wrong. The President stated in the State of the Union Address "there is intelligence that Iraq has sought the supply of significant quantities of uranium from Africa." was WELL FOUNDED.

No mention of anything having been "planned to send" to Iraq.

Changing the timeline to suit your agenda will not change the facts.

No making excuses for our lack of intelligence is a complete tangent.

So we should ignore the fact that our intel was hamstrung by the "wall"; and we should also ignore the fact that we had to use foreign intel to supplement what we were not allowed by that law to gather?

Really, I would imagine ignoring repeated questions and going off on tangents would indicate wiggling on your part. Keep your delusions if it makes you feel better though.

And ignoring official government documents which prove indubitably that you are wrong is ... what? I call it denial. What do you call it?
I figured there was a loop or two.
My niece gets me caught up in um from time to time...just her nature. :D
No implication. I thought it was quite clear when I posted HERE the article from June 29, 2006 which displayed the banner Munitions Found in Iraq Meet WMD Criteria, Official Says .

Guess you missed that.

No I didn't miss that. What I miss is your response to Bush and CHeney contradicting that by admitting there were no WMDs.

That works if your calendar month order is March, January, February, April.

Read the timeline Jim. What you need is 2003 to follow 2002.

Only if March 2003 comes before January 2003.

What you need is 2003 to follow 2002.

There was no "plan to send" anything to Iraq; and it states so quite clearly. Why you can't get that

Where have I said there was a "plan to send" something? You get pretty strange with these tangents.

Changing the timeline to suit your agenda will not change the facts.

Right, so stop it.

So we should ignore the fact that our intel was hamstrung by the "wall"; and we should also ignore the fact that we had to use foreign intel to supplement what we were not allowed by that law to gather?

I would imagine you'd want to change the subject at this point. Don't expect not to be called on it though.

And ignoring official government documents which prove indubitably that you are wrong is ... what? I call it denial. What do you call it?

Seems we've established pretty clearly that Bush, Cheney, Condi, and Rumsfeld lied about multiple things regarding Iraq.
No I didn't miss that. What I miss is your response to Bush and CHeney contradicting that by admitting there were no WMDs.

Since they stated that they were wrong on the WMDs this story comes out in 2006 which contradicts their admission. Sorry if that rains on your parade.

Read the timeline Jim. What you need is 2003 to follow 2002.

It does, thank you.

What you need is 2003 to follow 2002.

Checking ......... Yep, still does.

Where have I said there was a "plan to send" something? You get pretty strange with these tangents.

YOU never said that.

That is from your vaunted timeline you keep telling me I need to read and the specific part you told me to reference.


October 2002

The National Intelligence Estimate is produced. It says "a foreign government service reported that as of early 2001, Niger planned to send several tons of pure uranium (probably yellowcake) to Iraq," according to a July 11, 2003, statement from Tenet. It also states: "We do not know the status of this arrangement." Much later in the text, State Department researchers call the allegations "highly dubious."

There was no "plan to send" anything to Iraq. Bush merely stated, and the Butler Report and the Report from the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence has confirmed, "that Iraq has sought the supply of significant quantities of uranium ..."

So your reference to the October 2003 timeline is flawed as there was no effort to send anything anywhere.

The committee stated that at the time the President said those sixteen words in the Sate of the Union speech that those words were, in their words, "well founded".

I would imagine you'd want to change the subject at this point. Don't expect not to be called on it though.

The wall and the lack of intel created by that wall IS part of the subject. You state that Bush lied to get us into Iraq. The Butler Report and the Report from the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence have shown that he did not lie. A large part of the discussion of the Butler Report and the Report from the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence was about the lack of American intel at the time the State of the Union speech was given.

You don't want to go there because you know you can't debate against that. You will be shown to be wrong ... once again.

If the wall was of no consequence to this subject under discussion, why, then, did the Commission state the following?

Notes To Chapter 8, Page 539, footnote 83; "Final Report of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States"

83.Attorney General Ashcroft testified to us that this and similar information-sharing issues arose from Attorney General Reno’s 1995 guidelines, discussed in chapter 3, and specifically from a March 1995 memorandum of then Deputy Attorney General Jamie Gorelick. John Ashcroft testimony, Apr. 13, 2004; DOJ memo, Gorelick to White, “Instructions on Separation of Certain Foreign Counterintelligence and Criminal Investigations,” Mar. 4, 1995.

We believe the Attorney General’s testimony does not fairly or accurately reflect the significance of the 1995 documents and their relevance to the 2001 discussions. Whatever the merits of the March 1995 Gorelick memorandum and the subsequent July 1995 Attorney General procedures on information sharing, they did not apply to the information the analyst decided she could not share with the criminal agent. As discussed earlier, the reason “Jane” decided she could not share information was because the initial information on Mihdhar had been analyzed by the NSA.This reason was unrelated to either of the 1995 documents. The Gorelick memorandum applied to two particular criminal cases, neither of which was involved in the summer 2001 information-sharing discussions. As the FBI agent observed in his email, Part A of the 1995 procedures applied only to information obtained pursuant to a FISA warrant. None of the Mihdhar material was FISA information.There was an exemption for the Southern District of New York from Part B of the 1995 procedures, so they did not apply. Also, the 1995 procedures did not govern whether information could be shared between intelligence and criminal agents within the FBI, a separation that the Bureau did not begin making formally until long after the procedures were in place.The 1995 procedures governed only the sharing of information with criminal prosecutors. Even in that situation, the restriction obliged running the information through the OIPR screen.

