Any Apple Computer Owners?

I've been limping by on a crappy pc for several years and am finally ready to replace it, and not being a rocketscientist I only want to pay for system stability and reliability that it is user-friendly. I want to be the Alpha in this new relationship, instead of being my computer's bi-atch.

Why do Mac users think their computers are so snugly? I don't think I've ever heard of an owner wanting to toss it off a rooftop, or seen a commercial selling a 12 CD set on how to master the operating system.

These look to be Apple's best options:

When you look at their top 10 reasons to switch:
it does make sense, but am I just getting sucked in by crafty advertising or are they for real?
Na and Ku'u swear by theirs. Maybe give one of them a PM...I don't think they come in this forum too much :lloyd:
Two words...Software Compatibility. Check to see how much software works n the Mac vs the PC. All the slick advertising in the world won't change that. ;)
All the MAC software and all the software designed for POSIX architecture :D
A Linux user shouldn't have problems working on Mac OSX.
The Other One said:
Why do Mac users think their computers are so snugly?


Seriously, Gato makes an excellent point. Software compatability with a Mac will always be an issue, although I hear the new generation of Windows emulation software is quite good and there is a version of MS Office for Mac. On the other hand, they have a reputation for reliability. What OS are you running now?
My bro-in-law loves some of the newer windows emulators. I chose not to give him a hard time about having to emulate the very OS he's trying soooo hard to avoid, but there you go...
HomeLAN said:
My bro-in-law loves some of the newer windows emulators. I chose not to give him a hard time about having to emulate the very OS he's trying soooo hard to avoid, but there you go...

Yeah, I find that retarded as well. Unless of course that there's no equivalent application and it is extremely important to run it (some games for example :lol: )
1. It Just Works. = My install of XP is two years old and still going strong.

2. It Doesn't Crash = see above

3. It’s a Digital Jukebox - So is mine

4. Delivers The Promise Of Digital Photography = so does mine

5. Best Solution, In Fact, For All Things Digital - ? probably depends on who you ask

6. Built To Go Everywhere — Because That’s Where You’ll Want It = errr...other companies make laptops too

7. The Internet Is Integrated - doesn't take me no 15 minutes to get on the net after an install?

The rest...n/a really.

I have no loyalty either way but :shrug: this is just aolish marketing to me.
The one thing it is better suited for is certain types of mutlimedia. If you live for video editing and that kind of thing, it might be worth it. If you don't, think twice. Just my opinion.
Leslie said:
1. It Just Works. = My install of XP is two years old and still going strong.

2. It Doesn't Crash = see above

3. It’s a Digital Jukebox - So is mine

4. Delivers The Promise Of Digital Photography = so does mine

5. Best Solution, In Fact, For All Things Digital - ? probably depends on who you ask

6. Built To Go Everywhere — Because That’s Where You’ll Want It = errr...other companies make laptops too

7. The Internet Is Integrated - doesn't take me no 15 minutes to get on the net after an install?

The rest...n/a really.

I have no loyalty either way but :shrug: this is just aolish marketing to me.
chcr said:
What OS are you running now?

Win98SE, with IE 6.

It's missing a startup file: setupx.dll at C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM lost when I removed Norton Utilities from the computer the wrong way

But is that setupx for windows or norton?
Powermac all the way.
The mac multi-media package is infinitely superior - which is why most people working in the graphic industry have macs. :shrug:
i love my mac. i will NEVER be a pc user again.

i'm thinking about getting a new one too. i have an iBook now, which is loverly, but i'm thinking about getting a macmini too.

macs rule :headbang:
The Other One said:
Win98SE, with IE 6.

It's missing a startup file: setupx.dll at C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM lost when I removed Norton Utilities from the computer the wrong way

But is that setupx for windows or norton?

Let me also point out that Win2K and XP are far ahead of 98se in terms of security and stability.

Actually, I think it boils down to what you want to do with it. If you want to make graphics and multi-media, Mac is king. If you plan to run mainly business apps you're going to be better off with Windows simply because it's a much more popular business OS. AFAIK, there isn't that much difference in surfing the net, e-mail and such. I personally enjoy Linux, but it's not ready to be an ordinary desktop user's OS. It might never be. IMO, Linux is written by geeks for geeks. :nerd: Hope this helps.
(for the Norton thing...that happened to me at one point when I was using 98se - they did NOT get along at ALL, and a reinstall and re-uninstall of Norton solved it.)
The only reason macs are tops in the graphics and journalism world is because they were far superior to DOS/Windows machines in graphics a long time ago. Windows has closed the gap now, but macs still have the reputation.
Not entirely. I know several folks who do video editing on both PC and Mac, and they prefer Mac for that task unanimously.
HomeLAN said:
Windows file. You can try extracting it from your original Windows 98 CD:

There's always that small chance it'll screw you up.

I've been hesitant to do so without a larger brain standing by the desk ready to say "No no, for God's sake don't click that one" but that link spells it out better than the Help file. Maybe I'll take care of everything I need to just in case I'm without a computer and try it....

What is the difference between extracting a missing file or two or re-installing windows on top of what I already have? Would that fill in the holes also or is less more in a case like this?
That should fill in the holes as well, but if the missing file message is all the problems you're seeing, extracting the one file would be less likely to screw with your settings.

A overlay install of Winblows would overwrite a much larger number of system files, and in my experience, that widens the range of installed programs that it could mess with. Overwrite less files, take a smaller risk.