What had happened, as we discussed in chapter 3, was a growing battle within the Justice Department during the 1990s, and between parts of Justice and the FISA Court, over the scope of OIPR’s screening function and the propriety of using FISA-derived information in criminal matters.The FISA Court’s concern with FBI sloppiness in its FISA applications also began to take a toll: the court began designating itself as the gatekeeper for the sharing of intelligence information; the FBI was required to separately designate criminal and intelligence agents; and the court banned one supervisory FBI agent from appearing before it. By late 2000, these factors had culminated in a set of complex rules and a widening set of beliefs—a bureaucratic culture—that discouraged FBI agents from even seeking to share intelligence information. Neither Attorney General acted to resolve the conflicting views within the Justice Department. Nor did they challenge the strict interpretation of the FISA statute set forth by the FISA Court and OIPR.Indeed,this strict interpretation remained in effect until the USA PATRIOT Act was passed after 9/11.

Simply put, there was no legal reason why the information the analyst possessed could not have been shared with the criminal agent. On August 27,“Jane” requested the NSA’s permission to share the information with the criminal agents, but she intended for the information only to help the criminal agents in their ongoing Cole investigation. She still did not believe they could be involved in the intelligence investigation even if the NSA permitted the information to be shared. DOJ IG 9/11 Report, July 2, 2004, p. 339.The next day the NSA notified its representative at FBI headquarters that it had approved the passage of the information to the criminal agents. NSC email, Carlene C. to Richard K.,“Response to FBI Sanitization Request,”Aug. 28, 2001.Thus,“Jane” had permission to share the information with the criminal agent prior to their August 29 emails.

So in the confusion of having to designate what is criminal and what is intelligence the FBI couldn't do simple things like searching Moussoui's computer.
Since they stated that they were wrong on the WMDs this story comes out in 2006 which contradicts their admission. Sorry if that rains on your parade.

Your story is from June 2006. Yet in August of 2006 Bush again admitted there were no WMD.

Are you saying he lied again?

That is from your vaunted timeline you keep telling me I need to read and the specific part you told me to reference.

So you can see from the timeline that the administration continued to use claims that they knew were highly dubious. Tenet had said back in Sept 2002 "there was info that Iraq had attempted to buy uranium but there were doubts about its credibility."

The wall and the lack of intel created by that wall IS part of the subject.

It's a tangent.

You state that Bush lied to get us into Iraq.

Yes, and as we've seen his administration lied about many things.

You don't want to go there because you know you can't debate against that. You will be shown to be wrong ... once again.

It's tangent. I haven't even made a claim to be wrong about on that subject. :laugh:

So before there can be a "once again" there has to be a first time.

If the wall was of no consequence to this subject under discussion, why, then, did the Commission state the following?

Your tangent has nothing to do with Bush misleading the country. It's an attempt to change the subject.
Your story is from June 2006. Yet in August of 2006 Bush again admitted there were no WMD.

Are you saying he lied again?

Here is what your link says:

Q Quick follow-up. A lot of the consequences you mentioned for pulling out seem like maybe they never would have been there if we hadn't gone in. How do you square all of that?

THE PRESIDENT: I square it because, imagine a world in which you had Saddam Hussein who had the capacity to make a weapon of mass destruction, who was paying suiciders to kill innocent life, who would -- who had relations with Zarqawi. Imagine what the world would be like with him in power. The idea is to try to help change the Middle East.

Now, look, part of the reason we went into Iraq was -- the main reason we went into Iraq at the time was we thought he had weapons of mass destruction. It turns out he didn't, but he had the capacity to make weapons of mass destruction. But I also talked about the human suffering in Iraq, and I also talked the need to advance a freedom agenda. And so my question -- my answer to your question is, is that, imagine a world in which Saddam Hussein was there, stirring up even more trouble in a part of the world that had so much resentment and so much hatred that people came and killed 3,000 of our citizens.

You know, I've heard this theory about everything was just fine until we arrived, and kind of "we're going to stir up the hornet's nest" theory. It just doesn't hold water, as far as I'm concerned. The terrorists attacked us and killed 3,000 of our citizens before we started the freedom agenda in the Middle East.

Q What did Iraq have to do with that?

THE PRESIDENT: What did Iraq have to do with what?

Q The attack on the World Trade Center?

THE PRESIDENT: Nothing, except for it's part of -- and nobody has ever suggested in this administration that Saddam Hussein ordered the attack. Iraq was a -- the lesson of September the 11th is, take threats before they fully materialize, Ken. Nobody has ever suggested that the attacks of September the 11th were ordered by Iraq. I have suggested, however, that resentment and the lack of hope create the breeding grounds for terrorists who are willing to use suiciders to kill to achieve an objective. I have made that case.

And one way to defeat that -- defeat resentment is with hope. And the best way to do hope is through a form of government. Now, I said going into Iraq that we've got to take these threats seriously before they fully materialize. I saw a threat. I fully believe it was the right decision to remove Saddam Hussein, and I fully believe the world is better off without him. Now, the question is how do we succeed in Iraq? And you don't succeed by leaving before the mission is complete, like some in this political process are suggesting.